Chapter 27

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Andy put her suit on and looked at herself in the mirror. She gave herself a thumbs up before heading out of the dressing room and into the room where Tobin and everyone else was getting ready. Theo and Chloe hung out on the couches in the room, already in their suits. They chatted with Ash as Sonnett and Lindsey got Tobin ready.

Once Tobin's makeup was done, she got her suit on. She came out of the dressing room and everyone was watching her. "What?" Tobin asked as she fixed her cuff.

"You look great Tobs." Ash said. Everyone in the room nodded in agreement.

"Time check?" Andy said.

"4:38," Sonnett said. "20 minutes until we start."

Andy walked up to her mom and they did their handshake. "You got this mom." Tobin nodded.

Tobin paced around with her eyes closed.

"Ok Tobs. It's time." Sonnett said looking at her watch. Tobin opened her eyes.

"That went fast." Tobin whispered.

"Alright. Garrett will be giving you guys signals on when you should come out in your pairs. He will let Alex and her dad know when to walk." Andy said. Everyone nodded. Andy headed over to her mom. "Ready mom?" Tobin nodded and smiled. Andy nodded in return and the two walked out of the room. They headed towards the door that would lead them to the outside area where the wedding was taking place. Tobin took a deep breath as they stood in front of the door. The doors were opened and Andy and Tobin linked arms. They started their walk down the aisle and watched every one that had come to see Alex and Tobin get married. Tobin's smile appeared on her face as she saw some of her favorite people looking back at her.

Tobin and Andy got up to the altar. They did their handshake again and everyone chuckled as they watched the pair. Andy stood next to her mom on the side and waited as the wedding party started their walks down the aisle. Ali and Ash came down first, Lindsey and Allie, Sonnett, and Kelley, and finally, Jeri, Jeni, and Syd. On Tobin's side, were Ash, Lindsey, Allie, and Sonnett. On Alex's side, were Kelley, Ali, Syd, Jeni, and Jeri. Jeni and Jeri combined as Alex's bridesmaids but Kelley was the keeper of the ring. A lot of trust was put into Kelley there. Andy was the keeper of the other ring.

Finally, Alex appeared in the doorway with her father. And Tobin finally lost it. She felt the tears come to her eyes. Andy put her hand on her mom's back. Alex and her father walked down the aisle. Once Alex got to the altar, Tobin reached her hand out to Alex's dad. She shook his hand. She then reached her hand out for Alex. Tobin and Alex locked eyes. Both women were smiling brightly.

The officiate started his speech but Tobin didn't hear a single word he said. She was too infatuated with Alex. She looked at how perfectly Alex's curves and dress complimented each other. How perfect her hair looked cascading over her shoulder. How simple her makeup was. Just how perfect Alex looked.

"Alex? Tobin?" The officiate asked. "Who would like to say their vows first?" Tobin and Alex shared a look.

"I'm first." Alex said. The officiate nodded. Alex turned towards Tobin. "Toby. A lot of what I could say right now, I said when we got engaged. So I'll try and keep it short and sweet." Tobin smiled. "Knowing you has been one of the best things in my life. Being your friend and best friend has been some of the greatest moments of my life. But loving you has been one of my greatest achievements in life. Winning a few World Cups and medals in the Olympics don't even come close to loving you and being called your girlfriend, fiancé, and soon, your wife. I am beyond excited to continue our life and love in different ways. I am ecstatic to build on our family. And I can't wait to call you my wife. I love you. And that will never change." Alex finished and Tobin wiped her eyes.

"Tobin?" The officiate asked. Tobin nodded.

"Sorry. I didn't plan on crying." Tobin said. Everyone, including Tobin, chuckled. "Ok. I'm good. I'll try and do the same not repeating what I said for our engagement. It seems like we met yesterday some days and other days it seems like years. Which, I guess in hindsight, it has been years so." Tobin chuckled. "You and I have always been inseparable. On the field and off. You usually can't find one of us without the other. And now you really won't be able to find us without the other." Tobin took a deep breath. "I...I haven't ever loved someone like I've been allowed to love you. I'm truly blessed to be able to love you. To be able to call you mine. I am beyond excited to start our lives together as wives. I am excited to expand our family. But I'm just glad that I have you. And Andy." Tobin chuckled and felt Andy poke her in the back. People let out little chuckles. "Thank you, Alex. For letting me love you." Tobin smiled sweetly. "I love you, Alex. More than anything in the world." It was Alex's turn to wipe her tears away.

"That was lovely ladies. And now, the rings." The officiate said. Tobin and Alex nodded and turned around to the person right behind them. Tobin received Alex's ring from Andy and Alex received Tobin's ring from Kelley. Alex placed Tobin's ring on Tobin's finger first. Then, Tobin put Alex's ring on Alex's finger. Tobin and Alex joined hands. "Ok. Alexandra Patricia Morgan-Heath. Do you take this woman to be your lawfully wedded wife, until death do you part?"

"I do." Alex said.

"And do you, Tobin Powell Morgan-Heath, take this woman to be your lawfully wedded wife, until death do you part?"

"Yes, I do." Tobin said. Smiles were bright on each woman's face.

"Well then. I pronounce you wife and wife. You may kiss one another." Tobin and Alex leaned in and kissed. Their friends and family cheered and clapped around them. Tobin and Alex pulled away. "And I now present to you Tobin and Alex Morgan-Heath." Tobin and Alex raised their hands in the air in celebration. The two held hands as they walked down the aisle and into where the reception was going to be held.

"Toby," Alex said after they got inside. Tobin looked at her right away. "I am going to go pee. I'll be back."

"Well. I have to pee too so I'm coming with you." Tobin said.

When Alex and Tobin got back to the reception room, everyone was inside. "Party time bitches!" Sonnett yelled. Everyone laughed. The music started and everyone was having a great time instantly.

About 30 minutes later, the DJ, which was just Ash taking over the microphone briefly, said it was time for the first dance. Tobin and Alex made their way to the dance floor and joined hands to dance. "Hymn For Her" by Ames started playing and Tobin and Alex started swaying.

~Like the water flows
Like the flowers grow
To far corners of the Earth
Like the winter's cold
And the summer scolds
Is my humble hymn for her
My hymn for her~

Tobin sang the lyrics to Alex. They stared into each other's eyes.

~Oh, the aster blooms
Under pearly moon
Where the poets choose their verse
She's the autumn air
She is everywhere
Oh, this is my hymn for her
My hymn for her~

On the side, Andy sat alone. She watched her moms in love and dancing. She thought about hearing this song for the first time. During Warrior Nun's second season when Ava and Beatrice kiss for the first time. She thought about the first time she met Theo. How she helped her stand up to a bully. That's how they met.

~My soul has stirred
I'm speaking tongues
Am I worthy of her love?~

She thought about when they discovered that they both loved soccer when they first found the women's national team when they tried out for the middle school, and then the high school team together. She remembered when they made the team. She remembered when she first felt something for her. She remembered when they were called up to the national team. Their first caps and first goals.

Andy looked across the room. She saw Theo watching Tobin and Alex. But then, Theo looked at her. They locked eyes and Theo smiled at her. Andy smiled back. Then, she realized something. She was dating Chloe. Theo wasn't her girlfriend. But then Andy realized something else.

~Shе's the weaving road
That will lead mе home
And the story 'thout an end
But I must find them first
All the sweetest words~

I still love Theo.

~For my hymn for her

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