The Hatred For The Wind - Ace

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I clenched my teeth, squinting as we headed straight for petrol station. But someone quickly grabbed my window, dragging me with them as we jumped out the window just in time. I ignored the pain of hitting the path way, scrapping my arms and legs. I'd grown use to seeing crimson all over my skin. As soon as the bus hit the station, straight into the pumps, the while place was set a light causing an explosion. My legs felt even weaker, excusing the killing pain from my wounds. I froze in my spot but quickly felt the same hand on my shoulder.
"W-We need to move, it's caused too much attention." Faye said to me scrapes all over her hand and face.I couldn't help but immediately embrace my older sister, glad that she was with me, but also for comfort, afraid of my friends being killed.
But I listened to her words and turned away. We couldn't help out now, the fire was too strong, but after it settles down a little we should be able to go back. We both headed to a building in construction. Rain started to suddenly pour down so we had to quickly find shelter. The weather was horrible, It was heavily raining with strong winds. I found it hard to see in front of me as I ran, the wind blowing my long hair into my eyes. We continued to run towards the building in contraction, the dark green cloth around the construction, flapping about, looking as if it would fall off. Only the top of the tall building was in contraction, but not knowing how dangerous it was run underneath the building in this kind of weather, we continued to head towards it. Faye ran ahead of me, being the better sprinter. We finally were about to reach the walls of the Building, only a few meters away from it. But at that second there was a huge gust of wind, I almost felt as if I was lighter as the wind past. I brought my arms up to my face, shielding my eyes, squinting but not taking my eyes of Faye. I wish I was faster. I wish I was the one ahead. I wish I was the one who-Who got hit. Huge metal bars fell from the upper construction area, spearing through the the air and burying itself into Faye's body. My feet froze into place as I watched my sister being speared through her stomach with one of the metal bars. The end of it hit the floor, covered in blood and dripping crimson liquid. I quickly snapped out of it and rushed forwards catching her limp body before it. It was such a freak event. It was ridiculous. But I guess It was what god wanted. I quickly held her bridal style as I rushed to the wall sliding down it, leaning my back on the cold wall, Faye in my arms. She stared up a me with dying eyes, blood starting to sliver down from her mouth. Tears started to fill my eyes, knowing what her fate was.
"T-There c-can-n-n b-be m-mi-ir-r-ric-c-cal-ls-s... W-when y-you-u b-bel-l-liev-v-ve..." Though Faye's voice was weak and frail, she started to sing a song from our childhood.
"W-When you believe..."I sung back, singing the second part.
"T-Though h-h-hop-p-pe is-s f-fr-r-rail it-it's hard to k-k-kill..."Faye continued to sing, as she brought her withered bloody hand up to my cheek.
My Tears danced across her face just like all the other tears the sky was crying.
"I-It's ha-hard t-to kill..."I echoed my voice cracking.
"W-who kn-knows w-w-wha-at-t mi-mir-miricales, y-you c-can-n ach-ch-chieve..." her voice started to become even weaker as I raised my hand taking her hand into my smaller one.
"Y-You c-can-n ach-ch-chieve-ve..."Our tears mixed with each others on her face as we stared into each others matching eyes.
"Wh-when y-you-u-u b-b-believ-v-ve, som-m-me h-how y-y-you-u-u wi-i-ill..."
"Now you will."
"Y-You w-wil-l-l Wh-wh-when-n y-yo-ou-u..."we both harmonized, bringing a smile to her dying face.I brought my head down to her forehead, placing a kiss on her forehead.
"... B-b-believe..."I sung the last word by myself hearing her breathing stop.
Tears continued to rain from my eyes onto Faye's eyes. As I removed my lips from her forehead, I stared down at her soulless eyes. I brought a shacking hand to her face shutting her eye lids. With my hand supporting her back and neck I hugged her crying even harder knowing she was dead.
I stood in the cold windy rain ad I stared down at the grave I had dug for her. In the melted moosh which layered Faye's grave I wrote a message. 'Hardworking'. It was the one word which described her but's the opposite of me. She was the more hardworking person I'd met, which made her beautiful and caring. Faye was not only my older sister but my best friend. 'More than a sister.' I added, as my tears melted away the ice. Next to the grave I built a mini snow bunny, with a smile and stood up after making the sign of the cross. Before I left I pulled the Plastic rosemary from my pocket and placed it by her grave.
"T-Thank y-y-you."I weeped before I turned away and headed back.

A/N The song that Ace and Faye sung together is actually a song that my sister and I share the love for, and my mum. We use to sing it a lot together and still do. The song is 'There Can Be Miracles' from 'Prince of Egypt'. :)

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