nine- feelings

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I'd been thinking a lot about those 5 boys lately

They've been treating me differently... But not in a bad way

I'm started to feel something, but I can't explain what the feeling is. It's like.. nervousness. Whenever I see them I feel like I'm gonna explode with nerves. They are messing with me

I've come to terms with the fact that they're trying to mess with my feelings, which is where I got an idea

They're coming over today to swim, and I'm gonna look hot as fuck. Yes, I am. But not FOR them, but to make them want me more. I know it makes me sound like a pretty shitty person, but if they're gonna try to get with me, they're gonna have to catch me first

I went into my bedroom, grabbing my favorite dark red bikini, and took a picture, posting it to twitter

----------I went into my bedroom, grabbing my favorite dark red bikini, and took a picture, posting it to twitter

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I could hear them talking downstairs, so I put on a big t-shirt and went to Collies room. She was in her play pin, playing with Harper.
"You guys wanna go swimming?" I asked
"Yes!" Harper said

Collie didn't understand, as I expected, bit she smiled up at me. I got Collie dressed and then took Harper to her room and got her dressed, and she immediately ran downstairs after.

I picked up Collie and walked downstairs

As I thought, all 5 boys were looking at me. But they're so fucking gorgeous...

"Are you guys ready?" I asked, looking down at Collie for a split second
"Yep" Tommy said, jumping off the back of the couch, and running out with Collie, all the other boys following behind him
"Hey pretty" Iris said to me, grabbing Collie from my arms
"Hey gorg" I replied

I told Iris about my plan to mess with the boys, yesterday.
"I'm excited to see this all unfold" she said, rubbing Collies back
"So am I" I smiled, walking out the back door

Clay, Alex and George were already in the pool. Nick and Karl were trying to push each other in and Tommy was putting Harpers water wings on

I pulled my shirt over my head and turned around, and Clay, George and Alex were staring right at me, Nick and Karl were too distracted

I put Collie in her floatie, and got into the pool with her, every once in a while I would take a quick glance at the boys, and at least one of them was always looking at me

Eventually, Iris was sat out of the pool with sleeping Collie, so I was playing with Harper. She was attempting to count all the clouds in the sky

About an hour later both babies were out of the pool, and playing with Tommy. I was trying to get out of the pool, but the plastic on the stairs of the pool caught onto my leg, cutting it open
"Shit.." I said, sitting down on the edge of the pool

I couldn't even look up before Clay was right next to me
"Holy shit, Ruth" he said, getting out of the pool
"I'm good, I'm just gonna clean it up, I said, standing up, and almost falling down due to the pain, but Clay caught me

"I'll help you" he said, wrapping my arm over his shoulder, helping me inside, and up to the bathroom. He lifted me onto the counter

He looked in the bathroom closet, finding the first aid kit. He wiped the access blood off with tissue, and wiped it down with an alcoholic swab. It burnt, but I didn't wanna seem like a baby. He wrapped it in an ace bandage and looked up at me
"You gotta start being more careful" he said, putting his hands on the counter, practically trapping me
"And you don't get to tell me what to do" I replied, tilting my head, and placing my hand on his chest, pushing him back slightly, which ended in him easily moving back again
"You're a confident girl" he said, pushing my hair behind my ear
"I am" I replied, fighting off a blush

He looked me up and down, and that was my breaking point. I couldn't just sit here as he does this to me

I leaned forward, smashing my lips onto his..


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