Because you guys may or may not be happy after the filler fluffs

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"So where do you want to go to eat?" Hanji paused and shrugged, "I can eat anything so where ever you want to go." Levi sighed, this was going to be a vicious cycle, eventually the two settled on going to a nearby diner and then the movies. Hanji locked the apartment door and walked hand in hand with Levi out to her car, they got in and Hanji turned the radio on, a soft love song was playing and Levi chuckled, "How cliché. We're going on a date and we have romantic music as soon as we get in the car." Hanji laughed, "I can change it if you want." Levi shook his head with a small smile, "No need, it sets the mood quite nicely." She chuckled and started driving, soon Levi began humming along to it and Hanji listened as he then began to quietly sing, it grew louder and louder, bit by bit. His voice was really pretty, it was deep and since it was a girl singing higher than he could go he sang a beautiful octave harmony, soon the song ended and Hanji glanced at him, "You have a wonderful voice Mr. Ackerman." She said and he blushed a little, "Thanks. Isabel used to make me sing lullaby's to her and Farlan. She also sang along to certain ones, the one that played being one of them." Hanji lowered the volume so she didn't have to speak over the radio, "She sounds sweet." He nodded, "Both were, I hate that they were born ghouls, they should have had a better life." He said and looked out the window, Hanji reached over and held his hand with a gentle squeeze, the two remained silent as it started to mist and the soft songs played on the radio.

"Shit... Maybe we should just go to the movie and wait for the rain to pass." Hanji said as they turned into the parking lot of the resturaunt, "Tch... Sure, besides it looks crowded." Hanji nodded and they started for the movie theatre, "So what do you want to see?" Levi asked, "Well I've seen Jurassic world, if the new Avengers movie is in we can see it." She suggested, "And that's why you are mine." She chuckled, "Why is that?" He looked over at her, "You're more interested in watching things explode than a sappy chick flick." She bounced in her seat a little, "That's because explosions are cool and since they're chemical composition can determine how big and what color they ca-" Levi sighed and kissed her cheek, "All this is going to be lost on me. I understand nothing except big boom makes everything turn to a pile of ash." She rolled her eyes and chuckled, "Yeah yeah. Anyways, have you seen the other Avengers movies?" He nodded, "I got bored and since you were working I binged them." She bounced again, "Yes! You'll know things and references." He watched her with a soft smile, seeing her this happy after all that had happened made him happy, and just seeing her all bubbly and excited made his heart skip a beat, "You nerd." She grinned, "I may be a nerd but I'm your nerd!" He nodded and held her hand, "You're damn right you're my nerd."

"Two tickets for Age of Ultron please!" Hanji said to the girl at the counter, she rang up the total and Levi quickly paid before Hanji could, she did buy herself a novelty cup and filled it up to the brim with soda, they then went to the auditorium and sat near the top, Hanji put her cup in the holder and Levi got comfortable in his seat, Hanji leaned on his shoulder and he put an arm around her, she looked up at him, "You're awfully quiet. Even for you." He yawned and kissed her forehead, "I'm warm and leaning on my shoulder with my arm wrapped around her is my nerd, who is happy so it makes me happy. The reason I'm quiet because I'm actually pretty content." She smiled and kissed his cheek, "That was really sweet." He rubbed her arm and leaned his head on hers, "Yeah yeah." She reached up and intertwined their fingers and rubbed the side of his hand with her thumb, he closed his eyes and very softly kissed the top of her head. Soon the movie started but he didn't pay attention to the first few minutes since he was content with staying where he was, eventually a few loud bangs caught his attention and soon he started watching.

"Okay that was nothing like I expected." Hanji said and started walking out of the movie theatre with Levi's arm around her waist and her arm around his shoulders, "How so?" She shrugged, "It wasn't anything I expected, especially the ending. That REALLY threw me off." He chuckled, "Well do you want to refill your drink before we go?" She shook her head, "No but I am going to head to the bathroom." The two walked over near the facilities and she walked into the ladies room, Levi leaned against the wall and yawned again, he looked around at the people going in and out and saw a familiar head of orange-red hair, it was Petra, she was also walking with Oluo, he smirked, those two were on a date as well. Eventually Hanji came back out, "Ready to go?" He passed her the empty cup, "Yeah, I just saw Petra and Oluo. Looks like they're having a date night too." Hanji looked baffled and grinned, "I so called it." She said and spotted them, "I wanna go mess with them but at the same time I want to go eat." Levi nodded, "Let's go then." He said and rewrapped his arm around Hanji's waist. She put an arm around his shoulders and the two walked out, Levi occasionally glancing over his shoulder and eventually Oluo spotted the two leaving and looked confused but a bit nervous, especially since they were now busted.

"Hey you wanna go to a pizza joint?" Levi snapped out of his thoughts, "Sure. I'll go get a full meal later but we can go wherever you want to." He said, "Good because honestly I'm not in the mood for fancy shit tonight." He chuckled and looked over at her, "Well we can pick up a pizza and relax at home while watching the rain." Hanji's face lit up like a firework, "Yes! Ooooh we can watch cheesy movies, and then we can..." Levi tuned out, he loved listening to her but liked watching her better, he sighed softly and happily, she eventually stopped at a drive thru pizza place and picked up a pepperoni pizza for her, when it was ready she had Levi carry it, he was happy that it was warm and sat contently, eventually they arrived back at the apartment, the rain was now coming down a good bit, Levi grabbed the umbrella from his side and went around to Hanji's side and opened the door for her, "Wow this is like one of those cheesy movies." Levi raised an eyebrow, "If you want it to be cheesy leave the pizza in the car." She looked puzzled, "Why?" He held the umbrella over her head as she stood out of the car, he grabbed her hand and pulled her back a few steps, "If you want cheesy you have to do a kiss in the rain." Hanji laughed, "Just make this already cheesy date even cheesier." She said and the two leaned in for a kiss, when their lips connected Levi moved the umbrella so it went behind them, Hanji jumped and pulled away at the raindrops now hitting her, Levi smiled and laughed, Hanji was a little shocked, he actually laughed, she watched and smiled at him, after everything she had heard about his past, living with him through hard times, it was... beautiful, to see him be so happy, it was a refreshing change and she picked him up and held him close in a tight hug, he hugged her back and put his forehead to hers, "You're pretty cute when you smile you know." Hanji said, "And you're pretty cute in general." Levi said and the two kissed again, this time it was Levi who pulled away, "Alright let's get the pizza and go in before we both get sick." Hanji nodded and set Levi down and they hurried to get the pizza and got in. Once upstairs they got dried off and settled into the couch, Hanji ate her pizza and soon had Levi leaning against her and playing with his hair. The two spent the rest of the evening content and with each other.

A whisper of the night. (levihan fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now