Chapter 19

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Andy smiled as she watched Alyssa Naeher and Chloe Jacobs join the team in the conference room as official players on the Olympic roster.

She felt sorry for Theo. She didn't want her career to be put on hold. She was mad at her, sure. But she wouldn't wish an injury upon anyone. Nonetheless, she was excited that CJ was getting her chance.


Alex shook Andy awake. "Morning mama." Andy said softly. Alex smiled.

"Morning kiddo." Alex said. "Get up and get dressed. Your mom is going to be here soon to walk with us to breakfast." Andy groaned but pulled back the covers, not wanting what happened last time to happen again. She smiled at the memory though.

Five minutes later, Andy was dressed and ready when there was a knock on her and Alex's door. She heard two voices on the other side as she approached it. She opened the door to see her mom and CJ on the other side.

"Morning kid." Tobin said.

"Morning mom." Andy said. "Morning CJ." Chloe blushed at Andy's words.

Andy smiled and looked down. Alex appeared beside Andy and the four headed to the elevators to head down to breakfast. Sonnett, Kelley, and Lindsey were walking to the elevators as the four were.

"Sup losers!" Sonnett yelled but cracked a smile.

"Sup dweebs!" Andy yelled back. Sonnett, Andy, and Lindsey started cracking up as they waited for the elevator. "You guys ready to play some sports?"

Sonnett raised her arms in the air and yelled, "Sports!"

Lindsey repeated her. "Sports!!!!" All of them were laughing hysterically as the elevator opened.

Once down and into the conference room for breakfast, Jill got up and stood in front of everyone. "Ok ladies. Today is a big day." Jill said. Everyone nodded. "About 2 years ago we put a fifth star on our crest. It seems like it was just yesterday. And it also seems like these two lovely ladies," Jill motioned towards Alex and Tobin, "just got engaged. But it really has been 2 years." She paused. "2 years later, we have qualified for the Olympics, went undefeated in the group stage, and are in the final round. We are going for the Gold. And today we are attempting to become the first team to ever win the World Cup and then the Gold at the Olympics. It seems impossible. But let's not say that. Instead of impossible, let's say I'm possible. We. Are. Possible. This team is possible." She paused and looked around at everyone nodding their heads. "So. Shall we get this started and talk starting lineup?" Everyone smiled and nodded. "Ok. In goal, we have Ash, Crystal, Kelley, Becky, and Sonnett on the back line, Kristie, Sam, and Lindsey at midfield, and Toby, Baby Horse, and Andy at forward. Tobin and Alex?" Jill paused and looked at Tobin and Alex. "Co-captains," Jill said. Tobin and Alex smiled brightly. "Alright. Get ready. It's game day."


The bus ride to the stadium felt long to Andy. She listened to her music, Chloe next to her. They pulled into the parking lot and started unloading from the bus.

The team walked to the locker room.

When Tobin walked towards her cubby, Alex by her side, she stared at the name on the back of her jersey. Alex nudged her. "Last game." Tobin said softly. Alex nodded.


"I'm glad we said something to everyone. Including the fans." Tobin said. She thought back to the day they decided to have this be the last game they would wear their separate last names.

"Ok. We will just have you guys do an interview on the U. S. Soccer page." One of the media workers said to Alex and Tobin. They nodded.

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