thirty- surprise

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TW: mentions of SA

"Grab the tissue paper." I told George, putting the positive test in a little gift box I found in my closet.

He handed it to me, and I wrapped the test in the paper, and placing it in the box, and putting some tissue paper over top of it, making it look nice, and putting the lid on it, and wrapping ribbon around in.

I had a bunch of extra supplies from the girls last birthdays, so that's what I was using.

I held the box in my hands, looking down at it, trying not to tear up, but my eyes eventually began forming tears.

"Oh, don't cry, my love.." George came up behind me, wrapping his arms around my waist.
"Hush. I will cry if you speak." I stood still, refusing to let the tears fall.

I pulled out my phone, texting the group chat, and asking all of the boys to meet me in the living room.

I heard them passing by my room, to get downstairs, and listened as they chatted about random things.

"Are you ready?" George asked, letting go of me, and turning me around towards him.

I sighed, nodding.

George engulfed me in a hug, and kissed my forehead. "Everything is gonna be okay.."

I planted a kiss on his lips, and then we left the room, walking down the stairs, and into the living, me caring the box in my hand.

Luckily Tommy is at Mollys house, and Iris decided to take the girls out today.

"Hey, princess." Clay smiled at me.

I smiled back at him, not saying anything.

"What's that?" Karl asked curiously, pouting at the box.
"You'll find out in a minute." I told them, George and I sitting down on the couch they were sitting on.

I placed the box on the table, and not looking at it.

"Can we... open it?" Alex asked.

I sighed, and nodded hesitantly.

"Is everything okay?" Nick asked me, then glanced at George.
"Just open the box. Someone just open it, please.." I pleaded, pulling my knees up to my chest.

All the boys looked at eachother, and then Karl slowly grabbed the box, placing it on the couch, so all of us could see it.

George grabbed my hand, squeezing it, I was getting shakier by the second.

He pulled on the ribbon, untying it.

My whole body is tense.

He then grabbed the top of the box, pulling u off slowly.

My head is pounding.

He grabbed the tissue paper off the top, pulling it off.

My stomach is wrenching.

He grabbed the main thing in the box, which was the test, wrapped in tissue paper.

He began unwrapping it.

I wrapped my arms over my knees, squeezing as hard as I could.

He eventually got to the end of the tissue paper, taking out what was inside, and all of the boys looked at it.

"Oh it's- oh.. wait what.." Clay spoke, looking at me.
"What." Nick stared at it "you're kidding.."

My eyes were already welling up with tears, and I looked away from all of them, trying to control myself.

I felt someone stand up, and walk to me, and then realized it was Alex. He kneeled down infront of me.


I just looked further away, looking up to stop the tears.

"Baby, this is good..this is so good.. don't cry, mi amor.." he kissed me wrapped his arms around me, and I let the tears come out.
"I'm so scared.." I cried, letting out a sob.

All the boys came over, all of us bunched together.

"Why are you scared, Ruth..?" Karl asked me, rubbing my back.
"I don't know if I can do this.." I told them.
"Baby, you have 2 beautiful girls.. why wouldn't you be able to do this?" George asked her.
"this is a third unplanned pregnancy.. my last 2 pregnancies.. they were caused in bad ways.."

They knew what I was talking about. I was raped by the love of my life.

"That's over, my love.. and that will never happen again.. we're gonna be happy and grateful for this baby all through the pregnancy and beyond.." Nick told me, kissing the side of my head.

I nodded, and Alex used his thumb to wipe the tears from my face.

"We're having a baby.." Clay smiled, and then stood up, jumping on the couch.

I laughed, covering my face with my hands.

We're having a baby...

Sorry for the short chapter, but I didn't wanna write more until the next chapter or else this chapter would be way too long.


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