thirty five- baby

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Iris's Pov:
I walked into the delivery room, after changing into the scrubs, and Ruth was already prepped for the surgery.

(For people that don't know how C-sections work, they are awake during the surgery, but have like a divider looking thing over their chest, so that they can't see the surgery happening)

She looked at me, and smiled weakly.

I went by her side, and grabbed her hand.
"I'm so glad you're here with me.." she said, squeezing my hand.
"I love you." I told her, kissing her forehead.
"I love you too."

The doctor spoke up. "We're going to deliver them now." And he went back to his spot to begin the surgery.

After a few minutes the doctor spoke up.

"Baby A is out.." He said, bringing the baby straight to an incubator.

Ruth specified she didn't wanna see the babies, because she wanted to find out the genders with the boys.

The doctors went back to work and eventually baby B came out.

The doctor went back and put that baby in a different incubator as well, and went back to where he was before.
"Wait what.." the doctor mumbled.

Ruth lifted her head up.
"What.. what's happening?" Ruth freaked out.

"Um.. Ruthanna, you had twins right?" The doctor asked.
"Yes, twins? What do you mean!?" She started panicking.
"There's um.. there's a third baby here.." he said.

Ruth shot her head over to look at me.

My jaw was just dropped.
"What!?" I raised my voice.
"There is another baby here." He said, beginning to take the baby out.

"Another baby...What the actual fuck." I said, not believing this was actually happening.

"How did the doctors not see this in the ultrasounds?"

He put the baby in the incubator, and went back to operate, and close up.

A nurse walked up to us.

"When was your last ultrasound?" She asked.

"A few months ago..? I was supposed to have another ultrasound TOMORROW. Why does this matter?" She asked.

The nurse nodded. "This baby was pushed very far back, and under the other 2. It could be seen in an ultrasound, definitely the one you'd be having tomorrow, but the babies were very small a few months ago, so it'd f harder to see in an ultrasound. This is very uncommon, but it can happen."

Ruth nodded, and laid her head back down and then everything hit her, and a smile grew on her face.
"I have 5 kids.. This is crazy oh my god.."

She then looked at me. "Don't tell the boys." She looked almost.. maniacal, and then let out a soft laugh. "They're just gonna walk in and see 3 babies."

I laughed, but agreed.

After Ruth was all stitched up, I had to leave the room, so I went back to the waiting room, after changing out of the scrubs.

I don't know how I'm gonna hide my facial expressions, and lie as if Ruth didn't just have triplets.

Everyone immediately stood up when I walked out.

Harper was sitting in a chair, almost half asleep, and Tommy was holding Collie, who had just woken up because Tommy stood up.

"What happened, is she okay?" Nick asked, quickly.

I nodded "She's fine, she's out to go into her room, and they're gonna bring the babies in. The doctors gonna come and get us once Ruth is settled in.

All the boys nodded, but didn't sit back down.

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