Forty five- my baby

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Big, big trigger warning for this chapter. Mentions of rape and drugs. Like, seriously. It's a pretty big TW.

It's almost 4pm.

I didn't sleep at all last night. My phone has been by my side since last night, awaiting the call from the police. I'm terrified.

What if something happened to her?

I've been trying to keep those thoughts out of my head.

She's going to be okay.

She has to be okay.

Clays POV
Ruth hasn't spoke since last night. Not a single word. Me and the other boys have just been letting her cope in her own way.

If not speaking is her way of coping, that's okay.

I went downstairs and laid next to her on the couch.
"Hey baby." I said, kissing her cheek.

She looked up at me, giving me a weak smile.

I laid behind her, wrapping my arms around her waist.
"It'll all be okay." I told her

She just laid still, staring at the blank tv.

She turned around in my hold, and looked straight at me.

She still didn't say anything, she just looked at me, and the she laid her head on my chest.

I rubbed her back, kissing the top of her head.

I'll do anything for her.

Anything to take her mind off of the reality of the situation.

We don't know if Collie is okay.

But we can wish and pray that everything will be okay.

It looked like she was about to fall asleep before her phone began ringing.

She jolted up, grabbing her phone immediately, and putting it on speaker.
"Hello. Is this Ruthanna?" Someone from the phone asked
"Yes, it is."
"Hello, Ruthanna. This is Officer Smith from the sheriffs office. We currently have Collie here. We found her."

They found her.

She can come home...

"Could you come to the sheriffs office now?" He asked.

She stood up, grabbing her shoes.
"Yes. Yes! I'm on my way." She said, and hung up the phone.

"Go get the boys, and ask Tom and Iris if they can stay with the kids." She told me.

I ran upstairs to the main bedroom, where all the boys were watching tv.

"They found her! We need to go." I told them.
"Collie!? They found her?" Karl sat up.
"Yes! Get your shoes on, we're leaving."

I then went to Iris's room.

Tommy and Iris were messing around on Minecraft.

"We need you guys to watch the babies. They found Collie." I told them.
"What.. oh my god!" Tommy said, and they both stood up.

I ran downstairs, all of the boys already being down there, and we got in the car.

We drove down to the sheriffs office, and as soon as we got there, Ruth jumped out of the car.

We all ran inside, and Ruth went to reception.
"M-my daughter. Where is she?" She quickly asked.
"Your name, and your daughters name?" She asked.
"I'm Ruthanna Grace Wilson and my daughter is Collie Amora Wilson." She told her.

(I never actually talked abt last names, so I just made up a last name for them.)

"Okay, I'll have Officer Smith here in just a moment." She told me, and Ruth nodded.

She paced around the room until the officer walked up.
"Ruthanna?" He said, catching her attention.
"Yes! Where is my daughter!?" She asked, desperately.
"Come this way." He said, looking at all of us.

We followed him to the back, and there she was, sitting on a couch next to another officer.

She looked up at us, and a grin grew on her face.
"Mommy!" She yelled, running to Ruth.
"Oh, baby.." she said, picking up Collie, hugging her so tight.
"I missed you mommy." She said, lifting her head from Ruth's shoulder and looking at her, messing with her hair.
"I missed you too, sweetheart."

Collie reached from the rest of us, and George grabbed her, hugging her.

I looked at Ruth, and she covered her mouth with her hand, her eyes tearing up.

After we all hugged Collie, George was holding her, and the officer walked up to us.
"She doesn't seem to have any visible injuries, but she we would like to examine her further and get some tests. Including a hymen examination if you consent to that."

Ruth kind of froze.

She could've been raped?

By her own father..?

She looked at us.
"I-I think that's best.. if it's true that he did something like that to her, I want to know. He needs to be locked up forever." She told us, and we all agreed.

"Okay. We will need to take her to a doctors office, preferably today." He said, and we all nodded.

~~~time skip~~~
Ruth's POV
We're back in the sheriffs office, and Collie just had her hymen exam, and a few other tests.

He took the boys and I to his office, leaving Collie with an officer.

We sat on a couch in his office, across from the officer.
"So." He began, holding a few papers.
"Unfortunately.. the hymen exam came back positive." He told us, and he genuinely looked really upset.

I laid my head on Nicks shoulder, holding my hand over my mouth.

She was raped...

My baby was raped.. by her father..

"She also tested positive for drugs. We tested her further, and found benzodiazepines in her system. This is a drug that cause memory loss and blacking out. It won't harm her any further. I'm guessing he gave this to her so she couldn't tell anyone what happened, even if she's only four, she could explain to us what happened, but now she can't. With all the tests, we basically have an idea of a majority of the things he's done. Drugs and the rape, and obviously the kidnapping. He will be locked up for a while." He told us.

He spoke to us more about the whole situation, and let us leave.

I sat in the backseat, running my fingers through Collies hair.

She's finally home...

Sobbing bc of my own story🙏

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