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"Tch. What's taking that damn brunette so long?" Levi grumbled to himself, the two had spent the past few nights crashing on the couch due to Hanji's exhaustion and Levi's ever growing desire to cuddle with her, now he was getting irritated because she hadn't been home since the morning almost two days ago. He was used to that since sometimes it would be days before she returned but what was really making him irritated was for a reason he wasn't quite sure of himself, or rather, denied entirely. Slowly but surely he was falling in love with the mad scientist, he wouldn't admit it even if his life was on the line but it was creeping into him and making him crazy with impatience and worry. He often questioned why her, given the fact she was his next prey. Finally he got a text,


"Petra..." He really did like his little gaggle of ghouls but in a case like this he was growing irritated of them, he had already clocked out for the day and hurried home, one, to avoid any patrolling investigators, and two, to make sure Hanji got at least a nap before dinner. So now he was sitting on the couch waiting for his damn brunette to come stumbling in. He opened the message,

I don't know if you've heard but there's been a very recent increase in Investigators lately. Apparently some feral ghouls have been attacking people and other ghouls. Be careful and tell Hanji too. If she doesn't know already.

Levi bit his lip in worry, that really didn't help. At all. Now he was even more jumpy than before. He looked at Hanji's two pets, Sawney was fast asleep in his doggie bed while Bean traversed the back of the couch, climbing down Levi's shoulder and into his lap. The two got along really well and Levi reached down to stroke Beans soft fur, he felt a small wave of relaxation as he did, "Thanks, cat." To which Bean purred contently in response.

The hours continuously ticked by, finally it was getting close to dark, he looked around for something to take his mind of of things. Eventually he settled on taking Sawney out for an evening stroll, he clasped the faded and worn leash onto his collar and grabbed a plastic bag for any business needing to be attended to. Levi and Sawney made their way down to the lobby, the small male opened the door and the two set out for their stroll.

Levi rounded a corner briskly, he thought he heard something in an alleyway and didn't want to check it out. Eventually Sawney started making noises and tugging on the leash, Levi smelled something... Familiar, but also a metallic scent waft by, he looked at the ground and noticed large drips of blood. He and the small Westie looked at the alley way, grunts and aggravated sighs could be heard. Levi prepared himself for whatever would come out, "Hey, is someone there?" He asked cautiously, what ever was shuffling around stopped. He walked a few baby steps closer to the alley. Immediately footsteps started down the rest of the way, Levi began chasing but Sawney yanked the leash back, whined and barked towards something, Levi was going to tug the leash to get him to follow but a small shine caused him to stop himself. He walked over and crouched down, it was a box of some sort, he picked it up and brought it out into the light. His eyes widened and he almost dropped the silver case, "N-No... It can't..." He put his finger on the triggering mechanism and squeezed it, the case opened and a sword appeared, dual edged. He pulled at the sword and it split into two familiar blades, Levi looked down the now empty alley way the swords clattering at his feet. His stomach dropped with them and his heart rate quickened to where he couldn't distinguish the beats, he quickly tied Sawney to a nearby lamp post and took off. He searched for a half hour before coming back, he untied Sawney and picked up the swords, he put them into the case and slowly walked back.

When the two reached the apartment he sat on the couch, the briefcase clutched to his chest. A small tear rolled down his pale cheek. He stared at the floor, all he could think of why she ran away, she was injured and she still ran. Perhaps she didn't know it was him? But if she didn't she would have stayed and made sure of who it was before taking off. Where did she go? Would she be coming back? The questions plagued his mind and he almost didn't notice his phone buzz. It was a text.


Levi. Your girlfriend is here. Something. Something happened. She told us not to tell you but I figured you should know that she's safe here. I'll contact you tomorrow with more details. She seems... Distant. I don't know what happened to her. She came in pretty bloody too. Anyways I'm probably freaking you out with all of this. Just try and get some rest. I'll tell you more tomorrow.

So that was it then. She would spend another night away from home. He opened up his phone and pulled up Hanji's contact info. He hit the send message icon and clicked okay.

Hanji. I don't know what the hell happened out there. I'm not holding you to anything and I'm not going to pressure you to tell me what happened. I just wanted you to know that...

He paused. He wasn't good with this kind of stuff. He retyped a few times but resumed the message

...I just want you to come back safe. Sawney and Bean really miss you. You're annoying cheerfulness and over eagerness in the morning is missed a little bit too. Not much because I can't stand mornings, but it is missed. I'd say stay safe but I know you're safe where you are. Just rest and come back soon.

Send. He stood up and went to the brunettes room and gathered the two pets and brought them along. He sat on her bed and sighed. He really did crave her presence again. Sawney and Bean curled up on the bed and Levi sat with them. He laid the phone on the nightstand and sat thinking for a while, "Tch... I miss you Four Eyes. Never thought I'd say it. But I do."

A faint buzz alerted a now cleaner head of brown hair, the person found the pair of glasses that had luckily been preserved, on they went to aid amber eyes as they read the small screen of a device,


Levi the Tiny Terror who is also a Baby Dinosaur

They grinned at the odd nickname. Since he wasn't a morning person, Levi would groan loudly as the person holding the phone fondly referred to them as "dinosaur noises" but also said he was too small to be a big dinosaur so it was input as a baby dinosaur. They opened the message and read it. They looked at the phone. It was a miracle they found it, it was lying with the rest of their things when they had awoken. They placed it on a coffee table and curled up under the blanket they were given and laid down on the couch.

"Miss you too, Levi."

A whisper of the night. (levihan fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now