Chapter 16

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"Are you guys sure about this? I mean I was just suggesting it for fun but also being serious at the same time. It's up to you guys." Andy said to her moms. The three sat on the couch.

"Yes. We are. We've talked about it before. We thought maybe we'd wait until after the Olympics but they didn't have any appointments after for several months. They have a cancellation that's in a few days so it is very rushed but," Alex said, "we've been ready for this. And as long as you're on board, we're doing it." Andy thought for a second. She stared at her mom's intertwined hands. She smiled and looked up at them.

"Of course you guys. Of course, I want this with you and for you. You're my moms. I love you guys." Andy said. Alex and Tobin smiled at their daughter.

"Ok. So it's settled then. In 3 days, we go to the doctor and start the fertilization process." Alex said smiling brightly.

"Which one of you is going to hopefully carry the baby?" Andy asked.

"No way in hell I'm gonna be pregnant." Tobin said with a straight face. Alex gave her an unimpressed and annoyed look. "What? We talked about it already!" Alex rolled her eyes.

"Me. Obviously." Alex said.

"I figured." Andy said. Tobin gave Andy a shocked expression and put her hand on her chest and feigned hurt.

"I am deeply hurt by your words Andy." Tobin said trying to be serious. Andy burst out laughing as did Tobin and Alex.

"Ok babe. Are you ready?" Tobin asked Alex. Alex bit her lip but nodded.

"Yeah. I'm ready." Alex said.

"Ok kid. We're heading out. Will you be ok for a few hours?" Tobin said to Andy.

"Yeah. I'm hanging out with Chloe again. I love you guys. Please be calm, careful, and safe." Andy said smiling. Tobin nodded and gave her the hang loose sign and Andy returned it. Andy turned to Alex. "Mama. You're going to be fine. I love you. Remember to breathe." Alex smiled and nodded.

"Ok. Bye!" Alex said. Andy waved goodbye.

Alex and Tobin got in the car and started the drive to the clinic.

Alex was nervous when they got there. But Tobin was a nervous wreck. They checked in and sat down in the waiting room.

"How are you more nervous than me?" Alex asked Tobin who was bouncing her leg.

"I don't know. You're my girl. They're going to do things to you. I don't want that. And I don't want you in pain either. So I don't know. Everything is going through my head so fast." Tobin explained.

"Baby. I'll be ok. I promise." Alex reassured her. Tobin smiled and finally relaxed a little.

"Alexandra Morgan?" A voice called. Alex and Tobin looked up to see a nurse in a doorway.

"Do you want me to stay out here?" Tobin asked. Alex turned towards the nurse.

"Can she come back with me?" Alex asked the nurse.

"Only family is allowed." The nurse replied.

"She's my fiancé." Alex said.

"Sure. That's ok." The nurse said smiling. Alex grabbed Tobin's hand and pulled her towards the door.

Several hours later, Tobin and Alex walked out of the clinic. Alex was tired. The procedure wasn't bad but talking to the doctor was what wore her out. They probably talked to the doctor longer than the procedure time.

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