twenty- home

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Ruthannas pov:

I watched at Sapnap left the room in a hurry, we were all unsure of where he was going. I stood up
"Nobody else come down, so he's not overwhelmed. Watch the girls" I ordered, leaving the room. I looked around an saw him in the elevator, the door closing as I began walking towards it.

I clicked the button, and the elevator came to me, Sapnap nowhere to be found. I got in, and went down to the bottom floor. I looked through the windows and saw Sapnap walking towards a little garden area that had a large bench wrapping the inside of the garden.

I saw as he sat down, burying his face in his hands. And I saw tears fall down his face.


Sapnap never cries.


This caused me to pick up my pace, once I got pretty close, I slowly walked up to him, sitting beside him
"Ruth.. I'm so sorry.." he told me, removing his hands from his face, but keeping his eyes on the ground
"Baby, you have no reason to be sorry, this is not your fault, I promise."

He looked up, still not at me "you have no idea, Ruthanna. She asked me for juice, I should've just gotten her fucking juice, I'm such a fucking idiot" he raised his voice, slamming his fist on the metal bench, unfazed by the fact that 3 of his knuckles split open.

"Nic-" I was interrupted by him punching his fist into the knuckles again
"Nick stop it!" I yelled at him

He continued to do it, I grabbed his fist, he tried to fight me.
"Nick please..!" I said a little less aggressive

His body got weaker, as he just broke into tears, looking up
"I-I almost killed your fucking baby!" He screamed

I fought tears, seeing him in this state. This is about him. He needs me right now. I can't be crying.

I grabbed both of his arms forcing his to look at me.

His eyes were red. My hands were stained with red, due to trying to stop him.

"Nick. You're so perfect. Calm down baby, okay. You didn't do this... you had to do something. You know how many times I've told Harper to hold on when I needed to do something? Yeah, something really bad happened, me and every other boy has said the same thing to that girl. She was bored. She decided to do it herself. She loves you. And I love you. Nobody blames this on you. Your perfect" I told him, making eye contact with him the entire time.

He nodded, his entire body shaking.
"I'm sorry" he wrapped his arms around me, I couldn't even blink before he pulled me onto his lap
"Stop saying sorry, baby..." I told him, wrapping my arms over his shoulders

We sat like this is silence for a good 15 minutes before he spoke again
"do you think the boys are mad.. or maybe the girls..?" He said, sniffling
"Why would they be mad, Nick?" I pulled off of his shoulder, so I could look at him
"I mean.. were the girls step dad, y'know.. they could think I was out of line storming out like that.. I mean, I caused this, and they could hate me for that.. and the girls, they watched me freak out and leave.. what if they hate me too"
"Baby, the boys love you. I'm telling you, they don't hate you. And I'm gonna tell you again, stop fucking blaming this on yourself, Nick! It wasn't your fault! And the girls, they're absolutely oblivious, they don't hate you."

He nodded "can we go back?" He asked me
I smiled, and got off of his lap "of course"

I grabbed his hands and we walked back up to the room.

The second we walked in, all the boys smiled, and Collie ran to Nick, jumping into his arms.
"Hi pumpkin" he smiled at her
"Hi!" She said cheerfully, tilting her head.



Today was the day.

We get to take Harper home.

We packed up all of our belongings as the doctor gave us advice about taking her home.
"She needs to take it easy. Her incisions aren't completely healed, but they're healed enough that they should be  completely fine. We ordered some meds for her that you guys should be able to pick up from the pharmacy once you leave here, Incase she's in any pain. And lastly, don't let her walk TOO much. She should be able to walk a bit each day, but its safest to let her rest while her stomach heals." He finished, smiling at Harper.

I stood up, after zipping up Collies backpack.

"Thank you for everything" I smiled "I really appreciate everything"
"Its my pleasure. I'm happy she recovered well." He spoke, exiting the room.

I picked up Collie, and her backpack, Alex carried Harper, and the rest of the boys picked up the rest of our things.

We got home, after picking up Harpers meds. Alex took Harper right to bed, and I laid Collie down for a nap. I laid down at the couch, facing the kitchen, and remembered how it looked when I came downstairs that day.

We sat silence before hearing a loud crash, and the loudest scream I'm ever heard.

From Harper...

I don't think I've ever stood up so fast in my entire life.

"Harper!" I yelled, running out of my room, almost tripping on Georges feet in the process.

Iris and Tommy aren't home. Nobody was watching the girls..

"MOMMY!" She screamed, coming from the kitchen.

I heard Collie begin to cry, and I saw her sitting in the middle of the living room, watching a show, clearly scared by Harpers scream.

I ran down the stairs, turning towards the kitchen.

And there I saw.

My four year old baby.

On the floor.

Surrounded by glass.

Covered in blood...


"Baby?" I felt a hand laid on my thigh

I looked down, and Clay was crouched down by me, looking worried.
"Are you okay, pretty girl" he asked me, worried

"Mhm" I replied, turning my body around, facing the back of the couch, away from the kitchen.

Our couch is pretty big, so he laid behind me, wrapping his long arms around my torso.

"I know it's hard, baby.." he spoke, laying his head in the crook of my neck.

I didn't even realize I was crying until I felt his thumb run across my cheek.

"I don't know why I wasn't there.. why I wasn't watching them.." I whispered
"You were streaming, baby. If anything, we should have been keeping an eye on them.

I didn't reply, and just closed my eyes.

Clays Pov:
I noticed Ruth's breathing get even, and knew she was sleeping. She needed it. She barely slept while we were at the hospital. I stood up, and walked upstairs to our bedroom, where all the boys were sitting on the bed, chatting.

"What's up" Sapnap said, popping the 'p'
"Ruth's having a tough time" I said, sitting down, my eyes on my fidgeting hands
"Where is she?" Karl sat up
"She's sleeping" I reassured him, and watched as he sat back at bit
"She just needs time to realize the babies are safe" Alex said

We all chatted about the situation for a while.

Everything will be okay.

I am present.

Hello folks.

I'm also not proofreading this cuz I'm lazy.

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