fourteen- love

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I jumped up, trying to reach the bottles, which somehow ended up on the top shelf.
"Why are they up there..?" I mumbled, begining to climb on the counter

I felt soft hands wrap on to my waist, pulling me down
"Shorty" I heard the voice of Clay speak, grabbing the bottle down, handing it to me
"Whatever" I said, putting warm milk in it.

Its been almost a month since I committed to being with the boys. Iris and Tommy were very supportive. Harper slightly understood, but not really, and we didn't even tell Collie, she wouldn't have a clue what was happening.

We don't wanna force this on them. They will grow to the fact that those five boys are now their father figure. Collie probably doesn't remember much of her father, so maybe she'll probably just take in the boys as her father. Harper on the other hand is older, and she knows she had a different dad. It'll be harder for her.

"I'll feed Collie" Clay said, taking the bottle from my hands, and kissing my cheek, going up to Collies room.

They've been incredible to me. They help me every second they get, and I'm so grateful.

"Hi darling" A British voice sang, hugging my middle.
"I have to make dinner" I laughed softly, pulling down noodles from the pantry
"I'll be your assistant" he stated, tightening his grip around me
"You're a great help.." I mumbled, turning on the stove

I finished dinner quickly, with no help from George as he followed me around, holding onto my waist
"Guys, dinner!" I yelled after plating everyone's food
"No Sap! That's a bad game! It's scary" I heard Harper say as she walked into the kitchen, holding onto Sapnaps pinky
"No, Harp. Valorant is a great game. You just have to try it" he replied
"Never!" She said, flailing her arms around, and taking a bite from her pasta

I laughed at the interaction right before Karl placed a kiss on my nose
"Hi honey" I smiled at him
"Hi baby" I said, wrapping my arms over his shoulders

He lifted me up, sitting me next to him at the table
"Plans for tomorrow?" Dream asked, feeding Collie some pasta that I cut up so it's okay for her to eat
"I have a stream with Alex tomorrow" Tommy spoke, taking a sip from his can of coke
I nodded, wiping sauce from Collies face , causing a giggle out of her

"I might play a stream with Rae and some of her friends. They were really fun" I spoke, taking a sip from my 3rd cup of coffee today
"You're gonna die, drinking that much coffee" George said, sliding the glass from me slightly
"It's the only way I can keep up with these kids" I said, tapping my knuckles against the table

That was a lie. I have ADHD. It calms me down from all the stress. But they don't need to know that.

The day went by pretty smoothly. Until the end of the night
"No mommy! Stop it!" Harper screamed at me
"You need to stay in your room. You're doing too much, Harper. It's 11pm, you've been doing this for three hours" I said, anger building up
"It's not bedtime!" She yelled
"Yeah! Bedtime was three hours ago. Harper, if you wake up your sister, you're gonna be in a lot of trouble, young lady"

I heard Clay coming up the stairs
"Hey, Ruth. She's 3, man. Don't you think you're being a bit harsh" he said

I stood up, and walked out of her room, causing Harper to slam her door in my face, and let out a gut wrenching scream.
"You're kidding me." I said, my face straight
"I'm not. Give her a break, Ruthanna, she's clearly tired"
"And I'm not? I've been calm trying to get her to bed for THREE damn hours, Clay! With no help from anyone! But the second I raise my voice, I'm the bad guy? I am so damn exhausted, and-" I got interrupted by Collies cry, causing me to mentally scream.

I saw Karl come out of our room, clearly realizing that we were a bit busy, and went to Collies room, Collies cries stopping a few minutes later

"Now I'm gonna go get my daughter to bed, and you're not gonna try and guilt trip me" I said, walking back into Harpers room

I heard cries from her closet, so I slowly opened her closet door. She was laying on the floor, crying, clearly just as exhausted as me, and so defeated. I walked up to her, slowly picking her up, her laying her head on my shoulder

"I'll lay with you until you fall asleep, okay. It's time for bed, honey"

She didn't object

I laid in bed with her, and she was out like a light. I stroked through her soft, short hair, and fell asleep a few seconds later

I woke up and looked at the minnie mouse clock in Harpers room, seeing it was 2am. I left her room, going to my own, the only spot on the bed being next to Clay.


I laid down, kinda far from him, and pulled the blanket over my chest. He rolled over, making it clear he was never asleep, and put his finger under my chin
"I'm sorry. You've been doing this for almost 4 years, and I should know better not to question your parenting. I love you"

I cuddled up to his chest, not saying anything, and fell asleep to the sound of his heartbeat, and the feeling of the tips of his fingers over my back.

It's been a while.

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