Chapter 21

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Tobin Morgan-Heath had won the game for the United States. The United States Women's National Team had done it. They had won the World Cup and then won the Gold Medal in the Olympics going back-to-back as World Champions.

The United States walked around the field and celebrated with their friends and family that had come to watch them. Alex was hugging her parents and sisters before being pulled away by Kelley. Kelley led Alex to Tobin and Andy. "Time to celebrate gays!" Kelley said. The three gave her a look. "Sorry. Guys." Andy and Tobin looked at each other and burst out laughing. Alex just shook her head but couldn't help the smile that made its way onto her face. Kelley led the Morgan-Heath family over to the rest of the team. They were goofing around and waiting as the podiums were set up for the ceremony. Sweden, the bronze medal winner against Japan, was there.

Several minutes later, the podium was set up and the ceremony started. They introduced Sweden first and the Sweden National Team were awarded their medals as the announcer said their names. Next, was the Canadian National Team. They took to the podium, defeated, but grateful for at least the silver. They received their medals as the announcer said their names.

And finally...

"Ladies and gentlemen! The 2024 Gold Medal winners! The United States of America!" The crowd cheered. The person next to you could be talking but you wouldn't be able to hear them because of how loud it was.

The United States team raised their arms in celebration. As the announcer went down the line naming the players as they received their medals, the cheering somehow got increasingly louder. Especially when they got to certain family members.

Andy was number 7 so she was said earlier than her mom's. However, she got one of the biggest cheers.

"Number 7, Anderson Morgan-Heath!" The announcer said. The stadium erupted. Andy received her medal and waved around the stadium. Several players later, the announcer got to Alex. "Number 13 and co-captain, Alex Morgan-Heath!" Again, the stadium erupted. And finally, "Number 17 and co-captain, Tobin Morgan-Heath!" Somehow the stadium got louder again. Tobin seemed to have one of the loudest cheers out of all the players.

Once the medal ceremony was over and the team headed back to the locker room, the party started. Their cubbies were blocked off with plastic. Several of the girls got their phones to start recording videos and taking pictures.

Ashlyn Harris brought back her iconic "Biiitch!" videos like she did when they won the World Cup in 2019.

The players got ski goggles from some of the coaching staff. Several players were handed champagne bottles and they started opening them. They sprayed them all around as they jumped up and down. The music was blasting.

There was too much happening. The team was already drunk as fuck, Kelley and Sonnett were going crazy, and Alex Morgan-Heath was twerking while Tobin and Andy shook their heads in disbelief but also barely holding in their laughter.

This was definitely a night to remember.


The plane landed in New York City and the doors opened to reveal thousands of fans welcoming the United States National Team back. They posed for a picture on the steps of the plane while holding their medals up.

They headed to a bus that would take them to the parade. The bus was open at the top so the players could wave to all of the supporters that showed up.

As they prepared to ride down the streets of New York City for the ticker tape parade, Andy turned to look at her moms. They were laughing with Kelley. She smiled brightly and laughed. She felt a poke on her leg. She turned to see Sonnett and Lindsey smiling at her.

"So. How are you feeling?" Sonnett asked. Andy took a deep breath.

"Ha. Well. I've never been one to like attention. I guess this wasn't a great job to choose." Andy said. Sonnett and Lindsey chuckled. "But this...this is amazing. At the Olympics, I'd never seen so many supporters besides the previous World Cups. And now, it's this incredibly amazing amount of people here just to celebrate us because we beat a couple of teams for some metal...or medal." Andy looked towards her moms who were laughing and messing around. "That's why I do this." Andy said. Sonnett and Lindsey looked at Andy and then at her parents, confused. "Them. To see them happy. I've loved soccer since I could remember. I got that from Tobin. Both of them actually even if Alex isn't biologically my mother. To be able to play this sport and see them happy, is something I could have never imagined several years ago. And now I look out at all these people who praise me or say I'm the next Tobin Heath?" Andy smiled and looked back at her best friends. "I don't want to be the next Tobin Heath. I couldn't be. No one can. She's one of the best to ever do it. I wouldn't be who I am today without her and her skill. But I want to be the first me." Sonnett and Lindsey smiled. "So I guess to answer your question in a very roundabout way, I'm feeling good, powerful, cared for, loved. These," she paused and motioned around her, "these are my people. You guys are my people. I couldn't have done any of this without you. All of my ups and downs. You guys were there. So I'm good. As for the gold medal?" She paused and looked down. She played with the shining disk in her hands. "It's fucking crazy." Sonnett and Lindsey laughed and Andy joined in.

They talked and laughed a little while longer before the bus started moving and they heard music blasting, as they headed toward Times Square.


The parade was crazy. They had lots of alcohol and Kelley was able to get beer from fans. Again.

Andy was in Kelley and Sonnett's hotel room, along with her moms, Chloe and Lindsey, looking at her phone. They were leaving later in the day but had the morning with their remaining teammates before heading back to their cities and teams.

She was looking at the standings for the NWSL. "Holy shit!" Andy yelled.

"What?!" Tobin yelled, concerned. The entire room turned towards Andy.

"Sorry for shouting but..." Andy started, "here are the current league standings." Andy looked around at everyone staring intently at her. "Portland is at number one." Sonnett and Lindsey high-fived. "OL Reign at number two." Kelley nodded and gave a thumbs-up. "In third place..." she hesitated, "San Diego." Chloe, Tobin, and Alex as well as Kelley, Sonnett, and Lindsey, stared at her.

"WHAT?!" They all exclaimed. Andy nodded and smiled.

"The girls had three big wins to put us into third place. We have five games left." Andy explained. Her face tightened into a serious expression. "Shit."

"What?" Chloe asked.

"Well. Our last two games?" Andy said. They looked at her. "Our second to last game is OL Reign and our last game is Portland." She looked up at everyone. "In Portland."


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