Terrifying relief

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A pair of steely orbs groggily revealed themselves. The owner groaned loudly, he waited for a response before realizing there wouldn't be one. He frowned and sat up, he realized he fell asleep on Hanji's bed, and in an uncomfortable position too. He reached over and grabbed his phone, opened it and read the notification on the screen,



He took in a deep breath and open the first one

Well she looks better. Not that I'm trying to take her from you...

Levi rolled his eyes, she wasn't his girlfriend

...I know you rolled your eyes. I'm just trying to lighten the mood. Anyways, that nights rest really helped. She's a lot more like her usual self again. A little paler than usual but hey, better than yesterday. Anyways we're gonna eat soon so I'll leave you be.

Message two:

Okay she wasn't as fine as I first thought? She complained about how bad the food taste and said she felt really queasy eating it. Anyways it's probably from injuries. Give her an hour she'll be shoving food in like a black hole.

Message three:

Okay so we tried all the food here. She eventually got sick. We're worried about this. I'm going to have Petra talk to her and see what's up.

Message four:

Petra talked to her, seemed pale afterwards. I'll try to tell you everything.

Message five:

Oh god. This... I think it'll be best if you come here. Hanji's upstairs in the guest room. She's... Just come down. Hurry if you can.

Levi's eyes widened considerably, he jumped out of the bed and scrambled to get a jacket and bolted out the door. He ran all the way to the coffee shop and almost collapsed due to how far it was. There were a few patrons sitting and watching him, curious as to the newcomer. Gunter went over and helped him up, gave him some water and got him up the stairs. When he finally got up to the guest area, Gunter showed him to Hanji's room. She was on a couch and fast asleep. Levi's breath hitched. He quietly walked over and sat on the floor next to her, Gunter left the room and closed the door behind him. The ghoul brushed a few hairs away from her forehead, Hanji paused from breathing and her pale face warped slightly, her warm brown eyes opened and she squinted at the figure in front of her, Levi breathed a sigh of relief and grabbed her glasses and put them on her face, "Do you realize how badly you scared me?" He asked quietly, she curled herself under the blanket so only her eyes peeked out, he rolled his eyes and wrapped her in his arms and gently kissed her cold forehead, Hanji smiled a little and burrowed towards the warmth he was radiating, "Are you okay?" He asked though he already knew the answer. "I've been better." She looked up at him, "I should be asking you that. You seem all out of breath." He hugged her a little tighter and took a deep breath, "I kind of... Oluo sent me texts on how you were doing... I ran here."
"You ran like five miles here?"
"Shut up."
"Tch. I said shut up. But I guess you're better now."

Hanji grinned and wrapped an arm around him, "A little bit, yeah." Levi touched his forehead to hers, he looked her straight in the eyes. He expected a real answer, "What happened to you? Why did you run?" She shrunk a little bit, "I just... I panicked, I didn't realize it was you until I had reached the end of the alleyway, I turned around and saw you but I was just scared..." He hummed quietly and listened to everything, after she finished he sighed, "That answered one question. Do you think you're well enough to come back home? Or do you want to stay put for a little while longer." She yawned and rewrapped her arm around his shoulders, "Here is fine. I'm still exhausted." Her eyes began to close and he gently gripped her arm, his thumb stroking her triceps and he watched her fall peacefully asleep.

Petra knocked gently on the door, she quietly opened it, Levi had his eyes closed and was wrapped up in Hanji's arm and had his forehead to hers, he opened his eyes and carefully sat up and looked at her, "Need something?" He whispered quietly, she shook her head and smiled, "Just came to see how she was doing. An you too. Gunter said you seemed pretty freaked out when you got here." She whispered back. Levi nodded slightly, "I... I actually panicked." She walked over and crouched down next to him and poked his cheek, "You like her." She said and he looked offended, "Oi. Shut it. I do not." She crossed her arms and smirked, "Dent it all you want it's still obvious." She said and looked at Hanji, "Anyways, I'm sure you want to know what happened to her." He nodded, "I see she hasn't told you then. I'll tell you after closing. For now just make sure she doesn't do too much. She's still recovering and could use as much rest as she can get." He nodded, "I won't leave unless I have to." She chuckled, "Alright love bird. Just tend to her and make sure she doesn't leave." She said and quickly left before Levi could grab her, he growled in annoyance and grumbled, "We aren't a couple..." He turned back to Hanji who's eyes were half open, she didn't look very alert and Levi's cheeks went slightly red, "Hey... Go back to sleep." He said quietly and went back to his earlier position, Hanji huddled up to him and muttered something before going back to sleep.

A whisper of the night. (levihan fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now