1: One Year

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"No," I shook my head, "me and Cyprus are leaving. We've decided it. We've had no threat here, we've had no threat anywhere because you all are in hiding. Lillith and Cade and Fen can stay there with Kira and Esme, we don't care about that but we haven't been able to see and we've barely talked to Anna and Rose. It's been a year! We were told-" 

"Go!" he roared, "go then! You don't step foot in Green Glenn and you don't step foot in Rosedale. Understand?" 

"Fine," I breathed out, "yes. I understand." We've been arguing about this for weeks, months now. I hate being cooped up here. We're in the mountains surrounded by nothing but woods. I haven't talked to people, seen other people since we got here because myself and the kids aren't allowed to leave a certain area. Ever. I knew I would regret asking but I had to, "can I go see Cyprus." 

"Aelia," Kai looked up, "seriously?" 

"Well how else am I supposed to tell him?" I asked, "I mean if we're good to go then I can go right?" He stared at me for a few seconds and I just turned around and headed out. I grabbed my phone as I ran through the woods, dialing Cyprus' number. 

"Hello?" he answered on the second ring. 

"Cy?" I asked, "Cy we can go. We can go, I can go anyways. We can do this." 

"Seriously?" he asked, "Kai actually said yes?" 

"Yeah," I nodded as I ran, "yeah I'm serious." He hung up the phone and I couldn't help but laugh. I knew it was a relief for him. Esme has been wanting us to go because that's what was originally said so I think she'll be okay for him. Then it's getting through Justin, I don't know how that'll go but hopefully, fingers crossed, it'll be okay. I continued to run through the woods towards Oxpeak where Justin and the pack were staying. 

It was decided to split up but still stay close so if anything were to happen, we could all get together in a timely manner. 

My phone started to ring again and it was Cyprus, "hello?" 

"We're a go!" he yelled, "we're good! Where are you? I'm coming." 

"Umm I'm like fifteen minutes away maybe," I stopped to breathe, "in the woods between Oxpeak and Dewcrest." 

"Okay I'll be there soon," he said before hanging up the phone. I can't believe it, I can't believe we're doing this. We're going back. I get to see her... I can't wait to see her. I've been sending her little notes but I only get them back half the time... I don't know why. She won't tell me where she's staying and quite honestly, it worries me. Not five minutes went by and Cyprus came into view, running towards me. 

"Hey," I laughed as he got closer, "ready?" 

"So ready," he nodded, "come on." He shifted back into wolf and we were off. When we got to Elmway we looked around and found an abandoned building on the backside of Elmway. 

"So should we just... go?" I turned and asked him once we got everything situated, "like should we just go find them or?" 

"Yeah," he nodded, "yeah, lets go." We headed out and we headed straight to Rosedale, where we weren't supposed to go. The city itself was still thriving, loud music and bright colors. I headed towards Green Glenn where Rose lived. When I walked through the gates I automatically had a different feel about it. It didn't feel good, alive.. it felt bad and like death was knocking on your door. As I walked through the town I saw the cemetery overcome with weeds and the grass was as tall as I. I went right at the fork which took me down towards the center of town, where I saw her the night I was running. 

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