Chapter 24

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There are two types of love,
First type of love, the love who will give you so much lessons
The second type of love, the love who will be with you till the rest of your life. The greatest, and true.


"Jagiya, look at this, isn't it cute?" Logan calling Suryeon but no one is responding.

"Jagiya! Suryeon-ah!" Logan is looking around but no Suryeon is showing up. Not until someone hugs him from the back. He turned around and saw a woman in a white dress. A woman that looks like an angel.

"You are looking for me?" She uttered, looking lovely in front of the man she loves. Logan nods.

"Where have you been? I was looking for you. What took you so long?" Logan asked, pouting. Suryeon pinched his cheeks.

"Aigoo, my husband is so cute. I am just trying to hide from you." Suryeon said and winked at him.

"Don't do that again, I am going to lose my mind." Logan said and grabbed her closer to him and hugged her tight.

"But why are you wearing that kind of dress?" Logan asked, looking at Suryeon wearing a very white dress. Suryeon put her hands on Logan's face and cupped his face.

" Logan.." She smiled brightly.

"O?" Logan answered.

" Saranghae. Saranghanda, jagiya." Suryeon said with her soft voice and her eyes were so bright and lovely.

"Nado saranghae, Suryeon-ah." Suryeon smiled and tiptoed to kiss his cheeks.

"Listen to me... This time I will go, I will love you forever, and I will love you with all my heart. It might be painful but it will go away day by day. I am now happy, no pain, no suffering, no more painful medication. You have to let me go now, Logan. I am happy to meet you in this lifetime and I will always choose you in another lifetime." Logan was puzzled upon hearing her words. Then a bright light appeared. He hold Suryeon's hand tightly.

"Where are you going?" Logan asked, he didn't notice that his eyes were already tearing up, his brain already knew what this was, but his heart couldn't accept what was happening.

"I am going somewhere more peaceful, with no hunger and no pain. We will meet soon. I'll wait for you." She smiled and wiped Logan's tears away.

"Aniya. I won't let you go, Suryeon-ah." Logan begs Suryeon not to leave him. He was trying to hold her but this time he couldn't even touch Suryeon.

"What is happening? Why can't I touch you?"

"I am now a soul, you really can't touch me." Suryeon answered.

Logan felt that Suryeon hugged him.

" Live, Logan. I will always be up there looking after you. I will always be in your heart." She pointed to his heart. Logan was closing his eyes, but his tears kept on falling down from his eyes.

"Suryeon-ssi..." He uttered, he saw that Suryeon was walking away from him, he tried to follow her but he vanished like thin air.

His knees weakened.

"Suryeon-ssi!!!" He only screamed her name. He cried and cried, like the rain continuously pouring, his heart is undeniably breaking.


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