12: Success

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Me and Lilly just got back to the houses with Anna and Rose. The two of them were excited to know we were going back. I haven't told them any details yet, I'm sure Anna would rather hear about it from Cyprus. 

"So like this place has electricity and all that?" Rose asked as she climbed from Lilly's back with me and Anna, "you don't have to do it anymore?" 

"Nope," I smiled as she smiled back at me. 

"Thank god," she kissed my forehead, "maybe now you can actually relax." 

"I don't know about that," I chuckled as I shook my head. 

"Why's that?" she questioned. I looked up and over, both Anna and Lilly were looking right at me. 

"Uhm- nothing," I shook my head, "come on, lets go in here." The four of us walked into my old house, making our way into the living room. 

"Wow lots of memories," Anna chuckled. 

"No kidding," Rose looked at me and smirked before giving me a kiss, "good memories too." 

"Mostly," Anna scoffed, "hey  baby." She wrapped her arms tightly around Cyprus who hugged her back, "you guys okay?" 

"Yeah we're alright my love," he nodded. 

"So what happened?" Rose asked, "why can't you take a breather yet?" 

"Because they're still here," Fen sighed, "we only took out like half of them. He had the others fall back." 

"Well hopefully we can just live in peace then," Anna shook her head, "hopefully they just back off and it'll be okay." 

"Annabelle, my love, I love the optimism but I just don't think that's going to happen," he kissed her forehead, "we have extra warm water. Go ahead and go take a shower." 

"So what does that mean?" Rose asked, "are you guys just winging it or?" 

"Basically," Lilly nodded, "I don't think there's any reason start conflict. All we can do it sit back and if they start anything, we'll end it. Simple as that. Any of you guys hungry?" 

"Starving," Cade nodded. 

"Yeah me too," Cyprus said.

"Okay then I'll start making dinner," I smiled before kissing Rose's cheek. I headed into the kitchen. 

"I think I might just head up and go to sleep," Fen yawned, "I'm pretty tired." 

"Alright," I nodded, "well goodnight, sleep good." 

"Yeah," he scoffed, "we'll see." I watched him start to head upstairs before I looked away. I feel back for him. I know those nightmares or visions he's having are really affecting him, it's noticeable once you know what's going on. 

"Lilly," I sighed, "we-" 

"He's fine," she shook her head, "he's okay." 

"What's going on ?" Cyprus asked. Cade asked right behind him. 

"Nothing," I shook my head, "just some bad dreams." 

"Dreams or visions?" Cyprus asked, "because Rowan started to-" 

"I know," I snipped, "they're nightmares, so we think. He doesn't talk much about them." 

"The most recent she said her name, I don't remember what it was but he said he was trying to get her out of the chains but couldn't grab them," she explained, "said the vampires were feeding on her, she was the only one who could see and hear him." 

"Sounds like a nightmare to me," I shook my head, "I just, I don't know, you never know." 

"I just feel like visions, everyone can see you," Lilly shook her head, "right? That's what I've always thought." 

"I don't know," Cyprus shook his head, "I've never really had visions I don't think. Well, I had them with you, Aelia but that was only at first it like... transferred to Rowan-" 

"Anything is possible," I nodded, "we don't know for sure. We think they're nightmares but we won't know until something actually happens. He doesn't like to talk about it so lets just keep it hush." I started to make spaghetti and meatballs, starting with the noodles and then seasoning the meat to cook. Afterwards I drained the grease, added the tomato sauce and finally added everything in together once the noodles were done. I added the meatballs and took the garlic bread from the oven. 

"Mm smells good," Rose smiled as I set the tray down, "awesome job baby." 

"I love you," I smiled as I walked over to her and wrapped my arms around her, "I can't believe it's been almost five years with you." 

"I know," she chuckled, "feels like just yesterday I was under that bridge, lost. Thank you, for coming back for me." 

"I was always going to come back for you," I kissed her head, "I'm still so sorry about how that happened. I never wanted to lose all contact with you, it broke me. I really thought about you every single day." 

"I know, well, atleast I like to think I know," she set her hands on my cheeks, "I love you so much and I am so thankful for you. Thank you." 

"Awe," I couldn't help but laugh, it was so cute, "I love you too beautiful and I am thankful for you too." I kissed her nose and Cade walked in. 

"Get a room," he looked playfully disgusted. 

"Oh shut up," I laughed, "dinner is done. Make up a plate." 

"Don't mind if I do," he smiled while grabbing the spoon, "yo! Everyone! Food is ready!" It wasn't long before Lilly, Cyprus and Anna were in making plates. 

"How was the shower?" I asked as I ate. 

"Hot," she laughed, "it was frigin great honestly. I loved it. Could have stayed in there all day." 

"Good," I nodded, "because I've been waiting for that. We can worry about more furniture tomorrow, for now," I snapped my fingers and looked in the empty living room. Mattresses popped up and blankets laid on the flood next to them, "bedding. I'll work on the rest tomorrow." 

"Don't exhaust yourself," Lilly shook her head, "wait, does your necklace ever run out of magic?" 

"It will eventually," I sighed, "I'll have to pull a source from somewhere else. I've used it more recently than I have in the last 5 years and even back then, I was using it a lot. So yes, it will but I don't know when. It'll just stop at some random point and I'll lost my powers until I can get them back." 

"Can I recharge it?" she questioned, "I mean I'm a never-ending energy source basically." 

"I don't know," I shrugged, "maybe. We'll try it some time." I finished eating and set my bowl in the sink. I'll do the dishes and stuff tomorrow, for now though, I just want to go and lay down. I pulled a mattress from the pile and pulled it a few feet away from the rest before laying a blanket down. 

"You're sleeping down here?" Cyprus asked. 

"I don't feel like carrying this upstairs," I shook my head, "It's fine. I'll worry about it tomorrow. Let's just finish up so everybody can get some shut up. Lilly help for a second please?" I stuck out my hand and she walked over, clasping her hand in mine, "repeat after me okay?" 

"What for?" she asked. 

"Protection spell," I nodded. We shut out eyes and I started, "Tota coetus in praesidio. Tota coetus in praesidio. Tota coetus in praesidio!" After everyone finished up eating and putting their dirty dishes in the sink they grabbed their mattresses and headed upstairs. I made sure the doors and windows were locked before shutting all blinds and curtains. The boys had taken down any boards covering the windows, it's nice and makes it look bigger but man... windows are easy to get through. We should be okay though, especially against vampires. 

I pulled the blanket over us and kissed Rose goodnight before shutting my eyes and drifting off to sleep. All in all a successful day in my book. 

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