Chapter 15

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"Andy? Do you have everything you need?" Alex asked Andy as she walked into her room.

"Yeah, mama. I've got everything." Andy said. She put her backpack on her back and grabbed her duffle bag and headed downstairs. She put her stuff down by the front door and headed to the couch and got out her phone. Her moms came down a few minutes later and put their stuff by the door as well.

"Whatcha lookin' at?" Tobin asked leaning over the couch. Andy turned towards her mom and leaned back.

"The league standings," Andy replied. "As of the games the last few days, we are tied with Detroit and Racing Louisville for 6th place."

"Hey. That's good." Tobin said.

"As long as we keep winning and the higher-ranked teams tie or lose, we might have a chance at the playoffs." Andy said.

"Ok. Our ride is here. You guys ready?" Alex said coming back into the room. Tobin and Andy nodded and got up to get their things. They got their luggage in the van and headed off to the airport for the 12-hour flight to Paris, France.


After the extremely long flight, the Morgan-Heath family finally got off the plane. They headed to baggage claim and once they got their bags, headed to the car that would take them to the team hotel. As they were driving to the hotel, Andy practically slapped her mom in the stomach. Tobin pulled her headphones off and gave her daughter a weird look. "I just realized something." Alex turned around from the front seat at Andy's words. "Theo is going to be there. I haven't seen or spoken to her since that day." Tobin put her hand on her daughter's leg.

"Hey. You will be ok." Tobin said. "And if you need anything, anytime, you've got both of us." Andy smiled softly and nodded.

They arrived at the hotel and headed to the conference room where they were supposed to meet the team. Most of the team was already there as they entered the big room.

"You know, I'm still salty you guys beat us." Sonnett said as they set their luggage down.

"Hey man. We had to do what we could to win." Tobin said walking up to her friend. Sonnett smiled and pulled Tobin into a hug.

"Hey Tobs," Sonnett said. "It's good to see you."

"You too Sonny." Tobin said. Just then, the door opened and Lindsey and Kelley walked in.

"We're here bitchessss!!!" Kelley yelled. Alex rolled her eyes as Kelley walked up to her.

"Lindsey, you came with me. How did you end up with Kelley?" Sonnett laughed and asked from behind Alex. Lindsey just shrugged.

"Hey, Kel." Alex said hugging her. "Where's Hope and the young one?"

"They were behind us. I don't know where they went." Kelley said shrugging. Kelley then noticed Andy talking to Sonnett and Lindsey happily. "Oh. Right. I kind of forgot about that. We haven't spoken about that since it happened." Alex nodded.

The door opened again and Hope and Theo walked in. Andy glanced towards the door but turned around and started talking again with Sonnett and Lindsey.

Hope walked up to Andy. "Hey, kid." Andy turned and hugged the big keeper. "Don't worry. She's staying away." She said quietly but not quiet enough as Lindsey and Sonnett heard her. Andy nodded.

"Thank you, Hope." Andy said. Sonnett and Lindsey gave Andy weird looks.

"No worries Mini Heath." Hope said and walked away to greet more of her teammates.

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