ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝟞

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                I know, I suck
      At updates, but I will try my best to
    Do so....😁

You're pov

After that meeting it was like, I lifted out some weight from my shoulders. Still, there is a lot to do but something past the encounter gives me the strength to move on and concentrate on my tasks.

There is a lot of changes that happened, the boys no longer avoid me im the one who does so.

I think they had discussed me, it's funny tho, like karma. They want to know about me and I was avoiding that fact too.

Jimin's POV

       That night after Jongsuk hyung was gone, we all members talked about the entire situation.

     " don't you think something is going on that we don't know about?"

      "Duh~we all know that to Hyung, the problem is to find out the reason"

When I entered the room Namjoon Hyung's and Jungkook's voices were heard. I get that there were all wondering about the situation too.

   " I'm sure about one thing she is not someone who is here to be the 8th member," I told to the other members as I saw Jin hyung and Yoongi hyung nodding their heads like they were already aware of that fact.

" and that manager guy he is not some manager but someone so close to her" we all narrowed our eyes at Tae.

  " How did you know that?" Asked Hobi hyung.

  "Don't you guys see how close they are to each other? I always saw him constantly checking on her, giving her meals he was always there whenever she is down or yah you guys get my point right?" He asked as we all nodded our heads in unison. (Now you all get who's eyes were on them😉)

     That's when I clearly understood how they all were paying attention to her. This is something we need to figure out.

      From the following day, she began to go out from our dorms to God knows where with the manager. Do we assume she started her training? Then is she going to be a part of us?

      It continues as a routine, and we barely saw her with our schedules too. Our company planning for our come back and our junior group's promotion helps. We are pretty busy with that too.

  Meanwhile your POV

        I've been recently going for training like yah partially true, it's quite hard for me, but I do have determination.

        Changwook oppa was always with me he guide me and encourage me when im feeling down on myself. And not to mention my best friend aka Esther unnie will come to meet me at least thrice a week.

      Everything was going on smooth, but that day was literally one of my worst days.

( I know the rest of this chapter is very cringed but yea I've to do this😅)

It was one of our weekends and all of the boys and I also have a day off. I was in my room and the guys were doing their tasks.

Im bored to death as I was stuck in this room, randomly reading and spacing out,  so I decided to get out.

I was casually roaming and I saw Namjoon scribbling on some paper god knows what!
Jungkook and Taehyung chatted and occasionally ended up in little cute fights, Hobi was nowhere to be seen, Yoongi was there on the couch watching tv and Jin was in the kitchen Jimin helping him.

"Haaa" I let out a deep sigh there is nothing to do, im not going to any of them and embarrass myself it's better to stick to the ground.

As I randomly get to the kitchen and headed towards the fridge to take some cold water. I think they realized my presence they turn to my angle both at the same time and it's funny to see their face didn't even show any emotions it's blank. The funny thing is that both have the same expression. I eyed them back and forth they are not uttering anything "what?" I asked as I gulped the water down, they didn't say anything not changed their expression they get back to their own works in perfect timing. I let out a giggle as I saw a lot of army edits of their soulmate timings. As I finished drinking I took two apples from the fridge and started to juggle them.

"Uhm where are that scissors Jimin-ah? I need to cut this kimchi" " ah it's on the dining table I will get it" Jimin said as he exited from the kitchen to the dining area, after letting a weird look at my side. I shrugged it off and continued to juggle the apples in my hand.

Jin was struggling with something that to take from the shelves, but he couldn't reach it so he took a mini stool from near and reached for it. He reached it and took the medium-sized container from the top but as in reaction he jerked back and slipped off from the stool.

My eyes widen as he was falling, I ran to him and push him off cus if he fall straight his head will collapse to the stove and hot soup. He falls to the corner of the cupboards and the apples that I was juggling fell on top of the pan and it slipped and fall onto my sides a little to Jin's foot, he hissed at the contact of hot soup to his skin.

Complete chaos. I didn't mind the burning sensation and Jin was oblivious to the situation as he was processing what had happened. Everyone came to the kitchen due to the sounds and approached Jin. Jimin was glaring at me the whole time.
I felt the stares and we locked our glances.

"You did this don't you?" My eyes widened at his question.

"I saw you were playing with those apples and isn't that why the soup fell?"

"Listen it's not what you-"
"Huh? Is this is your playground or something?" I got cut off by Taehyung.

Namjoon along with Jungkook got Jin and took him to the living room after washing off that boiling soup from his foot.

"I'm so sick of you why are you still here anyway, such a trouble maker and useless" Jimin hissed and spat those words to my face.

I didn't even sense anything after that the words lingered in my head.
_Trouble maker_ _useless_

I was fuming with anger and I had enough, I wore my shoes and got off from that mansion after slamming that door. I didn't even realize as I approached the gates and passed through them to the valley that will lead me to the outer city.

The valley was long and silent rotten buildings and trash cans to be seen. It was wider enough to pass a car. I was immersed in my rage that I didn't even realize there was someone following me. When I sensed it was too late, I felt some hand grip my mouth and drag me backward, with the mere self-defense skills I punched with my elbow to his stomach, and when his grip loosened from my mouth I twisted it and punched him at his nose.

As I go further I felt an excruciating pain in my head and everything turned black.


Long chapter......
It's a beginning, guys 😅😅

Hope you all love this chapter and support me...





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