22: Abort Mission

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It's been a day now since Gareth died, we've had no issues since then, it's been quiet. Even the town was quiet. I felt horrible about what happened to Fen and Caitlyn yesterday, I'm sure it was, gosh I don't even know. He told me last night after she had fallen asleep that they had her held up in there for 7 months. For 7 months they were feeding on her daily, I mean that's just over 200 days. 

Me and Zero have been talking a lot more, I'm finding myself really starting to like him honestly. He's a sweet guy who always has my best interest at heart. It's been a couple of weeks since I met him and despite all this negative, he's making everything so much more positive. 

I sprung up out of bed, bright and early and got ready by brushing my teeth and hair. We have plans to go out to breakfast today and then we're going to drive up to the city and go to the Movie Dome. I've never been but he says it's a blast and of course I trust his judgement. I threw on a cute flowy top with a cardigan and skinny jeans with my boots. 

Me: Hey you

Z: Hey beautiful, you ready for today?

Me: More than ready, are you?

Z: Well I'm outside so consider that my answer

I couldn't help but scream a little and then I bolted downstairs. I opened the door and ran outside to his car, leaning in his window. He brushed my hair behind my ear, "get in, lets get out of here." 

"Don't you want to come in and meet my family?" I asked, "I mean we have time to kill don't we?" 

"They uh- they might not like me," he shook his head, "I-I don't want to risk it. Another time? Can we rain check? Maybe when I look a bit nicer or I don't know, can't talk myself out of it?" 

I chuckled, "fine, alright, next time then. Just hold on a sec, I have to go tell them I'm going out." Before he could say anything I headed back inside, Aelia was downstairs on the couch staring at the wall. I walked slowly to her and set my hand on her shoulder, "hey I'm going out today with Zero. We're going to breakfast and then out to the Movie Dome. I'll be back tonight or some time tomorrow alright?" 

"Just text us," she nodded and hugged me, "please be safe. When is he gonna come meet us?" 

"I don't know," I sighed, "soon. When we aren't being rushed. Okay, I love you. Tell all of them please."

I could hear them talking inside about me meeting them. I just can't, her cousin, Cade, he'll be able to see right through everything. He'll be able to read me, know that something isn't right and then our entire cover will be blown. Carrie would be pissed, she would probably kill me to be honest, take my ring away to where I can't be in the sun and then put me in it, she's done it to me before except she burned me in areas all over my stomach. She has a machine that Sirus and Shaw made years ago for vampires, a device that captured the light and pushed through a small hole so the burn left is a perfect circle. 

I have a job that I'm supposed to follow. I'm supposed to follow through with what Sirus and Shaw wanted. I mean her parents basically murdered my entire family so, what's right is right... right? 

I don't know... I really like her. She just... she gets me. She makes me laugh and feel an actual happiness, a genuine happiness. When I'm not around her I find myself thinking about her, thinking about her laugh and her smile and her voice. I think about the smell of her perfume and the way every hair on my body stands up every time I see her, any time I feel her touch. I don't want to hurt her and knowing that Carrie wants her dead, along with her brother and Cade.. it does upset me but I can't stop it. I-I have to do what she says. She's my sire, I owe it to her to just do what she tells me to. 

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