twenty one- fear

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Smut lol

Nicks Pov:
I woke up to the sound of Karl and Alex talking.
"You'd think you'd be quieter when there are people sleeping around you" I yawned, sitting up against the headboard
"Nick! We have a lore stream today! Get excited!" Karl said, jumping on the bed
"OW!" George shouted "you stepped on my leggggg" he whined
"Oh shut up you big baby" Clay woke up

We were all sitting up at this point
"Where's Ruthie? Clay asked, rubbing his eyes
"I don't know" Alex shrugged "shes been gone since we woke up, I assumed she was in the bathroom or making breakfast."

I stood up, leaving the room, on my way to look for Ruthanna. It didn't take long to find her. She was passed out on the floor in-between Harper and Collies rooms, which were only a few inches apart.

I went back to the room
"Boys." I said, and walked back out. I knew they knew I needed them to see something.

They all came out and saw Ruth, and their faces dropped.

"She's paranoid. Shes scared of them being too far from us." I told them
"She fell asleep with us last night, though.." George said
"She must've just.. woken up and was just scared something was gonna happen"

I walked up to her, crouching down, and managing to lift up her petite body in bridal style. I walked back to the room, and laid her in bed.

The boys and I went downstairs and chatted about the situation, until we heard cries from upstairs.

We all shot up, and went over to the room, and walked in.

Ruth had her arms wrapped around her knees, her head on her knees as well, rocking slightly.

"Hey, baby..." Karl approached her slowly, gently petting her hair.

She quickly shot out of her previous position, pushing up against the headboard.

"H-Harper Col-Collie.. Where are they!?" She shot out of bed"

I put my hands on her shoulders, making her look at me
"They're in bed, babygirl..they're fast asleep, and safe."

She looked at me, still with a panicked look on her face.

I grabbed her hand, and led her out of the room.

We approached Collies room, and I opened the door. We could see Collie sleeping in her crib, in her adorable baby blue pajamas with kittens on them.

I pulled her gently out of the room by her hand and showed her to Harpers room, she was also fast asleep, in her white onesie with pink flowers on them.

I led her out of the room once again, the second we exited, she broke into tears, leaning her head against my chest, and I wrapped my arms over her, as if I was protecting her from the outside world.

"I can't live like this..." She sobbed.

All the boys walked out, and wrapped their arms around her as well in a group hug.

"We're gonna get through this, baby, I promise. We'll be here with you every step of the way." Karl told her, seriously.

She nodded, very shaken up. Trying to even out her breathing.

"Momma?" We heard a faint call from the room in front of us.

Ruth walked into Harpers room with a smile "good morning, princess" she said, cheerfully, walking over to Harpers bed.

Harper put her arms out for Ruth, and Ruth picked her up.
"Hi mommy" Harp smiled, clinging her legs around Ruth's waist, and her arms around her neck, laying her head on her shoulder.

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