ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝟙𝟛

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Is that my brain believes it will be safer. Because I will definitely drag them into danger.

And I don't want that...
They are the most purest souls I have ever seen in my life.

She broke from her chain of thoughts when she felt they are not alone anymore. She looked at the people approaching them with a fond smile and excitement.

"Are we interrupting something?"
Namjoon said with a former giggle on his face.

"Of course, not," you said as you looked at the sighing male beside you.

"What were you guys talking about, Did he propose to you?" All enthusiastic -as usual as always- Jhope asked as he kneeled between us with a playful grin plastered on his face.

Jimin's eyes widened as I was busy thinking the most cliche, all around the army world's greatest doubt of the world, 'how he got this much energy from' look.

Jimin slightly punched the grinning man and the boys giggled at them.

"We want to give a word too" clearing his throat Yoongi faced me with a calm face. And everyone nodded at him. You and Jimin are still confused.

"We are sorry for our dumb behaviour back then" It's Taehyung's turn as he rubbed his nape with a guilty look all seven of them reciprocating it.

"We hope you let off our behaviour and if you are comfortable enough we can get along with a fresh beginning," Namjoon said as he showed his dimpled smile to us, omo how cute.

"I would love that" the maknae cheered as the hyungs relaxed at my reply. Jimin was there with a fond smile on his astonishing face.

This must be a fresh start. Finally into a new family? Even if you are happy with all of these still you are afraid of that Ecstasy. Maybe god was giving you the last amount of happiness in your lifeline before it all ends. You heaved a deep sigh as you finalised, about enjoy this gifted moment.

As an Army, you got the luck to spend your few days of happiness with the Boys.

I'm at my training centre which Bang arranged personally for us. It didn't become that much time before I started training, but I can say I m improving. And I want to learn more.

"Let's call it a day," my trainer said as I sat on the ground panting.
"You are doing good," Changwook said as he took a seat beside me.

"I know" I blurted and he chuckled.

"You know you don't have to show that attitude to me" he eyed me raising his left eyebrow as he was reminding me.

"Omg, I'm not, it's natural" I rolled my eyes at him, and he did too.

"Let's go back?" I asked

"Why? Aham! Are you missing someone?"
I tilted my questioning like gaze to him which means a 'what are you talking about'  look which he got as he started to giggle like a maniac.

"Oh come on Chaeyi"

"Come on what? Are you going nuts?"

"I know you love him"

"Excuse me love who?"

"Jimin" he pointed like it's a known International fact.

"The fuck-" I cut off as he pinched my ears. And mouthing 'no cursing'

"Duh, whatever But I don't think I love him"
I didn't even get how you got that thought into that dumb brain of yours"

"Omg," suddenly he became all dramatic and started to ramble.

"Girl, I can't believe you are this blind. He is head over heels for you, you didn't know? I can't believe that" he spoke.

"I know" I blurted out, Yes I knew. Who wouldn't, he is too obvious, to be honest, I love him too.
It became two weeks after we all reconcile they now know Changwook is my stepbrother, not my personal manager or A big hit assigned staff. They know im not here to be an idol they know I m not training to dance. They know who is Bang PD to me, they know everything except why...

They don't know why I am here, they don't know the reason behind all this hide and seek drama.

And in these two weeks of time, we became so close like best friends. They are so caring so kind so adorable, I always admired them. And about Jimin, he is at an extreme level of all of these. I knew he was kind I knew he was an angel for a long time. But I didn't know he was this considerably kind.

And how did I know? Well, it's easy cos, he is more clingy, and obvious. I caught him staring at me occasionally, and others making fun of him whenever we do something together.

I think they all know but Jimin doesn't want to let me know, at least for now? Maybe.

I heaved a deep sigh as we, mean me and Changwook Oppa were now at the door of the dorms. They were not here, their new album was released a week ago so they are pretty much scheduled would be an ancomfrit understatement. They are not home for the last 2days, because of the promotion work and photoshoots.

I opened the door to my room and swung throw my backpack to somewhere near the corner, and stomped towards my bathroom to take a shower. After that, I changed into a more comfortable dress and lay on the bed didn't even know when I slept.

When I opened my eyes again I felt someone's lips departing from my forehead and for a better view I squinted my eyes and the most beautiful angel is in front of me. It's Jimin.

I don't know why I reacted like that I must be dumb but here I'm hugging him as if I will lose him the moment we are apart. He is frozen and now im too as realisation hit me.

I can't face him, because I never hugged him like this, we were all, especially me always kept a safe distance from every boy.
Because point no.1 they are my idol who is the biggest boy band. And no.2 im a bit afraid to show that much affection.

But now I'm literally clinging onto him. I tried to move back but he didn't allow me to. 'Omg is this going to happen?' I thought as my mind got into different thoughts.

After a few moments, we parted each of us gazing at each other's eyes. His eyes trailed toward my lips, mine doing the same.

Each second passed as we leaned in together, decreasing the gap between us. And after it felt like an eternity our lips connected.


His lips taste like peaches. We savoured each other's lips falling into oblivion about the surroundings. I felt his featherly touches tracing my neck and grabbing a hold of my nape mine grabbing a fistful of his soft hair both deepening the kiss.

We both move apart as we are out of breath. Both breathing heavily and staring at each other he traced his thumb over my lower lip.

"I love you," he confessed like he finally got that courage to let me know. He smiled at himself and his words. When he looked back at me, I'm not responding but just staring at the masterpiece in front of me. I want to scream that words out loud but I can't. I think he got me as he started to speak after releasing a deep breath.

"I know, you don't have to answer, not yet.
I know you have alot of responsibilities that I don't know yet. But I know you feel the same towards me, and I will wait"
That's all that he said. And it's true. I don't want to answer him yet and I know I love him too. Of course who doesn't.

I again hugged him snuggling into his warmth. We stayed like that.


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