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((Alright guys I know I said I'd try and start writing again when I caught up to TG: RE but I then caught up with the attack on titan manga.... In less than 24 hours... Anyways, I have a few ideas so lemme get started on the new chapter!))

Once Levi's backside started to get numb he reluctantly moved out of Hanji's embrace and sat on the other end of the couch, he grabbed a book and started reading. Hanji however was still asleep and rolled over to face the couch, Levi sighed, he watched her as she tried to get comfortable. Eventually she gave up and opened her eyes, Levi chuckled, "Morning." Hanji made a noise that Levi usually made when being forced to get up, that being the "dinosaur noise" and sat up, she held her arms out, "Fuck mornings. I want cuddles." She said and pouted, Levi shook his head, "Not until you tell me what happened to you that made you like this." Hanji crossed her arms with puffed cheeks and a frown, she curled up in a ball and faced the couch again, "Fine. I didn't want your stupid cuddles anyways." She huffed, Levi smirked and scooted closer and closer to her, "Hanji I just want to know why you got injured." She sighed, "Brace yourself... This one's a doozy." She began the story off when she left for work...

This is in the pov of when everything happened.

"Mmf... It's chilly out. Stupid northern weather... It should be balmy." She whined to herself, she bundled herself up and clutched her briefcase tightly, she started walking out to the parking deck where her car was at. Unfortunately it was higher up in the levels of the place, she started up the stairs since the labs were too cheap to fix the elevator, as she trudged up she swore she heard footsteps but dismissed it as her own, as she got farther up the footsteps seemed oddly echoed, she glanced down the stairwell as a shadow dashed out of her view, she clicked her tongue and walked quicker, she got to the floor and went to the doors leading out to the actual deck, as she stepped out she heard a small whoosh and the back of her head hurting as the entire world plunged into darkness.

"Mmmf..." The brunette groaned as she slowly regained conciousness, she couldn't really see since her glasses had been removed but from what she could tell she was lying in some kind of medical room, a man in a white coat walked up to her, he had someone else with him and the world went dark again.

'Fuck. What hurts?...' Hanji finally woke up, this time fully, she tried to sit up but was met with a searing pain across her lower abdomen, she lifted her shirt to see bandages covering the part right below her rib cage, it was neatly done as if the person knew what they were doing. She managed to sit up and look around, she was in some kind of alley way, it was at least clean for a back pass way and it was getting towards sunset, her briefcase was sitting next to her with a small note on top, she opened it up, it read,

"Congratulations on being a success. You'll come to thank me later. If there are any complications please let me know right away, just meet with my worker at the same place we picked you up."

Hanji stuffed the note in her pocket and feebly stood up, she tried to focus on remembering what all happened, things were still a little fuzzy so nothing was really clear, she looked down at the rest of her, even though the bandaging was cleaned off she was caked with blood, dirt, and who even knows what else. She went to grab her briefcase when she heard footsteps and started to try and walk, she watched the person come into view and her heart sunk. It was Levi. A few warm tears went down her face and she reached out a hand but turned around and ran down the alley way as he undid the metal case. It hurt but she ran...

(regular pov)

"And that's when I ended up here... I don't remember how I got the scar but I know where it came from... The only thing is, what was put into me that made me feel so different?" She had wrapped herself in her blanket and Levi had rested her head on his lap and was gently stroking her hair. He was terrified of what she told him, he had heard of these "half ghouls" being made from inserting the organ of a ghoul in a human and was deeply concerned that she had now become like this. He contemplated on what to say next but Hanji spoke first, "Hey... Levi. I hear about these half ghoul things, does this mean-" he unintentionally yanked her hair, "If it does I'll kill the monster who did it to you. No one touches you unless I say so." He said with a harsh and tense tone. She looked up, he wasn't looking at her but at his hand, he looked... Sad, distraught, most likely over the fact that she had gotten hurt. Hanji reached up and gently stroked his cheek, "Levi... It's okay. I'm fine now, besides I can get the Investigators on a lead to stopping this guy." He held her hand to his cheek, "I just-" she smiled her usual bright, warm, happy smile and wrapped her fingers in his, "I know." He held her hand tightly and didn't let go.

A/N FINALLY GOT A CHAPTER WRITTEN OH MY FUCK. Sorry for not making anything I've had such bad writers block and with TG:Re being updated I kind of wanted to see if I could incorporate some of it in, I hopefully will in chapters to come but for now I shall rejoice. In any case sorry if you can't read anything or if there's a bunch of errors, it's 4:20 am as I'm typing this and I almost fell asleep the entire time. Anyways I may try and write more tomorrow/today!

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