I don't know what to name this chapter tbh

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((Aiight y'all. I'm going to really try and crack down on making more chapters. (This is some filler fluff until the real shit goes down) I need to at least give you guys a lil something since I haven'T UPDATED IN FOR FUCKING EVER. Anyways here's where things will get interesting, as I said I've been reading TG:Re so I'm going to incorporate some of it in the story. Anyways I'm gonna start writing now.))

A little while after Hanji told Levi what had happened they decided her bandages needed to be changed so her wound wouldn't get infected. He helped her up and the two went into the small bathroom, Levi had her roll up her shirt so he could see where the bandages were, he carefully peeled off the old ones and threw them away and looked at the wound, it surprisingly didn't look all that bad, it was if it would heal in the next day. Levi took a mental note of that and rubbed some anti biotic cream in it, Hanji giggled, "H-Hey. That tickles." She said and squirmed away, Levi raised an eyebrow, "Oi. Quit moving. I'm keeping you from getting worse." Hanji curled up in a ball and shook her head, "It tickles." He sighed, "Would you rather it tickle or get infected?" Hanji whined and spread back out. Levi continued to apply the medicine and once he was done he put some clean bandages around her side, once done he checked for any other spots that may have needed care taking, once things were to his approval he picked her up bridal style and started carrying her back to the couch, Hanji immediately started fidgeting, "H-Hey! Put me down!" He shook his head, "Given how hard it was for you to get up and walk over you sure as hell aren't doing it again." He said and set her on the couch, "Besides it was just to here." She growled quietly at him, "I am perfectly capable of getting around on my own." She angrily wrapped herself up in her blanket and looked over at the other end of the couch, "Mhmm. Sure." He sat down over where she was staring and Hanji immediately glanced somewhere else, "You're acting like a kid." Levi said and poked her knee cap, she bent her leg but remained silent, "I see you're back to your usual self." He said and secretly he was glad she was, it terrified him when he got Oluo's messages, Hanji wrapped herself up after curling in a ball, Levi sighed and plopped down on the small lump, "If you're going to look like a pillow I'm going to use you as one." Hanji uncovered her face slightly, "Ass." She went back to being covered up, Levi smiled a little and wrapped his arms around the Hanji bits under him.

A few hours later Hanji's stomach growled, she poked at Levi, "Wanna go get some real food?" She asked and ruffled his hair, "Sure." He sat up and stretched, Hanji threw the blanket on top of him and ran for cover as he violently shook it off, Levi shot a glare in her direction and Hanji laughed, "You're like Sawney when I throw a blanket on him!" Levi's face went a little red from being laughed at and he ran over and pinned her to the ground, "Never do that again." He said in a serious and dark tone, this made Hanji giggle like an idiot and Levi clicked his tongue and rolled his eyes. Levi sat up and crossed his arms and waited for her to stop giggling, once she did she grinned and held out her arms for a hug, "What the hell are you doing?" Levi asked and didn't move, "Waiting for a hug." Levi raised an eyebrow, "I don't give hugs." Hanji quickly sat upright and snatched him in an embrace before he could react, "Well I do so suck it up." Levi tried to move but his arms were pinned between him and Hanji's chests so he couldn't really move them anyways. He sighed and eventually gave in and rested his chin gently on her shoulder, he pulled his arms out and returned the hug tightly. Hanji smiled softly and pulled him in her lap, he buried his head in the bend of her neck and very softly kissed it. He'd never say it but he missed her with every inch of his body, every fiber of his being, everything down to the bottomless black void of his soul craved her presence right next to his and wrapped up in his arms where she belonged and there would be no force on the planet that would keep her from being right there at his fingertips. Hanji looked at him, she put her chin to the side of his head and her nose rested on top, she smiled as he relaxed in her arms, "Feeling better?" Levi pulled back to see her, his nose almost touched hers, "A lot. You?" She nodded, "Yup." Neither moved or seemed to mind the closeness and slowly, little by little they began to get closer, noses touching and foreheads tingling from the warmth the other's was giving off, they kept getting closer until...


The door burst open and the two scrambled backwards, in the door frame stood Oluo carrying boxes and Petra ran up behind him, "YOU IDIOT I TOLD YOU THEY WERE STILL UP HERE." He turned and tried not to lose his grip, "Well where else should I put them?!"

While those two bickered, Hanji looked at Levi, "You wanna continue this at my place? I really want to shower in my own bathroom..." Levi nodded, "I know some escape routes." Levi helped her up and the two snuck out and walked back hand in hand to Hanji's apartment.

A whisper of the night. (levihan fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now