twenty six- the call

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It's been around 6 weeks since I've lived at Raes house.

The girls have asked a lot of questions, and I've just told them we're on family vacation.

They miss their dads.

But Harper has also asked a lot of questions about what Clay did to me.

"You should just call them, Ruth. They're worried sick. All they do is call you."
"I know, I will."

I haven't spoken to the boys at all. I know this is wrong of me. I've spoken to Iris and Tommy a few times, and I told them to let the boys know that everything's going okay.

I plan to communicate in some way with them today.

I'm helping Rae make dinner. We're making spaghetti.
"I help momma" Collie came trampled into the kitchen.

Collie helped us mix the sauce into the noodles, me and Rae laughing and smile at her whenever she'd take a noodle out and eat it, continuing to mix.

I pulled the garlic bread out of the oven while Rae set the table.

It's still weird setting a table for 4, instead of a table for 10.

"Harper, it's time for dinner!"

I watched as she paused her show, bunk'd, and ran to the dinner table, all of us beginning to eat.

It's crazy how big the girls are. Harper is now 5 and a half, and Collie is 3.

They've gotten so big since we moved to the US, when they were 3 and 9 months.

It was soon the girls bedtime, 8pm. I went right to my room after getting the girls in bed.

I pulled out my phone, staring at the boys contacts.

I want to talk to them, so badly.

I chose to call Karl, but talk to all the boys.

I clicked on his contact, and called him.

It took a few rings, but he answered.

Clays Pov:

We were all watching a movie, when we heard Karls phone ring. He pulled it out of his pocket, lazily, but once he saw the contact, he sat up very quickly.
"Oh my god..." He said, staring at his phone.
"What?" I asked

He turned his phone around, facing us. And we all looked at the contact name.

My girl<3

"Karl, answer it!" Alex told him.

He clicked accept, and put the phone on speaker.
"Hey.." she said, her voiced laced with exhaustion. "Who's with you?"
"All the boys" he replied.
"Okay, good.."
"Why haven't you called, Ruth?" George asked.
"I'm sorry. I was hurt, okay? I shouldn't have left, but I didn't know what else to do."

We all nodded, even though she couldn't see us.

"Hows um.. your leg?" Alex asked, making me frown.
"I can walk on it now, but it's not fully healed so I'm still in a cast." She told us.
"That's good." Karl told her.

I didn't think I would talk to her during this phone call, because I didn't think she'd want to talk to me, but I just had one question. "W-When are you coming home..?"

The room went silent for a few seconds.
"I don't know."
"Ruth. The house isn't the same without you and the girls. Please come home."
"You have to understand why I left."
"We do, Ruth. We understand completely, I promise. I get if you don't wanna come home, but we're gonna be here until you are." Nick told her.
"Just.. give me a bit. The girls are confused and think we're on a vacation. But I know Harper understands. She may be five, but she saw everything." Ruth stated.

I'm so upset that Harper saw me in that state. I know she was terrified.

"Okay.. please call and text us more, okay?" Nick pleaded.
"I will.. I love you guys." She told us, quietly

We all returned it.

And then the call ended.

"This is a start.."
"Our start was 2 and half years ago when we met her, George! This isn't something to be chippy about." Alex snapped at him.

George stood up, infuriated.
"Can you guys at least try to be happy!? Something awful happened, okay? And I can say whatever the fuck I want, because I didn't cause this! All I want is my fucking girlfriend and kids back! You guys can be cranky that she left in the first place, but that's in the past! I'm gonna be happy every time that I speak to her because all I want is her back!" His eyes began tearing up. "I want to hug her, and kiss her, and fall asleep knowing there's 6 of us, happy and in bed together! I want to kiss Col and Harp goodnight, and play on the playground, and watch them grow up again! All I want is to be a family again! So I'll be happy with every fucking step we make!" He went upstairs, slamming the door behind him.

The room went silent.

"He's right. Guys, we need to just work though this. We can he mad that Ruth left. You guys can be mad at me, we can be mad that Ruth left without telling us, but that's not gonna change anything. We need to remember that Ruth, Harper, and Collie are our family. They're our girlfriend, and daughters. So we WILL be happy when we make baby steps towards getting Ruth back home. Because we love them. We love Ruthanna Grace. We love Harper Reign. And we love Collie Amora. So we will make this right. I will make this right."

I laid in bed, scrolling through my phone, when I got an incoming call, and I looked up at the name.


I stared at it in disbelief, my finger hesitating over the green accept button.

I slowly clicked on it, and the call went through.
"..hello?" I heard a sweet, tired voice from the other side of the call.
"Hey, Ruthie.."
"I just wanted to talk to you.." she said
"I miss you" I told her

I heard her sigh.
"I'll be home soon. I just need a little more time."
"Why'd you"

The call fell silent for a few seconds, and I heard her sniffle.
"Because I don't want you to hate me.. I want us to love eachother like we did before the incident, and I know I'm the reason our relationship is falling apart."
"For one, I could never EVER hate you.. ever. For two, you're not the reason this is all happening. I hurt you.. that's my fault." I told her, truthfully.
"I just.. miss everything. And the girls miss you all so much. I just want to make sure my mind is clear before I come home." She told me.
"I know. And I want you to be okay before you come home."
"Thank you, baby.." she said, sweetly.

I smiled at the name.

"I know it's late there, so go to bed. I love you" she said.
"I love you more." And I ended the call.

I laid on my back, smiling, and fell asleep.

Guys. I'm sorry if you guys don't like how this all went down, but I thought it'd be a cool plot twist.

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