Chapter 3

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The game concluded with the Thorns winning 3-0 over the Courage. The media head called the trio over to do some interviews. The three got into the room. They were told that they wanted the three all together for the same interview. Tobin, Alex, and Andy sat down in the chairs and said hello to the interviewers. "Hello, ladies. Great job today. How did it feel to get the win over the North Carolina Courage?" An interviewer asked. Tobin decided to speak.

"It was great. Um. The Courage is a really great and tough team. They've shown us that time and time again. I think we...uh...came into this game really prepared and were able to shut down a lot of their attempts." Tobin said.

"How did it feel to see your daughter's number and then her standing on the sidelines waiting to be subbed in?" The interviewer asked.

Tobin smiled brightly. "Um. It was amazing. When the whistle blew to signal for the subs, I looked over there and just lost all of my words. Everything around me seemed to disappear. I turned to look at Alex and we both silently agreed to walk over to her. I can't even express what I was feeling because it was all just so amazing and most of it, I was just in the moment." Tobin said. She turned to look at Alex and Andy.

"Alex, what about you? What did it feel like to see Andy there?"

"Oh god. Um. I almost teared up. Maybe I did. I don't know. Um. It was so cool. I was seeing history unfold before me. For the first time in NWSL history, a daughter and her mom were on the same field and team at the same time. It was so surreal."

"First time for a family too. That includes you, Alex." The interviewer said, smiling.

"Well thank you. I really appreciate you saying that. Um but yeah. It was just the coolest thing to witness and be a part of." Alex said.

"Andy. How did it feel to finally be able to get out there?" The interviewer asked.

"Um. God. It was so cool. I had talked to Mark on the phone the night before and we had thought about trying to put me in for a few minutes. It was about 9 months ago when my injury occurred and my trainer said I was making very good progress in a very good amount of time and even ahead of time. When I talked to Mark at the half, we decided to put me in around the 65th minute. I decided to not tell my moms in fear that I wouldn't feel...I guess you could say "up to it?", but when we talked at the half, I knew I was more than ready. I didn't tell these two because I thought it would be a fun surprise and boy was it a surprise." Andy said making the room chuckle. "But it really was amazing. Standing up next to the 4th official, seeing my number up there in green, and then looking onto the field to see my moms staring at me with these crazy happy expressions, made the experience something I will never forget."

"How was scoring your first goal in your debut?"

"Oh, absolutely unreal. I didn't even know if I was going to get more than a few touches on the ball let alone score a goal. It was perfect." Andy smiled brightly.

"So the commentators are calling the connection to get Alex her second goal, the "Great Morgan-Heath connection. That you three are the "Power Trio". What do you three think about that?"

"They really said that?" Tobin asked. The interviewers all nodded.

"Wow. That's...that's amazing." Alex said. Andy just nodded.

"Um well, that's just amazing that they said that. I think having Andy out on the pitch tonight for the first time was pretty amazing and then for her to get her first goal and assist was amazing too. The commentators calling us a power trio and the "Great Morgan-Heath Connection" is really cool. It truly is." Tobin said.

"Alex? Andy?" The interviewer asked.

"Um. Well," Andy started, "I think that it is such an honor. I've just earned my first game with the Thorns. The fact that people have already said these things is just amazing. Being on the Thorns team is such an honor. This team is legendary already. For people to call us a power trio and the great Morgan-Heath connection is such an honor. It truly is." Andy smiled. "And I love that name by the way." The people in the room chuckled.

"Alex?" The interviewer asked.

"Um. Tobin and I came here a few years ago when the team was just starting, as was the league. We didn't know where Andy was at that time but we were always keeping our eye out. For us to find her, then her being here and signing with the team, and for us to be called a power trio and for us to be a part of this team shows how things can come full circle. I think Andy being here has helped me, I don't want to speak for Tobin, not only calm down but really focus in on the game and enjoy it. There's this comfort in knowing that both of them are here and with me. It's something I can't even describe. I get to see and have my two girls on the field with me. Nothing is better than that." Alex said. She smiled brightly.

The three wrapped the interview up and got back to the locker room. The first thing Tobin did when they got into the room, was hug Andy. "I'm so proud of you." Tobin said to her daughter. Andy smiled against her mom's chest.

"Thanks, mom. That means a lot." Andy whispered. Alex hugged Andy from behind. "Both of you. Thank you. So much."

"We love you, Andy." Alex whispered.

The little family hugged for a little while longer before deciding to get ready to go home.


"Moms!" Andy yelled through the house from the living room. "We got to go!" She zipped her bag up after making sure everything she needed was in it. Her moms came into the room a few minutes later with their bags.

"We're ready, we're ready!" Tobin said. She grabbed her keys. "Are you ready?" Alex and Andy nod. They walked out to the car and got in. They started the drive to Providence Park.

"Are you guys nervous?" Andy asked.

"For what kiddo?" Alex asked.

"When you play your teammates." Andy stated.

"Oh. Well," Tobin started, "we all think it's fun. We always banter when one team wins and the other loses, when a normally really dominant team gets destroyed by a not-so-dominant team, we definitely gave everyone shit when the Thorns won the NWSL Championship and just silly stuff like that. No matter what, I think we always have fun. All of us. We're usually on the same team so it's fun when we are separated." Andy nodded and smiled.

They arrived at the stadium several minutes later and got out of the car. They walked to the team door and headed to the locker room to play Ashlyn Harris and Ali Krieger and the new expansion team, Orlando Pride.

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