Midnight snack

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"Any roommates I should be concerned about?" The brunette chuckled, "Only if you count my vicious guard dog." Levi looked alarmed, "Guard dog? What do you mean by that?!" He asked, Hanji laughed, "Calm down he's a Westie. His name is Sawney. I also have a cat named Bean." She said, Levi went a little less tense and raised an eyebrow, "Sawney and... Bean?" She nodded, "Yup! My babies!" She said and unlocked the apartment door. "The bathroom is at the end of that hallway, I'm sure I've got some clothes that should fit you for the night." She said as he dashed off to the bathroom, an interesting ghoul this one was....

As the water grew hot Levi discarded his clothes and jumped into the fountain of steaming water, surprisingly enough he wasn't too fond of blood. He didn't mind it for consuming purposes but he hated the mess it made afterwards. Crimson stains that stuck out and alerted those damn investigators to his presence. He grabbed the plastic container of gel soap and furiously scrubbed himself down. Unfortunately this would be tough to get out, usually it was human blood he had to cleanse off but this time it was ghoul blood. He and two of his friends were ambushed by a feral pack of their kin and were easily overpowered due to strength and number. Isabel and Farlan. They were heavily injured but were able to escape into the busier parts of the city, Levi however made it to a more deserted part, trying to fend off the wily beasts from ripping him apart. Eventually he had found Hanji and was using her shower to wipe his slate clean. A gentle knocking snapped him out of his furious cleaning daze, "What?" He asked a tad harshly, "I have clean clothes for you, want me to leave them out here or put them on the sink?" Hanji responded, "I don't care. Whichever you prefer." He was behind a shower curtain so if she did put them in the small chamber he wasn't going to be seen, the door opened and the clothes were set on the sink, "Hey. Turn the hot water down. You'll get over heated with how hot it is in here." She said and closed the door.

A little while later Levi had put on the clothes and was drying his hair off, the clothes were slightly big on him but they were better than what he had on previously. He walked out to the main room where Hanji was eating dinner and watching t.v. She looked over at him, "Hey now that you're clean we can... Bandage..." No cuts... No wounds? "My body regenerates, it's slow but it does." He said and sat on the couch, "Right. I forget Koukaku's are a bit slower than others. Funny because I use one." She said and finished the last bite of food on her plate. "Want anything to eat besides me?" Levi shook his head, "I can't eat human food. I'll go scavenge around in a few hours. Unless you have human flesh on you?" Hanji stood up, "Nope. I generally don't keep that around..." Levi chuckled, "Generally?" She nodded, "I some times take samples home. Actually... I may have some." Levi was genuinely surprised, "They let you take it home?" He stood up and followed her, draping the towel over his shoulders to catch any drops of water that may come off of his ivory locks. "Nope." That was all he needed to hear and didn't ask anything else about it. He did however ask the question that started nagging at his thoughts, "Why are you being so nice to me?" Hanji looked over, "Curiosity. I've only ever been around dead ghouls. Why not try a living one? Besides you were injured and don't have the strength to kill me at the moment. What better subject than one that presents itself belly up?" She said, "So I'm your newest experiment." She thought for a moment, "Yes and no. Yes you are, I'd like to know more about ghouls and their mannerisms. But no, because you're still weak and defenseless. You also seemed like good company and since I live alone I figured having a house mate for a little bit would be nice." She said and roamed through the freezer, "Aha! I knew it was here!" She said and pulled out a vacuum sealed bag filled with red meat, "From what I remember it's from last week but it's vacuum sealed and frozen so it shouldn't have gone bad." She said and tossed him the small package, he eyed it carefully, making sure she was right, "Any place I should eat this?" Hanji pointed to the doors that led to a small balcony, "I don't want the mess. Out there or be hungry." She said and got him a plate, "I can sit out there and keep you company unless you prefer to dine alone." He shrugged, "I don't think you'll want to see me eat." She laughed, "I dissect things for a living. What harm can you do?"

Once fed and content both were sitting on the sofa, one of Hanji's t.v shows had come on so her eyes were glued to the screen. Levi's eyes however were starting to close and eventually the scientist noticed his curled up sleeping position. She turned the t.v off and put a blanket over him, after she went to her room and went to bed herself.

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