So it began

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((Okay so I lied about the big update I kind of realized it was going to be more chapters than I previously thought so like I'm going to do a big ending update but for the stuff leading up to it Imma do individual releases for. Anyways enjoy the chapter!))

"This is the third time this month Hanji. And I'm starting to worry." Levi said in a bit of angst. It was three days since he last saw his beloved scientist and this wasn't the first time. The week before it was three days and before that it was four. Each time she kept giving the same excuse, 'I was working over time.' Or 'Work had picked up." And after this excuse he was really getting concerned, "Levi, I promise you, everything is fine. Besides I've literally had to live at my office for like, three weeks before, no need to be worried." She said and went off to take a shower. However much she tried to make him not fret, it never worked. She was pale and her eyes looked tired and the bags under her eyes didn't help. He was really unsure of whether or not she was lying about work and was tempted to contact Erwin, he settled on if it were to happen again he would find the bushy browed man.

As Hanji finished her shower she rung out her hair and got dressed in her pajamas, she dried her hair into a slightly damp status and walked out into the living room. Levi was curled up on a couch watching t.v and she plopped down on the couch and curled up to him, he wrapped a blanket around the two of them, "Better?" She looked up and kissed his cheek, "Much." He smiled softly and held her hand, she quickly drifted off to sleep and he watched as she did, when she was fully out cold he gently got up and went to find her phone, he needed to talk to Erwin about this and he wasn't going to wait around before something bad happened again.

"Damn... Passcode..." He quietly grumbled until he realized what it was. L...E...V...I. And he was in, he smiled a little at that and went to her contact list and found Erwin's name. Well nickname, it was Bush Brow Boss Man and he put two and two together, he got his own phone out of his pocket and copied the number then turned her phone off and went back into the living room. As he guessed Hanji was still sound asleep and he snuck himself back into his previous spot. He went to the new contact and clicked the SEND MESSAGE icon,

Oi. Erwin. It's Levi. I need to talk to you about something. Message me asap.

Meanwhile on the other end, Erwin was in his office and finishing some paperwork when his phone buzzed. He picked it up, it was an unknown number. He opened it and when he saw the name he raised one of his famous brows,

Sure. What's bothering you? Or is it something you'll have to tell me in person?

It's about Hanji. Something doesn't seem right. I've tried talking to her about it but she keeps saying it's work but I don't really believe her. I'll explain more in person.

This was something. He was already concerned enough as is about everything but now there was possibly more.

Is there any place you want to talk at?

I know of a cafe in the Trost District, I used to work there before your goons tried hunting me, I figured the civilians shouldn't know who I am but they'll know me from then and know to keep quiet.

He chuckled, it was a lie but he would play along,

Sure, is tomorrow good? I figure the sooner the better.

Tomorrow is fine.

He set the phone down and looked back over the paper work, he closed his eyes and ran a finger through his perfectly styled hair, messing it up slightly and sighing, this was a life that was nothing but rush after rush and he chose it. But at least he was doing what was best for the people of Zhiganshina.

Levi set his phone down and looked at the mass of messy brown hair, he gently pet it and thought about how lucky he was to finally have a life he dreamed about, he owed this whole happy life thing to her and wanted it to stay, he loved her more than he could ever say and didn't want her to have a life like he had before. It worried him when she didn't come home and he wanted to make sure she stayed out of harms way. As a lock of her hair fell off the tip of his finger he closed his eyes and ran a hand through the damp brown tresses, he inhaled slowly and deeply and breathed her in. Embracing her as much as he could before she would leave him for work again. He found himself getting more and more tired and eventually fell asleep with her wrapped in his arm.

"Mmf... Leviii." A hoarse voice whined, his steel orbs groggily appeared and his cheeks were squished, "Good morning to you too." He said and it was met by a sleepy giggle, "I'll take your advice and stay home today. I don't really feel like moving and if I they need me I'll go in later but I'm too tired to move." He nodded, "Good, I'll take the day off too to make sure no one bothers you here." He said and she grinned sleepily, he noticed she had more color to her and her eyes were more of their usual amber glow. "Now then, want to sleep some more?" She shook her head, "Gotta find my glasses." He kissed her forehead and helped her look for them and when she found them she put them on, they were a bit crooked but she readjusted them, they went back on the couch and Hanji laid her head on Levi's chest, she chuckled and he looked at her, "What are you giggling about now?" She looked up at him, "For so many years I was told I'd find the right person some day and I never expected that I'd find them because they tried to kill me." He rolled his eyes, "I gave up on that idea a long time ago. Besides I could say the same." He said and yawned, he closed his eyes for a moment before his phone buzzed, Hanji raised an eyebrow, "Your girlfriend texting you?" She teased, "Unless that was you then no." He said and pulled out his phone, she blushed a little and rubbed her eyes. Levi checked the message, it was from Erwin,

How does lunch time for this meeting sound? I usually get a bit of time off for it.

He sent a message back,

That's fine, Hanji said she's taking the day off, figured I should tell you.

Alright, and that's fine. It's been pretty slow here this week, so unless she's needed she can stay home as long as she wants.

Levi's eyes widened slightly, she was lying. All this time she said how busy it was. He looked down to see her sleeping and went back to the messages,

If that's the case I'm glad I'm meeting with you. Apparently my suspicions are correct. I'll explain in detail later. For now Hanji's sleeping. I'll stay with her to make sure no one bothers her.

There was no reply but it was stated the message was read. All that he had to do now was explain to Erwin everything that had been happening.

((Sorry it was a bit of a filler, i needed it to be a chapter of fill so I could lead to the next part!)

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