Chapter 12

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Alex, Tobin, and Andy sat in the living room while Theo, Hope, and Kelley sat in the kitchen eating breakfast. Andy was ready for the day in navy blue Adidas joggers, a Black Widow shirt, her untied Nike's, and a USWNT hat.

At 10 am, the doorbell rang. Tobin went to get it and found Chloe Jacobs on the other side. "Hey, Jacobs. What are you doing here?" The mention of Chloe's name brought Andy's attention as did Theo's. Theo watched Andy carefully as she went over to Chloe.

"I'm takin' your daughter out. That good with you Heath?" Chloe said with a smile. Tobin chuckled.

"Yeah. Keep her safe." Tobin said. Chloe nodded not knowing Tobin's double meaning to her words.

"Of course. I'd never let anything happen to her." Chloe said. Andy walked up to Chloe.

"Hey," Andy said smiling brightly.

"Hi," Chloe said. She stood slightly taller than Andy. "You ready?" The two were in their own little world, completely forgetting the company they were in.

"Yeah. Let's get out of here." Andy said. "Bye moms!" She waved bye and followed Chloe out to her car.

"So what's the plan?" Chloe asked Andy as they got into her doorless Jeep.

"I don't know. Anything really." Andy said. They pulled out of the Morgan-Heath driveway and started towards the city.

"I've got a soccer ball and some cleats, a couple of swimsuits and extra clothes, and a towel if you wanted to go to the beach?" Chloe suggested. Andy smiled and nodded.

"I like that plan. Let's do it." Andy said. Chloe nodded and smiled. 

"Alright. South Mission Beach here we come." Chloe said turning up the music.

'Paradise' by Coldplay started playing.

"Oh, I love this song!" Andy said moving to turn up the volume. She moved her body with the beat. Chloe started laughing.

About five minutes later, Chloe turned into a little convenience store. "Let's get some food and drinks," Chloe said. Andy nodded and the two girls got out of the Jeep.

They got a couple of things to drink and eat and soon were back in the Jeep and on their way to the beach.


They got to the beach and got all the stuff out that they would want. Soccer ball, towels, food, and drinks.

The two girls headed down to find a spot and got set up. "I am going to change in your car," Andy said. Chloe nodded. "Then we can switch." Chloe nodded and gave her a thumbs-up.

"Sounds good," Chloe said smiling.

Andy headed back to Chloe's car and quickly changed. She got out and headed back to Chloe and Chloe took her chance to change.

As Chloe was coming back she noticed Andy just sitting and staring out at the ocean. She admired her for a few minutes. Then she decided to take a picture of her and post it on Instagram.

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