But yeah hopefully I'll be able to finally have the ending

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A shattering noise and a loud thump.

A cry in pain and a roar of anger.

A crash through a wall and a maniacal giggle.

Two people left standing broken and bloodied, one on the ground trying to steady themselves. One in the clutches of a monster.

The one on the ground reached behind the couch for a weapon she could use to stun the beast, the one in its clutches trying not to turn and hurt her friends.

One of the ones standing slowly did turn, a weapon slowly releasing from his shoulder blades and around his arms, the other releasing a ribbon like weapon from a metal brief case.

The beast slowly chuckled darkly and clutching harder on the woman in his grips she let out a cry of pain and the smaller of the two growled in anger. The one on the ground was able to find what they were looking for, throwing a small knife at the beast and hitting it.

It didn't even flinch.

The monster slowly chuckled, darkly and deeply. Squeezing harder on it's poor captive.

"I either leave with her alive or dead. The Master won't mind either, but no matter what you try you won't stop me."

It spoke gruffly and horsely like it gargled gravel. The raven haired man's eyes stared at similar orbs, black and red, he took a step forward and the beast tsked at him with a sickening grin and tightened the grip to where the woman in his grip made a small chocking noise and could barely breathe. He stepped back and she was released slightly and given the chance to breathe again.

The three watching couldn't do anything with the fourth in it's clutches. The creature carefully stepped back and dashed out of the apartment with the woman in tow. It let out a small cry as it did, the raven haired man started going after them but the taller blonde stopped him.

"Nanaba, do you have the signal?" He said, the woman knocked to the floor was now holding her briefcase in her lap, "It's still loading." She said, "What the hell are you two talking about?"

The tall man looked down, "We knew that thing would come, at least we had a strong feeling, and we came prepared." He turned to Nanaba, "Want to explain everything else?" She nodded, "The knife I threw at it had a small tracking device in it, it had a vile of liquid and in it was the tracker. It was a design I came up with a while ago for strong ghouls that we knew would get away. For now we just have to wait for it to come online, then we go get Hanji." She said.

"Damn... You investigators really are crafty." Mike nodded, "We know our stuff, for now call Erwin, we'll get everything ready to go back to HQ."


"And do you know exactly where she is?" Nanaba nodded, "Address and landmarks, we have everything we need to go find her." Levi looked over, somehow they had snuck him in without setting off the alarms, now he was nervously sitting and listening, Erwin turned to him, "If there's anyone you'd like to bring with you I'd suggest you tell them soon. We'll be leaving in two days for preparation and to get everyone ready for this." Levi's eyebrows knotted together, "Why not now?"

"If only one ghoul was able to easily over power you four, I'd rather not face more with unprepared troops." Levi nodded, "Alright. I'll go find my friends, you have my number so call me if things change." He nodded and Mike went with him to let him out.

Nanaba sat in the office with the small computer in front of her, Erwin looked at it, "How bad do you think the situation is?" She sat up, "Permission to speak freely?" He nodded, "I talked with Hanji last night about everything, she wanted to vent but didn't want to worry Levi. From what she told me...

This could be the fight of our lives."

A whisper of the night. (levihan fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now