twenty five- disappear

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"mommy! Park!" Collie yelled, pointing at a park we were driving by.

The girls have been in the car for 33 hours except when we stop to get food and use the bathroom.

This isn't their fault.

I took a turn, pulling into the park.

The kids squealed, as I parked. Harper hopped out of the car and I quickly helped Collie out of her car seat.

They ran to go at the park as I got a call from Rae, and I immediately picked up.
"Hi Rae!"
"Hi Ruth! How far are you?" She asked
"I'm about 4 hours away. I stopped at a park to let the girls play for like a half hour, and then we'll be back on the road again." I told her
"Okay! I know it's bad circumstances.. but! I'm very excited to see you!" She said, and I could tell she was smiling.
"I'm excited to see you too.."

We eventually ended the call, and after a while, the girls and I were back in the car, and on our way.

Nicks Pov:

I woke up at around 8am, and heard chattering in the main bedroom. I put on my slippers, and made my way there.

All the boys were in there, Clay and Alex on the bed, Karl laying on the floor, and George sitting on the couch.

"What are you guys doing?" I asked, rubbing my eyes.
"Trying to come up with a plan." Karl replied.
"A plan for what?"
"What do you think, Nick?" George replied with an attitude.

I stared at them.
"You're seriously making a plan right now for her to forgive Clay." I asked in disbelief.

They didn't say anything.

"Clay. Here's a quick reality check. You broke our girlfriends fucking leg! And you think she's gonna forgive you in a day? You guys are making up some stupid plan that's not gonna work! Clay needs to pit his big boy pants on and figure this out himself!" I raised my voice at them.

They just looked down, knowing they were in the wrong.

"Clay. Go work this out with her. On your own." I said, pointing to the door, and he followed, walking out the door, and to Ruth's room and we all watched him.

He knocked on the door lightly. She's usually awake by now. She gets up pretty early, usually by around 6 so she can plan what she's gonna do for the day and with the girls.

"Ruth..?" She said in a saddened tone.
"Ruthanna, can I talk to you.. please?"

No answer.

"Ruth. I'm sorry, okay.. I don't know what I was thinking and I made a huge mistake." He said, upset that she wasn't answering him.

He looked back at us, and George waved his hands in a way, telling him to just go in, which I didn't think was such a good idea, but I'm not gonna argue.

He slowly opened the door.
"Ruthie..?" He said "Ruth?" He said again, a panicked look on his face.

He opened the door wider and we all saw what he was so panicked about.

All her drawers. Open. And empty.
"Oh my god.." I said, under my breath.

We all ran out of our room and went to the girls rooms.

All their clothes are gone. Their blankets. Everything..

"She's gone!?" Karl said now freaking out.

"Call Iris and Tommy." I told them. "Now!"

"Nick, they're in London right now. How the hell are they gonna know where she is?" Alex asked.
"Just try!" I yelled at them.

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