Three :-)- Admit it

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Nick's Pov:
Tommy called, and asked to come over. It was random, but we said yes. He sat us all down in the living room, and looked serious for once. He took us over to the couch and sat us down
"The house is quiet for once" Clay pointed out
"Ruth and Iris took the babies to the park" Tommy said, still pretty serious
"What the hell is going on" Alex laughed "you're being weird"
"I just need to talk to you guys"
"Okay..?" George said

He took a deep breath "guys. I'm not dumb" is the first thing he said, and we all have him  looks
"All 5 of you are weird around Ruth" He said


"What?" Karl was the first to speak up
"Karl, out of all of you, you would be the one to know what I'm talking about" Tommy said
"Can you elaborate?" I asked
"The looks. All five of you look at Ruth with a certain look. I know you guys know what I'm talking about"

Everyone looked slightly uncomfortable. I wasn't the only one?

"I'm not gonna say that I'm completely against it, but Ruth isn't ready for that. She's a 19 year old girl in college with 2 kids. Her kids are her main priority while she's also maintaining school and streaming. I don't know if she'll be able to handle a relationship, especially 5" Tommy said, honestly

Everyone just stayed in uncomfortable silence until Karl spoke up "I'm sorry"
"You don't need to be sorry Karl, and I'm not always right. Maybe she does want a relationship, but this is just what I think"

We all nodded
"That's all I'm gonna say. I'm done with being serious. They'll be home soon, and we can figure out what we wanna do"
"Alright" Clay nodded

I didn't realize my other 4 boys liked Ruth as well. I feel like a shitty boyfriend. I should have feelings for someone else when I have 4 boyfriends

Ruth's Pov:
"Be careful Harper" I said as she was running to go down the slide, but she slid down just fine

I picked up Collie and set her down gently in the baby swing, and pushed her slowly, not wanting to scare her
"Will you go make sure Harper doesn't run too far?" I asked Iris
"Yeah, of course" she answered me back, and immediately went to the slides with Harper.

I pulled out my phone, taking a quick picture of Collie, then pocketed it, and gave my attention back to smiling, Collie

After about 40 minutes Harper started getting tired, considering she was running around the whole time, so we decided to head home

When we pulled up to the house, I got out, and got sleeping Harper out of the car, and Iris held Collies hand as we walked into the house. When we walked in I was welcomed by Tommy, Clay, George, Alex, Nick, and Karl. I wasn't expecting them to be here
"Oh, hey" I said, setting my keys down on the counter

I went up to Harper's room, and laid her down in her bed, tucked her in, and turned on the monitor that I had in her room, allowing me to make sure she's safe at all times. I forgot to grab her a drink.

She wakes up sometimes, and immediately wants a drink, it also helps her if she wakes up, she'll have her drink to fall back asleep.

I went back downstairs, and grabbed her cup, and filled in with apple juice, and screwed the cap back on. I felt eyes on me, and I turned and saw Clay looking at me, he turned away, covering it very poorly

I ignored it, and went up to Harper's room, set her cup on her side table, and went back out. When I walked out I saw Collie at the bottom of the stairs "mommy!" She said smiling with her cute little toothy smile
"Hi baby" I said, and picked her up, not wanting her to fall. She's not the best at walking, so I don't want any chance of her stumbling while trying to stand up, and falling down the stairs

I went downstairs to the living room, and sat down on the floor with Collie. I sat her a few feet away from me, grabbed her favorite toy, which she named 'kitty' even though its a monkey, but she can't say too many words,so the first thing she said was "kitty"

I helped her stand up, and moved away "come her, love"
She took 3 steps, then fell and whined, and crawled over to me
I kissed her forehead "you tired?"
She put her head on my shoulder, and yawned

I checked the time and it read 7:54pm, so it's about time for her to be in bed. I went to the kitchen with Collie in my arms and made her a bottle. I went upstairs and laid her in her crib with her bottle, and kissed her forehead. I stroked my fingers through her short hair, causing her to fall asleep. I grabbed her bottle setting it on the nightstand next to the rocking chair, turned on her monitor, and walked out, shutting her door slowly

I went back downstairs, and decided to post a picture I took from the park earlier


(Ik it doesn't look a lot like them, but it's hard to find pictures that look like them :/)

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(Ik it doesn't look a lot like them, but it's hard to find pictures that look like them :/)

Ruthie_: my babies <3

I put my phone down after posting the picture. I laid my head down on the back of the couch and closed my eyes.

I have work to do.
I need to stream.
I need to get the babies outside more.
I've been missing classes.
My babies don't want to leave my side to go to daycare everyday.

Things just haven't been the greatest lately. Tommy saw this because he grabbed my hand and squeezed it, smiling at me
"I love you" he whispered at me
"I love you too"

I've been focusing a lot on my other story, but I'm gonna try my hardest to update more

I'm going on a trip for 8 days on Saturday, so I won't be posting much for the next week and a half, but after that, I'm gonna be posting more consistently :)

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