Chapter 17

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England, China, Japan, and Australia were in Group E. Brazil, Netherlands, Chile, and Germany were in Group F. And the United States, Sweden, Canada, and France were in Group G.

Japan - 7 pts
Australia - 7 pts
England - 1 pt
China - 1 pt

Japan and Australia advance to the knockout stage.

Germany - 7 pts
Netherlands - 5 pts
Brazil - 4 pts
Chile - 0 pts

Germany and Netherlands advance to the knockout stage.

United States - 9 pts
Sweden - 4 pts
Canada - 3 pts
France - 0 pts

The United States and Sweden advance to the knockout stage.

Canada, Brazil, and England battle for the last two spots in the knockout stage.

Canada - 4 pts
Brazil - 4 pts
England - 1 pt

Canada and Brazil advance to the knockout stage.

The next games in the first round of the knockout stage were as follows:

Canada vs Australia
Japan vs Brazil

JULY 29th
Sweden vs Germany
United States vs Netherlands

Canada would knock out Australia with a 2-1 victory.

Japan would knock out Brazil with a 0-0 tie but a 4-3 win in penalties.

The next games were Sweden vs Germany and the United States vs Netherlands.


Andy woke up to Alex walking around and getting ready. Alex looked up when she heard movement. "Hey, kid. Good morning." Alex said smiling. Andy sat up.

"It's too early." Andy said. Alex looked at her watch.

"It's 8 am." She said. Andy looked at her.

"Exactly." Andy slumped back on her bed.

"Hey, it's time to get up. Team breakfast is in 15 minutes." Alex said. There was a knock on their door. Alex went to open it.

"Hey, baby." Tobin said from the other side of the door. Alex smiled, hugged, and kissed her fiancé.

"Morning Toby." Alex said.

"She up yet?" Tobin asked. Alex shook her head, no. Tobin nodded. She walked into their room and saw Andy in her bed. Tobin showed Alex her hand. She counted down from three. When she hit one, the two jumped on Andy's bed.

"Noooooo!!!" Andy yelled. "This is a hate crime!!" Tobin and Alex laughed.

"Come on kid. It's game day! And it's almost breakfast. We can't be late!" Tobin said. Andy groaned and reluctantly pushed the covers away.

Once she was all ready for breakfast, the three headed to the elevators. They made their way to the conference room and pushed the doors open. Almost the whole team was there when they arrived. They got their food and sat down.

15 minutes later, Jill stood up. "Ok ladies. Today is a big game. We've made it to the knockout stage. We've got big competition but that's how it should be. There shouldn't be any freebies. Canada and Japan have made it to the next round. Sweden and Germany have yet to play their game today as have we. So. Starting lineup. Hope in goal, Sonnett, Kel, Becky, and Crystal on D, Linds, Sammy, and Kristie at mid, and Tobs, Alex, and Pressy at forward. Alex," Jill paused, "captain." Alex nodded. "Ok ladies. We board the bus at 10. Game is at 2. See you then."

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