Don't get mad...

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Okay so before all of you punch me for not updating an actual chapter, I promise you the next one will be completed soon, I was going to update a few weeks ago but life grabbed hold and dragged me down into a literal pit and i'm still getting back on my feet. I promise I'll get some updates soon, unfortunately with these updates it means the end of the story comes sooner. Like seriously soon I have about 3-4 chapters at max before this story comes to completion.

BUT! I do have a thing to ask everyone! I really want to do another story (levihan, reader insert, oc, or other ships (minus a few) besides levihan) attack on titan related. If anyone has a suggestion of something they want to see written, please say so! I love writing for it and if you guys love reading what i write I'm happy to keep doing so! I have a few ideas already but I love hearing from all of you so please let me know what you want to see!


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