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(Okay more fluffy chapter but somethings going to happen in the next like two or three chapters or maybe the next one, I have no idea. Anyways I'm sure you all are tired of the authors notes so now back to where the last chapter left off!))

A small groan and a stretch was the first thing a small but sturdy frame did, it rolled over and jumped a little in surprise, a still sleeping and peaceful face was happily still dreaming. Levi fully faced the sleeper, he moved his messy hair back and watched her, his heart beat picked up a little as she rolled onto her side and faced him, her eyes slowly began to open, "Hm?" She noticed Levi staring at her, "Morning... Er, afternoon." She said, he tensed up a little in surprise and nodded, "Hi." She smiled and rolled onto her back, stretching and yawning, Levi watched as her arms relaxed onto her pillow, she turned her head towards him, "Thanks for making me have the day off, it felt great."
"No problem."
Hanji grabbed her glasses and put them on, "Is there anything you want to do for the rest of the day?"
"We're doing it."
She chuckled, "Hmm okay. Wanna go to the couch? At least we'll have entertainment." Levi nodded he sat up and looked at Hanji who was rolling herself over, eventually the two stood up and went into the main room and curled up on the couch, Hanji was laying against Levi's chest and he was playing with the strands of hair in her ponytail, a small vibration alerted both of them, Hanji dug between the couch cushions and pulled out her phone, "Well... It looks like you'll be meeting my co-worker Moblit. He's headed straight for here."
"What? Why?"
"He said there was something important. Try not to be suspicious."
Levi gently tugged at her hair, "Since when am I suspicious?"
"Shh! Just don't be suspicious and try to be nice, okay?" She asked and tapped the end of his nose, he rolled his eyes, "Whatever." Hanji grinned, "Good! Now I'm going to go get dressed, I'd suggest you'd do the same so we don't look like total messes." She said and answered a text back before getting up, Levi watched her leave, he didn't like it and honestly felt like cuddling some more. Alas, he would just have to do it later. He got up and trudged to his room.

Knock knock! Hanji scampered over to the door, a male with dirty blonde hair stood a bit awkwardly at the door, he held a small manilla file almost bursting with papers, Hanji beamed, "Hi Moblit! Wanna come in?" He nodded and walked in, "What happened to you? I got your text and we all were worried!" Hanji paused and looked over where Levi's room was, "Oh he's gonna pay." She turned. Back to Moblit, "Sorry, my room mate answered my phone for me, I kind of passed out yesterday and he said he responded to my text." She said sheepishly, "Okay... He put that you collapsed and may need to see a doctor so you took the day off. I just wanted to make sure you weren't hurt." At that time Levi walked out of his room and Hanji turned and stared at him, "We'll be talking after he leaves." Levi shrugged, "Whatever you say." Moblit raised an eyebrow as the small man sat down on the couch, Hanji's pets curling up on his lap, "Oh yeah, Moblit, this is Levi, my new roomie. Tiny Terror, this is my right hand man Moblit!" Levi looked over and nodded, "Hello." Moblit smiled a little, "Nice to meet you." He said and looked at Hanji, "Anyways, I wanted to drop this off to you, it's stuff we analyzed today, there's a lot of stuff you'll wanna see. Anyways I'll head out, I'm sure Nifa has dinner waiting and I bet you two have a date or something too!" He said and headed for the door, Hanji took the file and began leafing through it, unaware of the latter part of the sentence, she said goodbye and he shut the door behind him, Levi turned to her, "Um... Did you hear what he said?" Hanji turned over a page and looked up, "Hm?" Levi's cheeks were dusted with a hint of scarlet, "Thought so... Anyways are you coming back over here or are you going into your cave to study that stuff." Hanji rolled her eyes and went over to Levi and sat in his lap again, he smiled softly and began messing with her hair again. Hanji eventually put the file down, "Okay that head rubbing is going to put me to sleep." She said and got comfortable, she looked up at him, "You know for some one who has a rough and terrifying look you're pretty cuddly. Kinda like a big teddy bear." She said and pat his head, "That's because I actually can be cuddly. It's rare but it happens. That and not growing up with much affectionate contact kind of makes you want it." Hanji sat up and faced him, "Well then I am going to be the cuddle brigade!" She said and sat him in her lap and gave him a tight hug, Levi was a bit surprised but sighed, the blush from before creeping back and his heart racing a little faster and unbeknownst to him, Hanji was having a small chill from the contact, the warmth and radiance was something she found very desirable, on her face a small blush appeared. She would continue the hug until Levi decides he wanted out.

Which wouldn't be anytime soon.

A whisper of the night. (levihan fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now