29: Wake Up

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I shot up gasping for air, like I couldn't catch my breath. My vision was blurry and I could hardly hear. I was looking around fast, trying to figure out where I was. Suddenly I felt someone's arms around me and instantly I realized who it was. The smell, the feeling of her... I wrapped my arms tightly around her and felt her hands running through my hair, "it's okay, you're okay. You're okay now, everything is okay." Her hands were warm against my skin that felt like literal ice.

"Whe-where am I?" I looked around quick in every direction, "how did you- how?" I sat up, grabbing at my chest, non-stop coughing and she pulled away. All I could remember was drowning. I remember waking up and just sucking in heaps of water until I passed out and did it again. I remember the burning in my lungs, throat and nose. I could tell I was in a room but it wasn't one I recognized at first, I stopped when my eyes landed on hers.

"You're with me, with my family, you're safe," she nodded. All I could do was shut my eyes and lean into her when when she set her hand on my cheek, "I uhm- I'll tell you later okay? Lets just- how do you feel? Here, drink." She handed me a bag of blood which I quickly took and ripped open, draining it in seconds. It was so good and I wanted more. I looked past her and she reached over and handed one to me again.

"Are you sure I'm safe?" I looked at her for a few seconds and she nodded her head, I feel horrible about everything, "I'm so sorry. I-"

"Hey," she set her hand on my face again and a small smile broke across her cheeks, "it's okay. Lets just focus on you, alright?"

"It-it's not okay," I shook my head, "it's not okay. I owe you an explanation-"

"Damn right you do," Cyprus, I think, swung the door open and it slammed into the wall. Lilly was fast to jump in front of me, placing her hand on my chest.

"What is wrong with you?" she asked, she sounded angry and honestly I was surprised at how she acted.

"What's wrong with me?" he laughed, "me? Look at who is with you right now! The guy who was gonna kill you-"

I stood up, slightly pushing Lilly forward just from moving around, "you don't even know what you're talking about!" I really didn't want to challenge a wolf right now, he could easily end my life.

"Then enlighten us," he growled.

"Stop it!" Lilly snapped, "get out of my room Cyprus. You're out of line. Back off."

"I'm out of line?" he asked, "what-" I watched her hold her hand out and suddenly Cyprus went flying backwards. She grabbed her door and slammed it shut before turning back to me. I heard the door lock right before she put her hands at her sides.

"I'm sorry," she shook her head, "I'm sorry, I-"

"Come here," I smirked while holding my hand out. She grinned as she set her hand in mine and I pulled her into me, "I just want to hug you." I could feel her laugh in my shoulder and it's really the best feeling, I can't quite describe it. I started to explain, "you know, at first when she came to me I didn't think it was a good idea. Your parents, they're strong, resilient and your mother... well, she's her own breed. I tried to talk her out of it but she- she uhm, she wasn't letting up-"

"Can I stop you there?" she cut me off, "I found you because I went back. I found your guys' house and I went there-"

"What?" I swear my jaw is on the floor, "Lilly you- what happened?"

"I walked onto the yard screaming for her to come out," she laughed a bit while leaning over and grabbing out the whiskey I brought over and instantly I knew. She continued, "and I'm sure this says it all but add some wine to that and well... all hell broke lose. She came out, tried to hit me, I reflected her spell so it bounced back and hit her, sending her through the house. I jumped up onto the roof, into a tree and waited, set the ground on fire in front of her which she somehow knew where I was instantly, this isn't the first time she's felt it or whatever-"

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