I'm kind of sad about the fact that this is the end...

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Levi couldn't move. His entire body was numb and his vision was sluggish and hazy. All he could hear was faint chuckling and his named being screamed out. He felt himself being pulled slightly and the last thing he saw before everything went black was a long, spider like leg covered in crimson red...

The squad behind him sprang into action as quickly as they could, Gunter grabbed Levi and yelled at the others something he couldn't understand, his head was swimming and he felt pressure on his lower torso and slipped in and out of conciousness. While Levi was being tended to, Mike and Nanaba were working to fend off Hanji, who at this point was no where near her usual state of mind and was stabbing and jabbing at the two with a fiercly determined and angered face, the rest of the ghoul squad lept in to help the investigators, as well as fend off the scientist. Gunter brought Levi over to another area of the room and put pressure on the wound in his chest to stop whatever bleeding he could and called back in to hq and told them everything that went wrong. Erwin instructed the male to bring Levi back for urgent care and that he was sending back up. Gunter tried to let everyone else know but his voice was lost in the fight between the ghoul squad and investigators and Hanji.

Eventually reinforcements made it but almost didn't make it in time, Hanji had already taken down Petra and Oluo who were in a dark corner trying to heal from their injuries. Hanji was still fighting Nanaba while Mike was sneaking around to try and attack and hopefully knock out the mad scientist. His plan worked and he climbed up onto some railing they were all nearby and used his weapon to slice at some of her kagune as well as knock her down. When he got her to the ground she tried to jab at him but Nanaba quickly cut off as many of the kagune as she could, getting many cuts and punctures from the scrambling kagune.

"I've got her down, just do something to get her to stop moving." Mike said to a few investigators who walked over and began trying to hold Hanji down. As they did she just stopped. All movement, noises, everything. Mike's grip immediately tightened, "Hey. Be careful, I don't know what she's planning right now, do not let your guard down." He said in a serious tone. The four who came to get Hanji stiffened a little but continued, as one reached for her, Hanji started moving again but much more violently, trying to unleash another kagune and break free. Two fairly long spider legs extended behind him and one stabbed his right shoulder, the other one grazed his arm and stuck itself into the ground. An investigator cut the kagune away and Mike's right arm loosened on Hanji's. She fought her way out from under him and stood to fight again, this time only four of the legs appeared and they were unstable, as well as Hanji herself, she looked weak and couldn't balance herself well and wobbled a little.

Mike grabbed his weapon in defense and looked at his broken friend, she tried to lunge at him in hopes of an attack but the investigators quickly cut her off, she collapsed to the ground out of breath and unconcious. Once they knew she wouldn't move everyone sprung into action, the ghoul squad was taken back to the hq with care and treated, Hanji was secured into anything that would prevent her from moving too much. Mike and Nanaba made sure the other were okay and helped each other back.

At hq it was quiet and busy, murmurs were heard from the workers but for the most part it was silent, tense, and solemn.


A/N: ahhHHHHHH I'M SO SORRY I HAVEN'T WRITTEN IN SO LONG. I promise I've been meaning to write but school had to take priority... I hope to bring some emotional rollercoasters out of the next few chapters and DEFINITELY the epilogue (because I always gotta include that), as for now I'm going to try and keep writing and making more chapters! As always stay tuned for next time!


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