six <3- Stream

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"Hello!" I said to my stream


User12: So excited for this!



I joined the discord that Rae sent me "Hello?" I said softly
"Hi Ruth!" I heard Rae say, enthusiastically
"Hi Rae!!!" I replied back, matching her energy

The lobby is me, Rae, Poki, Corpse, Sykkuno, Tina, Toast, Fuslie, Brooke, and Peter

"Hello to all!" I said
"Hi Ruth, it's nice to meet you" Sykkuno said
"You too, Sykkuno!"

Everyone introduced themselves, and talked for a few minutes before Toast started the game


We're starting with the Skeld map.
I saw Peter go to card swipe, and I immediately went to the button and pressed it
"Already?" Leslie asked
"It's Peter" I said, calmly
"WHAT!? HOW? He replied, defensively
"You did card swipe" I replied
"We have one common task, and it's not card swipe. It's Peter. Trust me"
"Why did we invite her" Peter said after getting nine votes
"I'm trusting you, Ruth!" Brooke said
I just laughed at Peters response

I went to electrical, and did my download, and my wires, and then went to admin to do my upload, I looked on admin and examined it. A body being reported as soon as I finished
"NO! POKI!" Sykkuno said
"Her body was found in electrical" Toast said
"It's toast" I said, immediately
"How?" Rae asked
"I was just on admin right before the body was reported, absolutely nobody was in electrical. There would have been 2 people in electrical. Toast, and Pokis body, therefore it's Toast"

Everyone went silent and began voting
A few seconds later he was voted out


"RUTH WHAT THE FUCK!" Peter said
"Thank you" I said smiling
"Ruth's a threat! Ruth's a threat" Corpse kept repeating
"That was good, Ruth" Rae said, kindly
"Thank you, Rae" I said, right before the game started


"Crewmate again" I mumbled under my breath
I went to reactor first to get Simon says done first. As I was doing it, Tina came up and killed me
"I should've seen that coming. I'm just too good" I laughed, fishing my task

Body reported

"You guys actually killed her!" Sykkuno said as soon as he unmuted
"She was just too good!"

"I found her body in reactor, you toxic killers killed her while she was doing Simon says" Brooke said
"I saw Corpse go that way, as well as Tina" Leslie said

They talked a bit more, and settled to skip, but that Corpse and Tina were sus

I heard a knock on my door, so I muted my stream
"Come in!"

Quackity pooped his head in "Hi" He smiled
"Oh, hey Alex"
"I'm bored, so I'm joining your stream because you suck and you died"
"The only reason I died is because I was too good" I said, unmuting the stream "Guys! Quackitys here!" I said
"Hola everyone!" Alex said, standing beside my chair

Alex just talked to chat for a bit before  they found the killers
"Okay, get out. I need to get back to being amazing" I shooed him
"Okay, okay! Bye chat!" He yelled at he walked out

"Is everyone ready?" Toast asked
Everyone have different variations of yes, and he started the game

I looked at my screen and smiled, muting "Imposter with Rae"

I went to Admin, did my card swipe, and then went to storage to fake my divert and I saw Rae, Leslie, and Corpse. I went to Corpse and Rae went to Leslie and we killed the both of them, quickly venting to Med Bay

Seconds after, a body was reported
"DAMNIT!" Poki yelled "I almost saw it! Corpse and Leslie are dead in electrical. The vent just closed
"Or was it a self report..?" Sykkuno asked, mischievously
"No! It's not, I promise!" Poki said, pleading her case
"It's risky to guess. If we're wrong, it's a much higher chance of us losing" I said, wanting to sound innocent
"Thank you, Ruth!" Poki said, giggling afterward

We decided amongst skipping. I immediately followed Rae to navigation, where Tina followed us. I didn't wanna do it, but I killed her and vented to shields, and there sat Toast. He saw me vent

I immediately ran to the emergency button
"Toast vented in shields" I said
I heard Sykkuno gasp "I just came across a body in navigation, but you called the button before it could report. It all adds up if Toast vented" he said

Toast laughed "nice one, Ruth"
"Don't even start with me, Toast. Hes trying to get a video!" I yelled
"He wants a video! Don't let him get the video!" Brooke yelled, voting Toast

Everyone voted. I got two votes, but Toast got four and one skip

Toast was voted out. Rae and I went to medbay and we saw Poki and Brooke scanning eachother, taking the chance to double kill.
"LETS GO RAE!" I cheered when the victory screen popped up
"WE DID IT!" Rae yelled, clapping her hands together
"It's the double R's! The double R's!" Sykkuno said about our names
"Good job, Rae!!" I said again
"You too!"

We played a few more round, and eventually we got tired
"It was so great to meet all of you! I hope we can play together again soon!" I said
"Yes, of course! Bye Ruth!" Brooke said

We all said our goodbyes and I left the call
"Well, Chat. That was very fun, but in the words of Tubbo, all good things must come to an end eventually" I said, looking and my camera and laughing
"Thank you for all the subs and donos, make sure to eat, drink and do what makes you happy. I love you all" I blew a kiss at the camera and ended stream

I changed into white sweatpants and a baby blue crop top and headed downstairs

Collie was sitting on the couch, playing with toys and looked up, seeing me walk downstairs
"Mommy!" She said, putting her toys down
"Hi, pretty girl" I smiled, picking her up, holding her in my side

I was kinda confused because nobody else was in the living room, and Collie was left alone. As I was questioning it, Nick walked out of the bathroom
"Oh! Hey, Ruth" he said "I had to use the bathroom, I was in here with her. The others are out back"
"Okay. Thank you for keeping an eye on her" I said, smiling
"Yeah, of course" he smiled

I went out back with the others and sat in one of the outside chairs with Collie laying across my chest, I ran my hand up and down her back and she slowly drifted to sleep


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