Chapter 11

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"WHAT?!" Alex and Tobin said loudly at the same time.

"What the fuck do you mean she cheated on you?!" Alex yelled before Tobin could.

"She told me she was drinking with some teammates and she and Gaby fucked." Andy explained angrily, throwing her hands up in the air and then slapping her legs.

"Hey. Language." Tobin said. Andy rolled her eyes. "Are you going to talk to her when they get here?" Tobin clenched her jaw.

"Yeah. I need to. I can't let this go on anymore when she did that. I just can't. I don't know if I even have feelings for her anymore." Andy said.

"I can't believe she did that." Tobin said. She stood up and started pacing. Alex and Andy watched her.

"Tobs-" Alex started but was cut off by Tobin.

"It's so much bullshit! It's so fucking immature!" Tobin said raising her voice. "The drinking and cheating!" Alex got up and tried calming Tobin down. "She's throwing her career away with that shit!"

"Hey, babe. Calm down." Alex said. They locked eyes.

"I can't believe I trusted her!" Tobin yelled. Alex tried putting her arms around Tobin to stop her from pacing. It worked eventually but Tobin was still pissed.

"Hey hey hey. Andy will talk to her and if you want to talk to her, you can. But you need to calm down baby." Alex said softly. Tobin took a deep breath and nodded.

"Ok. I'm sorry." Tobin said. Alex released Tobin. The two sat down next to Andy and held her as Andy cried into their arms.


The Morgan-Heath family couldn't look in Theo's direction as they took the field. They had texted Kelley sometime to ask if she knew what Theo did.

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The teams lined up for the national anthem

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The teams lined up for the national anthem. Tobin stared straight ahead as Andy just stared at the ground. Alex stayed stoic as the national anthem began. On the other side, Theo was miserable. She knew what she did was so incredibly wrong and she was so upset with herself. She didn't need Kelley and Hope to yell at her because she was already yelling at herself.

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