Chapter 10

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The Morgan-Heath family was heading to their first practice as a part of the San Diego Wave, which has a current record of 4 wins, 2 draws, and 7 losses. To say that the San Diego Wave needs the three players, was an understatement.

They had found a house and were moving in this week. Andy was excited, to say the least, but something was plaguing her mind.

She hadn't heard from Theo since last week. She wasn't responding to calls or texts. She racked her brain trying to think of anything she might have done to make her ignore her but she couldn't think of anything. The family sat down on the benches and started getting ready.

Tobin watched her daughter deep in thought. She nudged her leg. Andy turned to her mom. "Hey. What's wrong?" Tobin asked.

Andy sighed. "I haven't heard from Theo in a long time. About a week to be more precise." Andy explained.

"Did something happen?" Alex asked, chiming in. Andy shook her head.

"Not that I know of," Andy said. "But..." Tobin and Alex shared a look.

"But what kiddo?" Tobin asked.

"What if she met someone?" Andy asked. Tobin and Alex shared another look.

"Hey. If she did, then she wasn't the one. There's no reason you two still couldn't be friends. Utah comes to town in a week and a half right?" Tobin asked. Andy nodded. "Talk to her then. Face to face."

Andy nodded and finished getting ready. She stood up to start messing around with a ball before practice started when she noticed someone sitting on a bench alone. She looked to be about her age and for some reason, Andy couldn't stop looking at her. Alex walked up to her daughter and poked her. Andy turned and lightly slapped her mama's poking away. Alex giggled. "What are you doing?" Alex asked.

Andy motioned toward the girl. "Who's that?" Alex followed her daughter's gaze.

"That's Chloe Jacobs. She's new to the league this year. She's incredibly talented. She went to Ohio State and led the team in scoring. They won the NCAA Championship last year and she scored the winning goal in PKs. Why?" Alex said. She had a hunch on where this could possibly be going, especially with the thing with Theo, but didn't say anything. She just watched her daughter's reaction.

"No reason," Andy said trying to brush it off quickly. "She's just sitting all alone. I guess I just wondered." Alex nodded but didn't believe that was the whole reason.

"Hm." Alex made a noise. She decided to walk towards Chloe.

"Mama? Mama!" Andy said through gritted teeth. "What are you doing?" She whisper-yelled.

"Hi," Alex said standing in front of Chloe. Chloe looked up, slightly confused. Then her eyes went wide.

"Um. Hi?" Chloe said. Her nerves very quickly got the best of her.

"I'm Alex and this is my daughter, Andy," Alex said motioning towards Andy. Chloe followed her gesture and smiled. "You're Chloe right?" Chloe nodded.

Andy and Chloe locked eyes. Finally, after a few seconds, Alex cleared her throat. "Well. I'll see you two during practice." Alex said. Andy figured she was about to go talk to Tobin and Andy rolled her eyes, smiling.

"Hi. I'm Andy." Andy said putting her hand out. Chloe kept her eyes focused on Andy's. She shook her hand.

"Hi, Andy. I'm Chloe." Chloe said.

"Hi," Andy said again. "Sorry. I already said that." Chloe chuckled. Andy smiled at the sound. Andy thought of Theo all of a sudden. "Shit." She whispered.

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