Idek what to name chapters so like

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"And that's what happened, so far I haven't been feeling any different and the only thing unusual is that when I eat foods with strong tastes, like sweets for example, it doesn't taste very good. Otherwise I can eat regular things like any one else. Another thing I've noticed is that I heal quickly, the scars still remain but the wound doesn't." Hanji was sitting in front of her boss, usually things like what she went through would generally be kept unknown but since she wasn't sure of what to do, nor who took her, she felt better if her boss knew. The man was named Erwin Smith and he was the head of the district she lived and worked in. The two were good friends and she wasn't worried about him telling anyone about this unless direly needed. "I see, where did you stay while you healed?" Hanji sighed, "Some café, it was still open and they had something like an apartment above the store, I don't really remember the names but the people there were kind and took care of me while I healed." Erwin listened to every word carefully, "Is there anything else you'd like me to know about?" She nodded and pulled out a folded piece of paper, "When I woke up this was on my briefcase, I was on the ninth level when I was attacked, the elevator couldn't get past floor six. I had just stepped out when I went unconcious." Erwin was handed the paper and read the note carefully, "Hm... It seems an old case is going to be re-opened, I'm glad you told me all this, if you can stay after I'll let Doctor Jäger know what's happening and we'll give you a check up to make sure nothing is out of place, or at least nothing that will put you out of place, in the meantime just do everything as you normally would, for now you can just say a friend came into town and you took a few days off to visit." Hanji nodded, "Will do, if there's anything you need me to help with catching this guy just let me know." Erwin set the note down on his desk, "Thank you and I will." Hanji went out the door and down the hall, Erwin stared at the note for a few moments before contemplating what he should do.

"HANJI!" The poor dirty blonde was trying to compete with the loud and what sounded like heavy metal blasting through the scientists headphones, eventually he crumpled up a paper ball and threw it at her, she jumped a little and almost ran into the control panel for the machine she was using, she pulled out a headphone, "Yes Mobliterator?" He groaned as a few of the nearby scientists giggled, "You know I hate that nickname... (Fun fact I was going to put feels here but nah) Anyways we were going to go out tonight, if you want to come you can bring that Levi guy along." He said and powered down his machine, Hanji pulled out the other headphone and powered the machine down before turning the music off, "There is no way he'd do that, he is as much of a people person as a feral ghoul would be." She said and started putting up the clutter on her station, "Damn. He must really not like people." She shook her head, "It's more of the noise factor, plus I think it's because he's really short so I think he's afraid people will make fun of that." She said with a toying grin, Moblit chuckled, "I see, well if he wants to come he's welcome to." Hanji nodded, "I'll be sure to tell him, I will have to meet you guys where you're going, I still have some paperwork to get so I'll be staying after for a bit." She said and grabbed her briefcase once she put everything away, "I'll see you guys then!" She said and walked out as everyone said goodbye's or see you later's. Hanji walked to Erwin's office and gently rapped on the door.

"I see, and besides those two things have you noticed any other abnornalities?" A man with long brown hair stood in front of her, he had glasses on and was currently writing on a piece of paper, "I mean I've been a little more hungrier than usual, not for anything specific but it may be because of my wounds being healed, other than that I feel like I usually would." Hanji told Dr. Jäger most of what she told Erwin, the doctor finished writing what she told him and put the pad and paper down, "Alright, if you can, could you show me where your wound was?" Hanji nodded and rolled up her shirt, there was a long and slender scar below her rib cage and along the curve of her waist, he wrote down where the wound was located and the size and shape, "Alright, based on what you've told me you seem to be fine, I don't see any reason to put you under heavy surveillance, we will keep a few cameras here and there at your office to make sure nothing seems out of the ordinary, and I'd like you to check in every week. I'll schedule you to have a scan done to see if there's any new or missing parts but given that you've made it almost half a week I'd say if there was anything important missing you'd definitely know. What's the most surprising is how calm you are." She shrugged, "I mean I was an investigator before, it kind of takes away the surprise." She said and put her jacket on, "Good point. Well, that wraps things up here, you have my number in case anything odd comes up." She nodded and hopped off the examination table, "Thanks Doc, and say hi to everyone back at your place!" She said and grabbed her things and started to go make her way to the parking deck, she heard someone call her name, she turned around and saw Moblit, he caught up with her and walked with her out the door, "Sorry about the quick notice but Mr. Smith wanted me to grab some things for him, I'll walk with you back up since we park on the same level." Hanji smiled, "Sounds good! Besides I need to know what I missed while I was gone!"

Level 9.

The painted words and number on the glass of the door sent a small chill through her body, Moblit opened up the door and walked out with Hanji in tow, she looked around cautiously as Moblit continued talking, 'Thankfully they aren't here.' She thought quietly, the two made it safely to her car and she got in and drove Moblit to his car and once he was in his she started to drive to her apartment, when she reached it she pulled into her spot and went inside, after that she rode the elevator up and went to her door, unlocked it and went in, she was met by Sawney and Bean who were more than happy to see her and she happily coddled them, she looked up to see Levi walking over with a relieved look, "Good you actually came home this time. I expect details about everything." Hanji grinned and rolled her eyes, "You know you can say you missed me, you don't have to be an ass about it." He sat down in front of her and picked up Bean, "You know what I mean." She chuckled, "Yeah I do. Anyways, my nerd group was planning on going out tonight and wanted to know if you wanted to join." Levi looked up, "It sounds like fun, what are we going to do?" Hanji pat Sawney's head, "Well if it's like last time we'll go see a nerd movie then go to a pizza joint and afterwards go back to one of our places and play cheesy board games until someone gets angry and throws game pieces until it turns to board game piece war." Levi chuckled, "Besides the human food part it sounds nice, I'd love to go." Hanji bounced a little, "YES SCORE ONE FOR SOCIALIZING LEVI." She said and scrambled up to get ready. Levi sighed and watched her leave, he smiled to himself.

((Okay question, would anyone like to have the going out on the town thing or no? Like I got some cute lil things planned but if you guys want me to stick to the story I can, I can also make it a bonus chapter if you guys would rather have that.))

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