15: You

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"Help me!" her voice filled my ears, "stop! Please stop!"  I started to run, trying to follow her voice to find her. She was terrified, you could hear it in her tone. She continued to cry out but she was getting quieter and quieter. 

"I'm coming!" I yelled, "where are you!" I know that I know her name but why can't I remember it? Why can't I remember who she is? I feel like I know her, I'm scared for her... trying to find her, I know I have to save her but who the hell is she? I came to a house, it was all boarded up. I ran through the door and I saw her. She was chained in a room while another vampire kept picking her up and letting her fall back to the ground. When it'd happen he'd get mad. Eventually he started to kick her. "Get off of her!" I screamed at him as I tried to push him back, "Stop!" When my hands continued to just go right through him I turned back to her, "what's your name?" She looked at me for a few seconds before another vampire walked in, she looked familiar, very familiar but I couldn't put my finger on it.  

I woke up in a panic, sweat covered my body. I ran my hands through my hair as I sat up. The dream kept replaying in my mind. I decided to go get a drink so I slowly and quietly opened my door to head downstairs but I jumped a bit when I saw Cade standing right there. "What are you doing?" I asked quickly. 

"Are you okay?" he asked, "dude you were yelling, I can't believe I'm the only one awake." 

"I uhm- I'm fine," I shook my head walking by him, "just getting a drink." 

"Stop lying bro," he shook his head following me, "you saw her again didn't you?" 

"Fine," I turned around to face him once we got the bottom of the stairs, "yes. I saw her. I have to go out and look around, I have to." 

"I've got you covered," he nodded, "I can come with, as back up."

I nodded my head and finished the glass of water before grabbing a bag and stuffing blankets into it. I set them on the ground and stood back, "Fac Sinu magnitudine." I watched them shrink up small enough so I could fit them in my pocket. I walked into the laundry room, searching through the dryer and finding a pair of underwear, sweats, a sports bra and a shirt. I tossed them on the table, I grabbed a coat and threw it on before rushing outside. The snow was thick, large flakes were steadily falling. 

"So where do you think we go?" Cade walked out behind me, slowly shutting the front door. 

"I don't know yet," I shook my head, "it's a boarded house I think, she was in a bedroom the last time I saw her, it was dark, no lighting." 

"Well that's just about every house in this place right now," he sighed, "so how do we know?" 

"We don't," I shook my head as I started walking. I'm nervous, I've never done something like this before. It'll be so embarrassing if I'm wrong. What happens if I am wrong? What happens if I get me and Cade into trouble we can't get out of? What then? "Cade I need you to stay here," I sighed stopped, "I can't risk something happening." 

"Dude no," he shook his head, "come on. I'm going to be fine, if anything I need to be there in case you can't get yourself out. I'll stay in hiding until needed, how about that?" 

"Okay fine," I nodded, "alright come on." I continued to walk again, making my way down the road and to the Y. I stood to listen for a few moments, at first we hear nothing but then...

"Some body help me!" a woman's voice cried out in the distance, she was faint but I still heard her, "Help me!" 

I quickly turned to Cade and the two of us started to run. I could smell other vampires around us sometimes so I knew that they'd be going to whoever their leader is to tell him. We have to move fast. We crept through the town, I'll know her scent whenever I smell her, if it's anything similar to the dreams, I'll know. We made our way to the bridge on the other side of town, down towards the water plant. Suddenly I heard faint cries and that's when the wind blew and seconds later I caught her scent. 

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