q&a answers!

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Okay! Here are the answers to the questions u guys asked, and I'll also add some questions that u guys may wanna know!

What are the babies last names?
-i never really specified it, because we haven't really talked abt Ruth's last name, and the dad hasn't been talked about yet, so I'm just not really gonna talk about their last names. Maybe later in the story?

Are we gonna get any stream chapters soon?
-yes! I actually have things planned for that. I just wanted to wait for the triplets to get a little bit older, so that when people are streaming, it's a little bit easier for 1 maybe 2 people to take care of all the kids on their own.

Are we ever gonna find out who the bio dad is?
-I will do that eventually, when the triplets are a little bit older. The biological father doesn't really matter to Ruth or the boys, they are all parents to the babies, so they don't really care that much. But I will reveal it eventually!

Are there gonna be anymore people that are gonna meet the new babies?
-Ruth and the boys didn't want people to meet the babies immediately, just because they were so fragile, and it's very easy for them to get sick, so as they get to be a couple months old, I'll definitely have some of their friends meet the babies.

Is anything super dramatic gonna happen?
-duh. I LIVE for drama. I already have 2 drama scenarios planned, that I'm very excited for!

Can you add some angst?
-just wait for the next chapter.

Where did your story writing start?
-i was a story writer on tiktok for almost 2 years, before I lost motivation. I've always loved writing on Wattpad, so I stopped writing on tiktok, and made Wattpad my story writing source.

How old are you?
-im 16 :)

Why did you choose to switch from twins to triplets?
-to be completely honest, I never actually had it planned. As she was delivering the babies, I was just like "ooh plot twist" LMAO. I love plot twists, so I had to do something, and triplets was the choice.

How did you create Ruth?
-i wanted Ruth to be strong, and relatively independent. She has her priorities. Her kids. And she always made that clear. I wanted her to be loving, and open, and I feel like that's how she is.

Will the ex make an appearance at some point?
-funny you mention that >:) the next chapter..?

That's it! Im gonna do this again once the story ends, which I promise, isn't soon, but yeah. I hope I answered your guys questions well! I love you all :)

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