The ending...

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DEAR EVERYTHING I HAVEN'T WRITTEN ANYTHING IN ALMOST A MONTH. I AM SO SORRY EVERYONE... I really am I've been having the worst writers block and I'm trying to get back into stuff and HNGH. I PROMISE I'M GOING TO AT LEAST WRITE THIS CHAPTER BY CHAPTER. I WANTED TO DO A PAUSE SO I COULD THINK BUT SCHOOL IS KICKING MY ASS. Anyways thanks SO much for all the love and support this fic has gotten! It really makes me happy to see people that comment and like! In any case I'm going to write this chapter because I need to give you guys something for being so patient with me!

(I am going to warn now things get pretty intense down the road so please don't read this chapter if you get freaked out by heavy themes)

"Watch your step, who knows what that pile even is..." "Don't bump me, please." "Careful! This place is cramped!" A bunch of noisy whispers were taking away from what was supposed to be silent sneaking. Through a network of sewers the readied army was trying to find it's way to the poor scientist needing rescue.

A sharp and brief "SHH." Alerted everyone and immediately ceased the noise. Leading the now silent group was Levi and his gang with Erwin, Mike, and Nanaba closely behind. Soon the band came across a four way intersection, one of each in Levi's squad scouted a little down the different tunnels for any hint of which way they should go, eventually they all met back and Petra was the one to say that her way seemed to be it.

Silently they all lurked again. Nothing made a noise but the sound of their feet and the dripping of the sewers they travelled in. Levi abruptly stopped, "Something isn't right here." He said quietly and turned to Erwin, "It's been far too quiet, usually there would have been an ambush by now." He said and Erwin nodded, he turned to his troops while Levi faced back to the front, "Keep on guard, we don't know if they're planning something." Erwin commanded calmly, they all waited for Levi to give the signal before continuing on.

Soon they came across a large room, it appeared vacant and unused for a long time, if someone was hiding out they hadn't found or used this room yet. The brigade fanned out into the room to set up a temporary hq while down in the sewers. Levi and his group were still on edge and kept a sharp and close lookout in case anything may come their way.


Once the base was fully set up, people went to scout around, small groups went into differing tunnels and would radio back anything they saw, the officials awaited for any news that could lead them to the next area they needed.

After a while, it came. The call they had been expecting and dreading. One sole group had gone to what had appeared to e an abandoned tunnel but came back after a few minutes, the leader went to Erwin and reported shakily what he had seen, "S-Sir..." He started, "We found her, she's... Well she doesn't look to be injured but she's guarded by something, something just... It doesn't seem right." He said, Erwin nodded, "Thank you." He said and the soldier went to sit down, Erwin turned to Levi, "Levi, I want you to take Mike and Nanaba and your squad and go see what this is. Whether or not you two are a thing, do not. I repeat. Not. Trust Hanji." He said and Levi nodded, "Sure." He said and rallied up his group and set out.


Eventually he came across the room the other scouters had found, inside was Hanji but something was wrong, she was sitting cross legged and had her head in her hands and looked to be muttering something, Levi tensed up in anticipation, "Be silent, be quick. Be like a ghoul would be and if needed kill to live." He said in a whisper so quiet Hanji's muttering overpowered it, he started slinking down and stepped quietly towards her while the others quietly left the perch they were on.

Hanji's muttering grew louder although it remained indecipherable, she shook her head gently and quickly as Levi silently came closer, his eyes turned to the ghoulish black and red and he readied his kagune. Eventually he stood a foot away from her, the dim lighting made his shadow blend with the rest of the darkness so he still wasn't seen, "Hanji." He said quietly, her voice died immediately, she slowly put her hands into her lap, "Leave." She said back, much louder than his volume, "Please, I will hurt you." Levi raised an eyebrow, "No, you won't." Hanji looked up at him, one eye similar to his two, "I don't know when I'll snap, please just leave before I do something I'll regret!" She cried and looked back down again. Levi took a step closer. "I'm not leaving you here." He said and knelt beside her, knowing he most likely shouldn't, the others remained on edge and drew their weapons.

"You should have listened."

A dark and low chuckling could be heard as Levi's eyes slowly looked down, he couldn't move and his body felt numb. The last thing he heard was the other's cries and the sound of rushing footsteps...


SO YEAH THIS IS HAPPENING, SORRY TO LEAVE YOU GUYS ON A CLIFFHANGER BUT WHAT BETTER WAY TO LEAVE THE CHAPTER OFF AMIRIGHT? Anyways sorry if this kind of was heavy for some of you, i'm probs gonna do more creepy stuff for Halloween coming up, so as always, Stay tuned for the next time!

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