24: Truthfully Speaking

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We were halfway through the night, the sun had set and most of everyone had gone home. Lilly lost her phone a few hours ago, has no idea how it could have happened and I have a bad feeling Carrie has something to do with it. 

You see, me and Carrie are siblings, sort of. Carrie was born a witch but when my father found out that my mother cheated on him with a vampire... he decided that his first born son was no longer his... I guess because the vampire who had sex with my mom back then was a male, I don't know. I remember him and my mom fighting every night for years upon years and then one night he took me from my bed and he used black magic... and it turned me. He didn't do it to my sister, no... she was still his pride and joy. Instead she has a necklace that she wears for eternal life, a necklace that will reverse her aging when she uses it. It's been working for about 200 years now, ever since he gave it to her. 

After our parents died we were on our own, I was eventually kicked from the family coven for being a vampire, an outcast. I didn't think Carrie would come with me but she did, she left with me and it's just been us ever since. I've had my flings, she's had hers, we've travelled all over. About 15 years ago we came across Sirus and Shaw, brothers that had an unimaginable power, the ability to have complete control. They took us in, we became a part of their coven, a part of them. Every person in that group was strong, every person had their own strengths. 

I remember when Jace and Kira and all them started coming around, the fights... it had us all on edge because while we were strong... we knew they were too. Then for two weeks me and Carrie left to go do some travelling because we hadn't been in a long time and when we got back... everyone was dead or gone, we scoured the area for survivors but could find no one. She was filled with hate, with anger, we both were but her more so than me. I personally never trusted anyone after my own father, who was my biological father by the way, so I never fully let myself be a part of their family. I always kept myself on a short leash in case we had to leave again, never let my guard down, never let anyone else in. 

I remember us looking at each other and she made us both swear to not stop until either they were dead or their family was... i.e. Lilly, Fenrys, Cade... all of them. I was for it at first, I thought that was only fair too but after meeting her, seeing her and hell even smelling her, I can't let Carrie hurt her. I can't let Carrie hurt her family either and that worries me because I can't hurt Carrie, she's all I have, she's the last of my family. She warned me earlier and I didn't take her seriously, now I'm a little worried about what she might do... because it looks like she started by taking her phone... which means she texted her family to let them know she was fine and not to worry. I know her games.

Before long me and Lilly were the only two in the Dome, several movies still played around us but we were stuck on one, Strangers in the Mountain, a romance thriller type movie. Suddenly foot steps hit the ground behind us and before me and Lilly could turn around, Carrie broke her neck with the snap of her fingers. 

"Carrie!" I snapped, "seriously!" I went to pick up Lilly but she threw me backwards. Every light in the building popped and it went completely black. "Carrie!" I yelled, "stop this!" I started back towards her, watching her as she lifted Lilly and stared back at me. 

"You're coming back with me," she glared, "both of you. If you try anything I will break your neck too, don't test me." 

"Carrie please," I shook my head, "don't hurt her."

"They killed our family!" she yelled. 

"It wasn't our blood relatives," I shook my head, "listen I know they took us in and it's horrible what happened but it was their parents, not them." 

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