Chapter 23

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"Is the venue all set?" Alex asked her fiancé. Tobin was helping make breakfast. She nodded. "Good. When did they say we could come check it out?"

"Um. Either today or tomorrow. Anytime really but those are the times that worked best for us. They just have to unlock the building and show us around. They said they could do it anytime as long as we told them in advance on days they won't be working on the venue. They are working today and tomorrow." Tobin explained. Alex nodded.

"Ok. Do you want to go check it out today?" Alex asked. She smiled and turned towards her fiancé.

Tobin smiled and pulled her in by her waist. She looked at Alex's lips. Nodding, she said, "That sounds good to me babe." They kissed for a few seconds before Andy came into the kitchen.

"Normally, if this was years ago, I would think that this was so adorable. But since you guys are my parents, grosssss." Andy said trying to act disgusted. She ended up smiling at the two.

"So. Do you want to come with us to check the venue out?" Alex asked after she and Tobin pulled away from each other. Andy smiled.

"Yeah. I'd love to!" Andy said.


Tobin held the door open for Alex and Andy. They walked into the venue. Andy went to find the bathroom. "Hi! You must be Tobin and Alex!" A man said. He smiled brightly and outstretched his hand. Alex and Tobin shook his hand.

"Alex." Alex said raising her arm.

"Tobin." Tobin said copying her.

"Well. To be honest, I know who you ladies are. I'm a proud supporter of the Women's National Team!" He said. "The men really need to take some notes from you gals." Tobin and Alex smiled. "Anyways, it is truly lovely to meet you both. My name is Garrett." Garrett said, talking with his hands. Just then, Andy walked back from the bathroom. "Hello! Andy right?" Andy nodded and smiled.

"Yeah. That's me." Andy said.

"Sorry. You'll have to forgive me. I'm a huge fan." Garrett said. "Of all of you." He paused. "Well. Shall we start going around and checking the place out?" They all nodded. Alex joined Garrett, while Tobin and Andy talked briefly.

"Is he gay?" Tobin whispered. Andy lightly smacked her.

"Mom?!" Andy whisper yelled.

"What?!" Tobin replied. Andy rolled her eyes.

"Yes, mom. Of course, he's gay!" Andy whispered.

"I was just checking!" Tobin said. Andy physically facepalmed herself and shook her head. The two caught up with Garrett and Alex.

 The two caught up with Garrett and Alex

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Andy sat in the front room of her house playing video games. Andy's phone rang. She put down her video game controller and looked at the screen. Theo, the screen id'd. She hesitated, then decided to answer.

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