Chapter 25

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Alex, with ice on her ankle, got into street clothes. Andy did the same and soon, they found their way to Providence Medical. The front desk told them the room and the two couldn't help but smile as they headed down the hall.


"Kind of ironic." Andy said. Alex smiled and nodded. They got to her room and knocked.

"Come in." A voice said from the other side. The two entered the room to see Tobin getting her cast on. She smiled brightly. "Hello." The, now-identified, voice said. "I am Doctor DeLuca. This is my PA, Sam." Alex and Andy smiled at them.

Sam got up to talk to Andy and Alex about Tobin's arm. Yes, she had broken her wrist. Luckily, she would be able to return to playing as long as she wraps the cast for the game.

"You know, I think you had my sister's wife bring you here. She usually works the soccer games." Dr. DeLuca said. "Her name is Maya."

Tobin nodded. "Yeah. She brought me here."

"Sorry. I just love how even with how big the universe is, it actually is a pretty small world." DeLuca said. Tobin took in his words before nodding and smiling.


The next day, the Wave were all home. And in several days, Tobin and Alex would be walking down the aisle and getting married.

Andy drove down the highway, with Chloe, toward the airport. They had been out on an official first date the other night. Now, they were going to the airport to pick up Andy's ex. It was a weird thing to do but then again, all lesbians end up being friends with their exes at some point it seems.

They got to the pickup/drop-off and waited for Theo. They saw her walk out, or crutch out, her bag over her shoulder. Andy and Chloe got out to help her and soon the three were on their way back. "So. You guys are roomies now?" Andy asked as they started home.

"Yeah. I think it's going to be fun." Theo said.

"Yeah. We had a ton of fun rooming at the Olympics so." Chloe said.

They stopped and got food before finally getting home. They were at Chloe's apartment. The three hung out. At first, it was awkward. But after about 20 minutes, it was like the three had known each other and been friends their whole lives.

Andy didn't think it was going to be easy being friends with an ex. She was wrong. She was more or less friends with Theo again, Chloe and she were going on dates, her moms were getting married in several days and the playoffs began in about two weeks. Life was pretty good right now.


"So, what are you planning on wearing?" Theo asked as they all sat on the couch the next morning.

"Well. I'm in the wedding party. I'm my mom's best woman. The colors are light blue and lavender. I'll be on my mom's side and she's got the blue. So, that means I have to find a suit that is light blue. Alex's sisters are going to be in blue bridesmaid dresses so we'll all match. But it's the searching for the suit I still have to do." Theo nodded.

"What about you?" Theo asked Chloe. Chloe looked up.

"Me?" Chloe asked. Theo nodded. "Oh. Well, I wasn't invited." Theo frowned.

"You're not going together?" Theo asked confused.

"Well, no. We've gone on a couple of dates. We haven't even said if we're dating or girlfriends yet." Andy said. She looked down at the mug in her hand. She rubbed her thumb over the rainbow stripes around the mug and the words that said, "I'm so gay I shit rainbows". "But," Andy started, "I did want to ask you if you did want to go with me. Be my plus one." She directed towards Chloe. Chloe's face went slightly red.

"Oh. Really?" Chloe asked. She smiled slightly. Andy nodded uneasily. She looked at Theo whose expression was unreadable. She finally decided on her answer. "I'd love to. But," Chloe gave Theo one more look, "only if Theo is your other plus one." Theo looked up quickly at Chloe, extremely confused. Andy gave her a questioning look.

"What? No no no. I'm fine please don't-" Theo started but was cut off.

"Stop Theo. When we roomed together, I felt we became friends. Yes. It is weird that you dated Andy and now we are...well whatever we are. But, I think we can all work stuff out. It's up to you, Andy, and of course your moms but I thought I'd suggest it." Chloe smiled.

Andy thought deeply. "Well. I guess you better find suits then." Theo and Chloe both smiled brightly.


Tobin tools deep breaths. Tomorrow. Tomorrow was the big day. She looked at her watch. 5:18 pm on a Friday. Alex was making dinner with Andy and Tobin, being on the couch wishing she could be useful, had time to think. The tv was on, playing "Warrior Nun" but she wasn't paying much attention. She had already watched the season that was currently playing on tv with Alex and Andy but the three always liked to keep something on the tv, no matter what it was.

"Oh, I love this part!" Tobin heard Andy say from her right. Tobin looked at the tv. Ava Silva had just come back from being in another dimension and was seeing Beatrice for the first time. She'd aged slightly but still looked like the young girl most had grown to love. The moment was so heartwarming and exciting. It was passionate and amazing. "Those two were truly meant to be. From the moment they met." Andy said. "Anybody with eyes could see that. And Alba and Kristina do such an amazing job portraying that." Andy said, smiling, and walked back to the room once the scene ended.

Tobin thought about Andy's words. Like Ava and Beatrice, she and Alex were meant to be together. That's what she believed anyway. I think a lot of people believe that actually. Tobin said to herself. She smiled and shook her head.

"Tobs?" Alex called from the kitchen/dining room. Tobin looked towards her. "Dinner time babe." Alex smiled and motioned towards the table. Tobin smiled brightly and proceeded to get up and make her way to the table. She glanced up at the screen and moved to pause it but stopped herself.

"I knew you weren't gone. Everyone said I shouldn't expect you to come back. But I couldn't believe them. I didn't believe them. Because I could sense you. I could feel you. I didn't get to tell you before you slipped away, but, I love you too Ava Silva." Beatrice said as she held Ava's face gently. Tobin smiled at the scene and remembered seeing it for the first time and crying. She could feel herself about to cry now and knew she had to pause it before the two characters kissed or else she would lose it.

Tobin Heath is crying over made-up characters. Tobin said to herself, chuckling. What would people think of me now? Calm and collected is definitely not the answer. Again, Tobin smiled. she was ok with people seeing this side over though.

"They really we're meant to be together." Tobin said softly, as she paused the episode with the remote. She walked over to the table and sat down for dinner.


"I love you." Tobin said as she and Alex got into bed. Alex curled up into Tobin's side. She smiled.

"I love you." Alex said. The two were silent for a few moments but neither closed their eyes to fall asleep.

"Tomorrow everything changes." Tobin said finally after several minutes. "In a good way though." She felt Alex nod.

"I think everything has already changed." Alex said. "We got Andy back. We are going to have another little one. Maybe dogs? Cats? We are playing together. And with our daughter. In the past few years, everything has changed. And I hope it continues to because these have been some of the best changes I've ever experienced. And I wouldn't want to go through them with anyone else." Tobin looked down at Alex who had looked up to meet her eyes.

"You're amazing." Tobin said. Alex blushed. "I can't wait to marry you tomorrow." Alex draped her arm over Tobin's stomach.

"I can't wait either."

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