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Sweat and tears streamed down a panic stricken face, worried orbs darted around the room in an attempt to regain a sense of where they were. The being breathed laboredly and quickly. A nice apartment. That's all they could tell. On a couch. Okay that's what they were laying on. The small man shakily stood up, he couldn't find his voice and staggered into the kitchen. On the fridge was a small note from the owner of the place, it read:

I have the day off today but I needed to run some errands. Try not to go anywhere yet. You're still too weak and no one knows I'm having you over. I don't have any breakfast for you but if you need anything from the market I'll go by later today.


So that was her name. "H-Hanji..." He quietly stammered, it felt nice rolling off the tongue. It was bubbly. He went back to the couch with the note crushed in his slightly sweaty hands and continued to take deep breaths. Unfortunately he had a nightmare about the night before but he couldn't go out to find his friends yet, if they were in danger he would have known. One o the other ghouls in his little gang would have come to find him and tell him. So for now he would have to just relax and wait for Hanji to get back, "Hanji.... Hm..." He said and closed his eyes.

The next sound he heard was the door unlocking, in stepped the familiar brunette with a happy grin on her face she quietly put up her groceries and looked at the couch where two grey irises peeked up from the couch under messy raven hair, "Mornin! Did you sleep well?" She asked cheerily, she sounded as bubbly as her name, "No. I had a nightmare that woke me up." He said and kept watching her, she wore a blue tank top and jeans with some sneakers and a dark green and white jacket from what looked like a high schooler would wear, it had small patches of blue and white wings. "Care to share it? Or is it something personal that is best left alone." He shook his head, "It was about yesterday evening. That's all I'll say." Hanji nodded and sat on the couch, "Well if you want to continue sleeping you can, I'm not baby sitting my neighbors kids today so it should be quiet." He leaned his head back with a content sigh, "That sounds wonderful." The two sat in a peaceful silence until tapping was heard on the doors leading to the patio, Hanji looked over curiously, "We're three stories up..." She went over to see three people outside the door, three males and a female. Hanji looked at Levi who groaned, "God, can this wait until later?..." He stood up, walked over opened the door.

"Any news on Isabel and Farlan?" The small man asked, "Not yet. But you're avoiding the question we asked you." One member said, he had light blonde hair pulled back into a small ponytail. He went by Eld Gin. Next to him was a man with the same hair color as Levi but with short hair going to a point in the back, he was Gunter Schultz. Next to Levi was the youngest looking one, a girl with flaming orange hair named Petra Ral. Off by the door was a man who looked like he tried to copy Levi, he went by Oluo, "I'm here for reasons. Why did you all come to find me when I specifically told you to stay put?" The three on the couch looked at each other, "W-Well... You didn't come home... We got worried, Boss..." Levi pinched the bridge of his nose, "Don't call me that, anyways I'll still be staying here for a while. That vicious band of heathens from the Sina territory are still going around. Keep everyone in our sector updated, got it?" They nodded and all four chanted "Got it!" In unison. Hanji smiled in amusement out on the patio, she kept the door open while they were discussing their plans and the three friends of Levi's got up and went out the door leading where Hanji was, they were very polite and thanked her for letting them be there and all scurried off to who knows where, "So your band of misfits seemed very well mannered." Hanji said and leaned against the doorframe, Levi nodded, his face neutral as Hanji noticed it usually was, "I made sure of that. We may be a gang of vile creatures but we do know how to behave when someone is nice to us, human, ghoul, or otherwise." He said and stretched, she chuckled and sat down, "Well now that you're gaggle is gone. I hate to be the bearer of bad news but-" he sighed, "Kicking me out already hm?" She shook her head, "Nah, as long as this little truce stands you can stay as long as you want. I'm still learning and you, healing. You will have to get a job though because I have enough to pay for myself, but that's it. You don't have to pay for food but we can split the bills or whatever we discuss..." She rubbed her forehead, "I'm getting off topic... Which happens a lot... Anyways, my neighbor, and co-worker, Dr. Jeager is going to be leaving town next week. So I'm guessing you know what that means?" Levi nodded, "Woo hoo." He said with a dead tone, "Hey it's not that bad, Mikasa is pretty quiet and I know how to keep Eren from being noisy constantly." He nodded, "Alright. I'll try and get a job before hand since I don't want to deal with all of that and I need to pay my dues. I'm also curious as to how you humans live so consider this a dual sided experiment." Hanji chuckled and nodded, "Indeed it is."

A whisper of the night. (levihan fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now