A lil more fluffins

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((Ok this is just going to most likely be another fluff chapter because I'm enjoying writing it so the ending will pick up to the story line but one more filler chapter I promise))

After Hanji had gotten settled back into her place she checked her voice mail to see if she had any messages, there were many. Most were from her office asking what happened to her and why she disappeared so suddenly, she called back and told them she would explain when she got there. Levi looked a bit worried as she made that call given how well the world handled a half ghoul last time. Eventually Hanji went to the fridge and grabbed an apple and bit in, it was sweet and crisp, she sat on the couch and took another bite, Sawney came and sat in her lap and Hanji pet him and scratched his belly, Levi sat next to her with Bean in his arms and leaned against her. Eventually Levi looked up, "So..." Hanji finished the apple and threw the core into the trash can, "So?" Levi let Bean adjust himself on Levi's chest, "So what do you think happened to you?" He asked, she put an arm over him and started patting his chest, "Well, I don't think I'm a half ghoul, given I can still eat some human food. But I'm not entirely sure what happened, there was a surgery that I know will leave a scar but I'm pretty sure I should wait until I go in before finding out what new parts I have." She said, Levi listened and looked at the ceiling, he was worried that something bad may come of this. Hanji eventually took her glasses off and rubbed her eyes, she groaned and let out a sigh, "Hey, Levi." The male looked up at her, "What's up?" Hanji rested her head on his, "If... If worse comes to worse, make sure Sawney and Bean get a good home." She said quietly, Levi grabbed her hand and squeezed it, "I'm not going to let it get to that. I still plan to fight you at some point." He said and rolled on his side and wrapped an arm around her side, she chuckled, "Says the small teddy bear." Levi pinched her side and glared at her, she yelped, "Hey! I was just teasing you!" She said and rubbed her side, Levi watched her carefully, "Don't call me a small teddy bear." He said bitterly, she pinched his cheek in retaliation, "Well you are one but I won't say it out loud." Levi growled at the pain on his cheek and pinched her arm, she then pinched his back, the two kept this up until it got more drastic, Hanji grabbed a pillow and smacked Levi with it, she smirked in victory until Levi grabbed one and whapped her right back, now armed the playing field was more dangerous, the innocent bystanders, aka. Sawney and Bean darted for cover as the two began their rampage, Hanji pinned Levi down and whacked him and Levi shoved her away and smacked her on the butt with his pillow since it was the closest target, he however, didn't realize that's what he hit. Hanji squeaked and turned around, "What?"
"You hit my ass."

Levi stopped for a second, "Oh..." Hanji sat down, "Now that we're finished with that... Want something to eat?" Levi put the pillow on the couch and laid down on the floor so his head was more towards her, "I don't think you've brought any food for me but I have gotten a full meal in the past few days so I think I'm good for now." Hanji threw her pillow up on the couch and laid down so her head was over Levi's, "Well I guess it'll just be me eating." He looked at her and held eye contact with her, "I can still sit with you while you eat." She grinned and poked his cheek, "The company would be appreciated." He grabbed her hand and played with her fingers, he looked over at his own hand as he did, "Sorry about hitting you on the ass." Hanji chuckled and laid herself down so her head was next to his, "Don't worry about it, besides I kind of had some anger from all this stuff so that pillow fight really helped." Levi rolled over and put his lips to her forehead, "Don't be angry, I'm the one who's angry in this relationship." Hanji laughed, "Yeah you are!" She ran her fingers through his hair, "Hey, Levi?" The male looked at her, their eyes made contact again, this time it was softer and more caring, "What's up?" Hanji gently tugged on a lock of ebony hair, "Thanks." Levi raised an eyebrow, "For what?" Hanji smiled, "For everything." She said, Levi's cheeks went a little red, "Yeah. No problem." Hanji closed her eyes and put her lips to his forehead, Levi smiled, full and happy, "Hanji." The brunette opened one amber eye and looked back at him, "Mhmm?" Levi looked at her, "Thanks." Hanji looked at the smiling male, her cheeks went a little red and her heartbeat quickened, "For what?" Levi chuckled, "Everything."

((Ok fuck I'm really enjoying writing fluff and I may make a story that's just fluff because NERDS BEING SWEET))

((Back to the story))

The next morning Hanji woke up to Bean sitting on her face, she rolled over and the furball plopped on the floor, Hanji looked back over and noticed Levi wasn't there, she frowned and sat up, "Levi?" She looked around, she didn't get an answer and stood up, she felt better than she did before but really hungry. She walked to his room and gently knocked on the door, "Levi? You in there?" No answer, she opened the door and heard his shower running and decided to leave him alone, she went to the fridge but most of the food had started to spoil, she tossed a good portion of the food away and made a sandwich out of what was still good, she sat on the couch and ate half the sandwich before putting it on the plate she grabbed and set it on the nearby coffee table. Bean crawled on her stomach and mewed for attention which Hanji happily gave him, she pet his back and relaxed herself, a few minutes later Levi came out of his room. He had a towel draped around his neck and he sat on the other end of the couch, "Feel better?" Levi nodded and started drying his hair, "Much." She chuckled, "You better have saved me some hot water, I'm going to work this afternoon so I need to look alive." Levi draped the towel back on his neck, "Go ahead, there should be plenty of hot water left." Hanji stretched out, "I'll get up in a few minutes to take it." Levi continued drying his hair, the two sat in silence for a few minutes and Levi looked up to see Hanji asleep, he threw his towel at her, "Oi. Wake up." Hanji groaned.
"Because I'm bored."
"Entertain yourself and let me sleep."

The brunette sighed and stood up, she picked Levi up and carried him to her room and set him on the bed, she laid down and held her arms out, inviting him to join her, Levi crossed his arms, "Shower first." Hanji simply rolled over and closed her eyes again, Levi clicked his tongue and crawled over, "You need a shower." Hanji pushed his face away and got up and grabbed a spare change of clothes and went to her bathroom grumbling and growling.

"Welp. I'm off. Wish me luck..." Hanji grabbed the metal briefcase that was given back to her what happened, Levi walked up and wrapped his arms around her waist, "This is the only hug I'm giving you in case you do die, so try not to die." He said and put his chin on her shoulder, she smiled and held him back close and tight, "Miss you too, Levi." She said and kissed his cheek then opened and walked out of the door. Levi watched her as she disappeared down the end of the hallway. He locked up and got ready for his own job, making sure to take the small cell phone in case anything important happened.

A/N: Okay so I think I know what I'm going to do for the next chapters, most of it will be going into details of stuff and all kinds of things. In any case I feel super tired as I'm writing this and I figured I should write you guys a lil fluff, tell me if you want to see more in the future or how you like the story so far! Stay tuned in next time!

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