I'm kind of sad to see it end but also excited

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((Okay so I've been on vacay for the past week and bruh it's been real af. Anyways I'm on a looong train ride so imma write))

The next morning was hazy and grey with a slight drizzle of rain, Levi's matching orbs groggily peeked out from under his tired lids, he felt drained and worn out. He tried to roll over but couldn't due to exhaustion. He tried looking for a head of messy brown hair he always enjoyed waking up to.

"...hanji..." He barely croaked out, what the hell had happened the night before that caused him to feel so zombie-like? He blinked a few times and his surroundings became clearer.

The first thing clear was blood. A lot of it, and most of it not his. It immediately set off panic, every bit of sleep and weariness was replaced quickly by adrenaline and sharp focus. He dashed around the apartment screamin Hanji's name and throwing open every door.

Gone. The only trace of her being there was her furniture and a pair of crushed glasses which he held tenderly, afraid to break them any more, he reached for his phone which had gone under the couch but a small piece stuck out.

He quickly searched for an eyebrowed contact and breathlessly called it. On the other line a deep voice answered, "Good day, Levi. Is something wrong?"

"Something is very wrong. Hanji's been kidnapped I woke up and blood was everywhere and what I didn't throw across the room searching for her had already been thrown. Erwin they took her. I know it." He said and dropped to his knees. He still felt weak and light headed.

The other man was silent, after a few moments he came back on the line, "Levi. Hanji's here. At least... Her punch card says so."

"Listen you eyebrowed fuck pancake I am holding her shattered glasses and looking at what could be mistaken as a crime scene on a cop show. Want me to send pictures?" He said and leaned against the sofa, "No need, I'll call you back in a few minutes. I need to see why Hanji's punch card was signed in." Levi took in a deep breath, "Hurry... I'm really worried about her." He said and closed the phone.

Erwin walked down to the labs and knocked on the door, it was opened by a familiar brunette, minus the glasses, "Oh! Hey Erwin! Wassup?" Hanji asked, Erwin's eyebrows furrowed, she seemed too calm. "Well I just got a call from your apartment, it's been left in a state of catastrophe." She raised an eyebrow, "Hm? I'm not sure why... When I left everything was fine. I mean I lost my glasses but that was it." Erwin motioned for her to come into the hallway since half her body was hidden behind the door.

"Hanji why are you acting so suspicious? If there's something wrong you need to tell me." Hanji paused and sighed, "Just don't freak out." She said and went behind the door. Erwin peeked behind it and walked into the room.

How she had kept this concealed was a terrifying wonder to him.

From Hanji's back was trailing legs, they were similar to a spiders and they were poked into the wall. Erwin kept a grip on the door in case he needed to run.

"What the hell?..." Hanji chuckled sadly. "They tried to come for me earlier, Levi fought them but I bolted while trying to chase them off, I figured they'd leave if I came here but if I get too stressed... Well you can tell what happens... Anyways, I've kept this place locked down saying that a machine malfunctioned and I was fixing it. I've been waiting for them to go away." She said and Erwin listened, "Are you...?"

She shook her head, "Right now I'm fine, it's usually at the beginning that I'm not so okay. All I have to do is just wait it out, but I figure that better safe then sorry and iI shouldn't endanger my squad." He nodded, "How were you able to cover it up though?"

She pulled out a handkerchief from her picket and wiped her right eye, small blood vessels appeared but her eye remained normal, she pointed at her eye, "I have a friend in special effects, the only other person who knows but believe me when I say that news won't be spread. Anyways he made me a set of contacts in case something like this happened." She said and he stood there speechless, "Levi called... I probably should get back to him. I can call him here if you want to talk to him."

Hanji nodded, "I'd say no but I know how worried he is." She said and Erwin took out his phone, he opened it and dialed the number, he put the call on speaker, "Have you heard from her?" Levi's voice said quietly from the other end.

A whisper of the night. (levihan fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now